RG-85.02, Der Stuermer, January 1937, No. 1 | Los Angeles Museum of the Holocaust

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RG-85.02, Der Stuermer, January 1937, No. 1
January 1937
Los Angeles Museum of the Holocaust
Found in:
Der Stuermer (The Attacker), Illustrierter Beobachter (Illustrative Observer), Die Sirene (Siren), 1933-1939
Document/Artifact of Item-Level 2: RG-85.02, Der Stuermer, January 1937, No. 1, January, 1937

"Der Juden sind unser Unglueck!" the motto of Der Stuermer
"The Jews are our misfortune!" the motto of Der Stuermer
Antisemitic caricatures, German
Der Stuermer (Sturmer, the Attacker), Nati urdently antisemitic and yellow type press periodical
Documents in German language
English fascism
Germany (1933 -- 1939)
Japan (1936--1945)
Japanese Jews, through the prism of Der Stuermer
Nazi-German political propaganda
Nazi antisemitic propaganda
Oswald Mosley, founder of the British Union of Fascists
Philipp Rupprecht, antisemitic cartoonist, Der Stuermer
Primitivism, barbarism and vulgarity of Nazi antisemitic publications, 1923 -- 1945, Der Stuermer
The theory of world Jewish conspiracy, Nazi conception, Der Stuermer
The USSR (1922--1939)
Victims of the stalinist regime in the USSR
"The Jews are our misfortune!" the motto of Der Stuermer
Antisemitic caricatures, German
Der Stuermer (Sturmer, the Attacker), Nati urdently antisemitic and yellow type press periodical
Documents in German language
English fascism
Germany (1933 -- 1939)
Japan (1936--1945)
Japanese Jews, through the prism of Der Stuermer
Nazi-German political propaganda
Nazi antisemitic propaganda
Oswald Mosley, founder of the British Union of Fascists
Philipp Rupprecht, antisemitic cartoonist, Der Stuermer
Primitivism, barbarism and vulgarity of Nazi antisemitic publications, 1923 -- 1945, Der Stuermer
The theory of world Jewish conspiracy, Nazi conception, Der Stuermer
The USSR (1922--1939)
Victims of the stalinist regime in the USSR