RG-85.07, Die Sirene, November 1936, No. 24 | Los Angeles Museum of the Holocaust

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RG-85.07, Die Sirene, November 1936, No. 24
November, 1936
Los Angeles Museum of the Holocaust
Found in:
Der Stuermer (The Attacker), Illustrierter Beobachter (Illustrative Observer), Die Sirene (Siren), 1933-1939
Document/Artifact of Item-Level 7: RG-85.07, Die Sirene. November 1936, No. 24, November, 1936

American control of Panama Canal, through the lens of Die Sirene
Bergen (Germany)
Berlin (Germany)
British colonialism, India
Die Sirene (The Siren), German and international news magazine, Nazi Germany
Documents in German language
European colonial rule in India and Africa, through the lens of Die Sirene
Geopolitical situation in Africa, pre-World War II
German military authority, 1933-1945
Germany (1933 -- 1939)
Hitler Youth (Hitlerjugend) organization, a youth organization of the Nazi party, 1922 -- 1945
Illustrative news in Nazi-German periodicals
Illustrative News in Nazi-German periodicals, Die Sirene
India (1939 -- 1945)
Luftwaffe (German Air Force)
Military history through the prism of Die Sirene
naval operations, German
Nazi-German control of French colonies in Africa
Nazi-German political propaganda
Nazi Propaganda
Nazi war propaganda for the military and German people
NSDAP and Nazi Germany, party and government officials
Panama Canal (South America)
Periodical of Wehrmacht, Wehrmacht, 1936 -- 1944
Periodicals, Nazi
Reichsluftschutzbund (RLB), National Air Raid Protection League
Soldiers, American
U.S. Military Government
Wehrmacht, unified German armed forces, 1935 -- 1946
Bergen (Germany)
Berlin (Germany)
British colonialism, India
Die Sirene (The Siren), German and international news magazine, Nazi Germany
Documents in German language
European colonial rule in India and Africa, through the lens of Die Sirene
Geopolitical situation in Africa, pre-World War II
German military authority, 1933-1945
Germany (1933 -- 1939)
Hitler Youth (Hitlerjugend) organization, a youth organization of the Nazi party, 1922 -- 1945
Illustrative news in Nazi-German periodicals
Illustrative News in Nazi-German periodicals, Die Sirene
India (1939 -- 1945)
Luftwaffe (German Air Force)
Military history through the prism of Die Sirene
naval operations, German
Nazi-German control of French colonies in Africa
Nazi-German political propaganda
Nazi Propaganda
Nazi war propaganda for the military and German people
NSDAP and Nazi Germany, party and government officials
Panama Canal (South America)
Periodical of Wehrmacht, Wehrmacht, 1936 -- 1944
Periodicals, Nazi
Reichsluftschutzbund (RLB), National Air Raid Protection League
Soldiers, American
U.S. Military Government
Wehrmacht, unified German armed forces, 1935 -- 1946