RG-63.03.19, German Crimes in Poland, General Government | Los Angeles Museum of the Holocaust
RG-63.03.19, German Crimes in Poland, General Government
Los Angeles Museum of the Holocaust
Found in:
German Crimes in Poland, 1939-1945
Sub-Collection 3: RG-63.03, German crimes in Poland, General Government, 1939 -- 1945
Document/Artifact of Item-Level 19: RG-63.03.19, German Crimes in Poland, General Government, 1947

Central Commission for the Investigation of German Crimes in Poland (1945 -- 1950s)
Central Jewish Historical Commission in Poland
Hans Frank, General Governor of German-occupied Poland (1939 -- 1945)
Central Jewish Historical Commission in Poland
Hans Frank, General Governor of German-occupied Poland (1939 -- 1945)
Alleged murder of German population by Poles, according to German Information Bureau (1940)
Central Commission for Investigation of German Crimes in Poland, 1945-1949
Central Extraordinary Commission for Investigation of German Crimes in Poland
Conceptions and provisions of setting the General Government, 1939
Documents on Polish Cruelty, German Information Bureau, publication (1940)
German occupation of Poland
German occupation regime in General Government (Poland), 1939 -- 1945
Hans Frank, General Governor, diaries, 1939 -- 1945
Hans Frank, General Governor of the occupied Poland (General Gouvernment)
Hans Frank, reflections on the creation of General Government, 1939
Hans Frank, terror as a method of governing in General Government, 1939 -- 1945
Nazi-German politics with regard to General Government, occupied Poland
Nazi-German propaganda against Poland
Nazi concentration camps in Poland
Nazi propaganda against Poles and Polish Resistance
postwar publication
Central Commission for Investigation of German Crimes in Poland, 1945-1949
Central Extraordinary Commission for Investigation of German Crimes in Poland
Conceptions and provisions of setting the General Government, 1939
Documents on Polish Cruelty, German Information Bureau, publication (1940)
German occupation of Poland
German occupation regime in General Government (Poland), 1939 -- 1945
Hans Frank, General Governor, diaries, 1939 -- 1945
Hans Frank, General Governor of the occupied Poland (General Gouvernment)
Hans Frank, reflections on the creation of General Government, 1939
Hans Frank, terror as a method of governing in General Government, 1939 -- 1945
Nazi-German politics with regard to General Government, occupied Poland
Nazi-German propaganda against Poland
Nazi concentration camps in Poland
Nazi propaganda against Poles and Polish Resistance
postwar publication