Jeffrey Mausner Papers of postwar collaboration trials, 1960-1980
| Los Angeles Museum of the Holocaust

The arrangement scheme for the record group was imposed during processing in the absence of an original order. Materials are arranged by subject and/or creator. Their order is based off of the Nazi war criminals as well as other various legal documents.
The record group is comprised of eighteen collections: 1. Otto Ambros; 2. Apprehending and Prosecuting Nazi War Criminals; 3. Basil Artishenko; 4. Paul Herman Bluemel; 5. Boleslavs Bogdanovs; 6. Ildefansas Bucmys; 7. General Leon Degrelle; 8. Anatoly Hrusitzky; 9. Konrad Kalejs; 10. Serhij Kowalczuk; 11. Georg Leibbrandt; 12. Karl Linnas; 13. Boleslavs Maikovskis; 14. Mausner Awards; 15. McCalden V. SWC; 16. Mermelstein; 17. Jeffrey Mausner, Speeches; 18. Otto Albrecht Von Bolschwing.

When World War II ended, there were millions of refugees in Europe. Many of them had been victims of the Nazis, survivors of Nazi concentration camps, or persons who had been forced to leave their homes. Among this large mass of people were also some of the Nazi officials who had assisted in mass murder and persecution.
In order to help the millions of true refugees, the United States enacted special immigration laws in 1948 and 1953 which allowed large numbers of refugees to come to the United States without regard to traditional immigration quota restrictions. These special immigration laws specifically excluded any person who had assisted the Nazis in persecuting civilians. However, Nazi criminals were able to enter the United States under these special immigration laws by lying about their activities during the period from 1933 to 1945.
Among the Nazi war criminals who entered the United States by misrepresentation or concealing their wartime activities were concentration camp guards, Nazi police officials, and Nazi government officials.
Jeffrey Mausner worked as a Trial Attorney for the United States Justice Department.
Author: Staff
air travel
American citizenship
American Jewish Committee
American newspaper
Anatoly Hrusitzky
Antisemitism in the United States
Audrini (Latvia)
Auschwitz (Concentration camp)
Auschwitz (Concentration camp)--Complex of concentration and extermination camps
Auschwitz-Birkenau, concentration camp complex (Poland)
Auxiliary police forces, non-German, Second World War
Basil Artishenko
Belgian Wallonia Legion
Berlin (Germany)
Board of Immigration Appeals, United States
Boleslavs Bogdanovs
Boleslavs Maikovskis
Bonn (Germany)
Breslau (Poland)
Bucharest (Romania)
California Library Association (CLA)
Caracas (Venezuela)
Central Intelligence Agency (CIA)
Collaboration with Nazi Germany in the Second World War
Concentration Camp Guards
Concentration camps, German
Confiscation of Jewish property--Germany
Confiscation of Jewish property without German authorization
Confiscation of personal belongings and property
Correspondence in English language
Counterintelligence Corps (CIC)
David McCalden (Truth Missions)
death of family members
Department Office of Special Investigations (OSI)
Deportation from the United States
Displaced Persons Act
Displaced Persons Act of 1948 (United States)
Displaced persons camps
Documents in English language
Documents in German language
Documents in Persian language
Eichmann, Adolf
Eiklor Report
Einsatzgruppen (Nazi police intelligence units "action-groups")
Embassy of the Federal Republic of Germany
English, language
Ernst Kaltenbrunner
evidences of the crimes of National Socialist regime
Execution of Jews
Executions, firing squad
Exemptions from deportations
Extermination of Jews
Fifteenth SS Grenadier Battalion
Final Solution
Final Solution to the Jewish Question in Europe, 1942 -- 1945
Forced labor
Forced labor camps
Forced labor in ghettos
Gehlen Organization
General Leon Degrelle
Georg Leibbrandt
German, language
German Invasion of Czechoslovakia, March 1939
German invasion of Europe, 1939 -- 1940
German invasion of the USSR, 22 June 1941
German military and civil administration
German occupation of Poland
German occupation regime in Latvia, 1941 -- 1945
German Police and Security forces, 1939 --1945
German police and security forces, Poland
Germany (Europe)
Germany invasion of Poland, September 1, 1939
Gestapo (Nazi German Secret political police)
Greek Civil War
