RG-90.01.09, Sprawy Narodowosciowe, January - February 1927. No 1, part 9 | Los Angeles Museum of the Holocaust
RG-90.01.09, Sprawy Narodowosciowe, January - February 1927. No 1, part 9
Los Angeles Museum of the Holocaust
Found in:
National Minorities Affairs (Sprawy Narodowosciowe), scholarly quarterly, interwar Poland, 1927-1939
Document/Artifact of Item-Level 9: RG-90.01.09, Sprawy Narodowosciowe, January - February 1927. No 1, part 9

Sprawy Narodowosciowe, editorial board and contributors (1927 -- 1939)
Stanislaw Paprocki, Polish scholar, editor-in-chief of Sprawy Narodowosciowe, 1927 – 1939
Research Institute for National Minorities Affairs, Warsaw, 1927 -- 1939
Stanislaw Paprocki, Polish scholar, editor-in-chief of Sprawy Narodowosciowe, 1927 – 1939
Research Institute for National Minorities Affairs, Warsaw, 1927 -- 1939
Commission of Experts, Mandatory Sunday Rest for Jewish economic activity, interwar Poland
Commission of Experts, National Minorities Affairs, interwar Poland
Conception of a research and scientific institution for the discourse of national minorities, Poland
Discourse on the Mandatory Sunday Rest, Research Institute for National Minorities, Poland, 1927
Discussion with regard to Mandatory Sunday Rest, Research Institute for National Minorities, 1927
Documents in Polish language
Establishment and further organization of Research Institute for National Minorities Affairs Poland
Inception of a scientific institution for national minorities affairs, interwar Poland, 1921
Natio, monthly journal in the discourse of national minorities in Poland, Research Institute
Novelization of legal statute for the Mandatory Sunday Rest, discourse, February 1927
Polish national narrative, interwar Poland
Polish periodicals, 1918 -- 1939
Polish political and social periodicals, 1918 -- 1939
Research Institute for National Minorities Affairs, history of the institution, 1921 -- 1939
Sprawy Narodowosciowe (National Minorities Affairs, publication)
Sprawy Narodowosciowe, editorial and program articles
The League of Nations and legislation with regard to national minorities, 1918 -- 1939
Wiktor Alter, Executive Office of Jewish Trade Unions, Mandatory Sunday Rest, interwar Poland
Wiktor Alter, Jewish politician, socialist, chairman of Jewish trade unions in Poland, 1930s
Commission of Experts, National Minorities Affairs, interwar Poland
Conception of a research and scientific institution for the discourse of national minorities, Poland
Discourse on the Mandatory Sunday Rest, Research Institute for National Minorities, Poland, 1927
Discussion with regard to Mandatory Sunday Rest, Research Institute for National Minorities, 1927
Documents in Polish language
Establishment and further organization of Research Institute for National Minorities Affairs Poland
Inception of a scientific institution for national minorities affairs, interwar Poland, 1921
Natio, monthly journal in the discourse of national minorities in Poland, Research Institute
Novelization of legal statute for the Mandatory Sunday Rest, discourse, February 1927
Polish national narrative, interwar Poland
Polish periodicals, 1918 -- 1939
Polish political and social periodicals, 1918 -- 1939
Research Institute for National Minorities Affairs, history of the institution, 1921 -- 1939
Sprawy Narodowosciowe (National Minorities Affairs, publication)
Sprawy Narodowosciowe, editorial and program articles
The League of Nations and legislation with regard to national minorities, 1918 -- 1939
Wiktor Alter, Executive Office of Jewish Trade Unions, Mandatory Sunday Rest, interwar Poland
Wiktor Alter, Jewish politician, socialist, chairman of Jewish trade unions in Poland, 1930s