RG-63.02.69, Declaration of the provisional nature of the Lodz ghetto and prohibition of deportations from Lodz, 1940 | Los Angeles Museum of the Holocaust

RG-63.02.69, Declaration of the provisional nature of the Lodz ghetto and prohibition of deportations from Lodz, 1940.pdf (PDF Document, 2.51 MB)
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RG-63.02.69, Declaration of the provisional nature of the Lodz ghetto and prohibition of deportations from Lodz, 1940
April 1, 1940 – May 22, 1940
Los Angeles Museum of the Holocaust
Found in:
German Crimes in Poland, 1939-1945
Sub-Collection 2: RG-63.02, German occupation of Poland, Lodz ghetto, 1940 -- 1944
Document/Artifact of Item-Level 18: RG-63.02.69, Declaration of the provisional nature of the Lodz ghetto and prohibition of deportations from Lodz, 1940, April 1, 1940 -- May 22, 1940

German authorities of the Lodz ghetto (1940 -- 1944)
A. Eisenbach, researcher and compiler of the documents related to the Lodz Ghetto, 1940 -- 1944 (1939 -- 1945)
Baur, Office of the head of administration of Wartheland, 1940 (1940)
Hans Biebow, chief of administration in the Lodz ghetto, 1940 -- 1944 (1940 -- 1944)
Jewish Historical Commission in Poland (1944 -- 1947)
Office of Hans Biebow, chief of administration in the Lodz ghetto, 1940 -- 1944 (1940 -- 1944)
A. Eisenbach, researcher and compiler of the documents related to the Lodz Ghetto, 1940 -- 1944 (1939 -- 1945)
Baur, Office of the head of administration of Wartheland, 1940 (1940)
Hans Biebow, chief of administration in the Lodz ghetto, 1940 -- 1944 (1940 -- 1944)
Jewish Historical Commission in Poland (1944 -- 1947)
Office of Hans Biebow, chief of administration in the Lodz ghetto, 1940 -- 1944 (1940 -- 1944)
Arthur Greiser, Reichsstatthalter (Reich Governor) of Wartheland, orders, 1939 -- 1944
Biebow, Hans
Chronology of the Lodz Ghetto
Creation of the Lodz ghetto, 1940
Documents in German language
German administration of the Lodz Ghetto, 1940 -- 1944
German Police and Security forces, 1939 --1945
German police and security forces, Poland
German police and SS authorities of Lodz, 1939 -- 1944
Germany (1933 -- 1945)
Germany (1939--1941)
Germany (1939--1945)
Hans Biebow, Nazi-German administrator in Lodz ghetto
Hans Frank (Governor-General)
Hermann Goering
History of the Lodz Ghetto, 1940 -- 1945
HTO, Haupttreuhandstelle Ost (Main Trustee Office of the East)
Lodz (Poland)
Lodz (Poland: Ghetto)
Lodz, Litzmannstadt (Poland)
Lodz ghetto
Lodz ghetto administration
Max Winkler, head of the HTO (Haupttreuhandstelle Ost), 1940
Narratives in German language
Poland (1939--1945)
Prohibition of deportations, Lodz, 1940
Provisional nature of the ghetto, Lodz, 1940--1941
The Holocaust in Poland
Vierjahresplan (Four-year plan), 1940
Biebow, Hans
Chronology of the Lodz Ghetto
Creation of the Lodz ghetto, 1940
Documents in German language
German administration of the Lodz Ghetto, 1940 -- 1944
German Police and Security forces, 1939 --1945
German police and security forces, Poland
German police and SS authorities of Lodz, 1939 -- 1944
Germany (1933 -- 1945)
Germany (1939--1941)
Germany (1939--1945)
Hans Biebow, Nazi-German administrator in Lodz ghetto
Hans Frank (Governor-General)
Hermann Goering
History of the Lodz Ghetto, 1940 -- 1945
HTO, Haupttreuhandstelle Ost (Main Trustee Office of the East)
Lodz (Poland)
Lodz (Poland: Ghetto)
Lodz, Litzmannstadt (Poland)
Lodz ghetto
Lodz ghetto administration
Max Winkler, head of the HTO (Haupttreuhandstelle Ost), 1940
Narratives in German language
Poland (1939--1945)
Prohibition of deportations, Lodz, 1940
Provisional nature of the ghetto, Lodz, 1940--1941
The Holocaust in Poland
Vierjahresplan (Four-year plan), 1940