Hauptsturmführer (German Army Captain)
Heinrich Himmler, leading member of Nazi Party 1929-1945
Hermann Goering
Himmler, Heinrich
Hirschberg (Germany)
History, Jewish
Holocaust, history
Holocaust Denial, narratives
Holocaust denial-based publication, American
Ildefonsas Bucmys
Illegal Immigration
Immigrant Visa
Immigration and Nationality Act of 1952 (United States of America)
Immigration and Naturalization Service, United States of America
Immigration from Nazi Germany
Immigration to the United States, postwar
Immigration to United States
Institute for Historical Review
International Refugee Organization (IRO)
Jeffrey N. Mausner
Jewish forced labor in Poland
Jewish history
Jewish personal belongings
Jewish pogroms in Poland, 1918 --1923
Jewish refugees
Jews of Europe, history
John Avdzej
Karl Linnas
Konrad Kalejs
Latvian Legion
Latvian Security Auxiliary Police
Lawyers and notary publics
legal correspondence
Legal defense
Legal deposition
Legal document
Legal practices
Legal subpoena
Liquidation of ghettos
Lithuanian Military Battalion (Schutzmannschaft)
Los Angeles (California, United States)
Lyuboml (Poland)
Madrid (Spain)
Marvin Hier
Mass executions
mass graves
Mass murders, Serbians
Mel Mermelstein
Military and Civil decorations, medals and insignias
Military Uniforms (Nazi-German)
Munich (Germany)
National Socialist German Workers' Party
National Socialist Ideology
Naturalization documents
Naturalization in the United States
Nazi-German decorations, medals and awards
Nazi-perpetrated massacres
Nazi-perpetuated mass shootings
Nazi concentration camps in the Baltic
Nazi crimes against humanity, peace, and war crimes
Nazi gas chambers
Nazi Germany, Central Government
Nazi Government Officials
Nazi party
Nazi Party, membership
Nazi persecution of Jews
Nazi persecution of Jews as presented in US media
Nazi Police Officials
Nazi War Criminals
New Jersey (USA: State)
Newspaper Article
newspaper clippings
NSDAP and Nazi Germany, party and government officials
Nuremberg (Germany)
official correspondence
Official Document
Otto Albrecht von Bolschwing
Otto Alfred von Bolschwing
Paul Herman Bluemel
periodicals, American
Persian, language
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania (United States)
Poland (Europe)
Polish ghettos
Polish refugees
Political prisoners of Nazi German prisons
postwar correspondence
Postwar Jewish immigration from Germany
postwar publication
Prisoners of War
Refugees in United States
Registration of alien residents
Reichkommissariat Ukraine
Reichskommissariat Niederlande
Reichskommissariat Ostland, Nazi-German occupied Baltic states
Reinhard Heydrich
Rezekne (Latvia)
Riga (Latvia)
Riga (Latvia: ghetto)
Riga-Strasdenhof (Labor camp)
Romania (Europe)
Salaspils (Latvia: Concentration Camp)
Schutzstaffel (SS)
SD, Sicherheitsdienst
Security and police forces, Latvia
Serbian Jewish Friendship Society
Serbian prisoners
Serge Kowalchuk (Serhij Kowalczuk)
Siberia (Russia)
Slutsk (Belarus)
Soviet invasion of Poland, 17 September 1939
Soviet Red Army, armed forces, Soviet
Soviet Union
SS and administrative personnel, German
Stirnience (Latvia)
Stuttgart (Germany)
Supreme Court of the United States
survivors of concentration camps
Survivor testimonies given at war crimes trials
Synagogues, religious temples
Szczurkowo (Poland)
Tartu concentration camp (Estonia)
The Holocaust in Estonia
The Holocaust in Romania, 1941 -- 1945
The Iron Guard
The Simon Wiesenthal Center
Travel visas
Treblinka (Poland: extermination camp)
U.S. Naturalization
Ukraine (Europe)
Ukrainian Auxiliary Police
Ukrainian military formations in the Second World War, 1939 -- 1945
Ukrainian military personnel
Ukrainian National Police Force
Undercover Agent
Undercover Spy
United States (1960--2000)
United States court proceedings
United States District Court
United States High Military Command
US badges, awards, and memorabilia
US Department of Justice
US Department of State
US naturalization documents, 1900 -- 1960
US Passports
Victims of Nazi persecutions, 1933 -- 1945
Vienna (Austria)
Waffen SS
Wannsee Conference
war crimes trials
War crimes trials--Post-WWII
Washington D.C. (United States)
Westin Hotel (Los Angeles, California)
Willis Carto
Wilno (Poland)

<p style="font-size: 11.8181819915771px;"> Copyrighted materials, credits to and references to the Los Angeles Museum of the Holocaust are required.
