RG-63.03.16, German Crimes in Poland, General Government | Los Angeles Museum of the Holocaust
RG-63.03.16, German Crimes in Poland, General Government
Los Angeles Museum of the Holocaust
Found in:
German Crimes in Poland, 1939-1945
Sub-Collection 3: RG-63.03, German crimes in Poland, General Government, 1939 -- 1945
Document/Artifact of Item-Level 16: RG-63.03.16, German Crimes in Poland, General Government, 1947

Central Commission for the Investigation of German Crimes in Poland (1945 -- 1950s)
Central Jewish Historical Commission in Poland
Hans Frank, General Governor of German-occupied Poland (1939 -- 1945)
Central Jewish Historical Commission in Poland
Hans Frank, General Governor of German-occupied Poland (1939 -- 1945)
Central Commission for Investigation of German Crimes in Poland, 1945-1949
Central Extraordinary Commission for Investigation of German Crimes in Poland
Children victims (Zamosc, Poland)
Conceptions and provisions of setting the General Government, 1939
Deportation of Jews from Poland
Deportations to Auschwitz concentration camp
Forced marches - occupied Poland
German-Nazi crimes in occupied countries of Europe
German occupation of Poland
German occupation regime in General Government (Poland), 1939 -- 1945
Grossaktion in occupied Poland (1939-1943)
Hans Frank, General Governor, diaries, 1939 -- 1945
Hans Frank, reflections on the creation of General Government, 1939
Hans Frank, terror as a method of governing in General Government, 1939 -- 1945
Hans Frank about the principles of German politics in the General Government (Poland)
Inspection of camp prisoners for "German features"
Majdanek (Poland: Concentration Camp)
Methods used in carrying out mass expulsion(Poland 1942-1943)
Nazi-German politics with regard to General Government, occupied Poland
Nazi-perpetrated massacres
Nazi atrocities
Nazi concentration camps in Poland
Photographs, German-occupied Poland
Photographs, Nazi-perpetrated massacres and atrocities
Photographs depicting Nazi crimes in Euroupe
postwar publication
Resistance to German forces in Poland
Separation of family members at the liquidations of ghettos
Transit camp (Zamosc, Poland)
Witnesses' accounts on the "Grossaktion" in occupied Poland (1941-1943)
Witnesses' accounts on the treatment and separation of children from their families--occupied Poland
Zamosc (Poland)
Central Extraordinary Commission for Investigation of German Crimes in Poland
Children victims (Zamosc, Poland)
Conceptions and provisions of setting the General Government, 1939
Deportation of Jews from Poland
Deportations to Auschwitz concentration camp
Forced marches - occupied Poland
German-Nazi crimes in occupied countries of Europe
German occupation of Poland
German occupation regime in General Government (Poland), 1939 -- 1945
Grossaktion in occupied Poland (1939-1943)
Hans Frank, General Governor, diaries, 1939 -- 1945
Hans Frank, reflections on the creation of General Government, 1939
Hans Frank, terror as a method of governing in General Government, 1939 -- 1945
Hans Frank about the principles of German politics in the General Government (Poland)
Inspection of camp prisoners for "German features"
Majdanek (Poland: Concentration Camp)
Methods used in carrying out mass expulsion(Poland 1942-1943)
Nazi-German politics with regard to General Government, occupied Poland
Nazi-perpetrated massacres
Nazi atrocities
Nazi concentration camps in Poland
Photographs, German-occupied Poland
Photographs, Nazi-perpetrated massacres and atrocities
Photographs depicting Nazi crimes in Euroupe
postwar publication
Resistance to German forces in Poland
Separation of family members at the liquidations of ghettos
Transit camp (Zamosc, Poland)
Witnesses' accounts on the "Grossaktion" in occupied Poland (1941-1943)
Witnesses' accounts on the treatment and separation of children from their families--occupied Poland
Zamosc (Poland)