<p style="font-size: 11.8181819915771px;"> Digital copies might be available upon request.
The record group is comprised of postwar legal documents and newspaper articles from the United States depicting the attempts to denaturalize, deport, and/or extradite Nazi war criminals from the United States to European countries or the Soviet Union, to be prosecuted for crimes against humanity. The legal documents present the legal proceedings of the prosecution as they argued to have the war criminals denaturalized, deported, or extradited. Some of the legal documents provide a brief history of the crimes committed by the defendants, and how these war criminals came to the United States and evaded prosecution for many years. Multiple court appearances were made concerning each accused Nazi war criminal. The alleged Nazi war criminals include Otto Ambros, Basil Artishenko, Paul Herman Bluemel, Boleslavs Bogdanovs, Ildefansas Bucmys, General Leon Degrelle, Anatoly Hrusitzky, Konrad Kalejs, Serge Kowlachuk (Serhij Kowalczuk), Georg Leibbrandt, Karl Linnas, Boleslavs Maikovskis, and Otto Albrecht Alfred von Bolschwing. The newspaper articles included follow the progress of these various legal proceedings of each accused Nazi war criminal.
Materials within the record group include briefs and other legal documents used in court proceedings, depositions, witness statements, original Nazi documents used as evidence in court, court rulings and orders, newspaper articles, and other documents relating to prosecution of Nazi war criminals in the United States. Materials are digitized.

Documents and Files:
RG- 80.08.01, Anatoly Hrusitsky renounce citizenship.Mausner
RG-80.01.01, Otto Ambros OSI Letter
RG-80.02.01, Mausner, Prosecuting Nazi War Criminals in the U.S, short version
RG-80.02.02, Mausner, Prosecuting Nazi War Criminals in the US, full version
RG-80.03.01, Basil Artishenko Denaturalization and Agreement to Cooperate, Mausner
RG-80.04.01, Bluemel Deposition Part 1.Mausner
RG-80.04.02, Bluemel Deposition Part 2, Mausner
RG-80.04.03, Agreement to Leave U.S. and Visa Revocation, Mausner
RG-80.04.04, Press Release and News Articles
RG-80.04.05, German Request for Assistance
RG-80.05.01, News Articles, Mausner
RG-80.06.01, Mausner Affidavit re Bucmys
RG-80.07.01, SWC Appeal Brief.Mausner.1
RG-80.07.02, SWC Appeal Brief.Mausner.2
RG-80.07.03, SWC Excerpts of Record.1
RG-80.07.04, SWC Excerpts of Record.2
RG-80.07.05, SWC Excerpts of Record.3
RG-, SWC Excerpts of Record, 3 Part 1
RG-, SWC Excerpts of Record, 3 Part 2
RG-80.07.06, Court of Appeals Decision Affirming Dismissal
RG-80.09.01, Kalejs Interview 1.Mausner
RG-80.09.02, Kalejs Interview 2.Mausner
RG-80.09.03, Kalejs Interview 3.Mausner
RG-80.09.04, Kalejs Interview 4.Mausner
RG-80.09.05, Kalejs Interview 5.Mausner
RG-80.09.06, Kalejs Interview 6.Mausner
RG-80.09.07, Kalejs Interview Exs 3-5
RG-80.09.08, Kalejs Interview Exs 6-11
RG-80.09.09, Order to Show Cause
RG-80.09.10, DOJ Press Release
RG-80.09.11, Miami Herald - Kalejs in Hiding
RG-80.09.12, U.S. Marshals Wanted Poster for Kalejs
RG-80.09.13, Latvian News
RG-80.09.14, Miami Herald - Kalejs Arrested
RG-80.09.15, Miami News - No Bond.Mausner
RG-80.09.16, Bond Denied for Nazi Suspect.Mausner
RG-80.09.17, New York Times, Washington Post
RG-80.09.18, Immigration Judge Decision Denying Bond.Mausner
RG-80.09.19, Immigration Judge Decision Denying Bond.Mausner0001
RG-80.09.20, Govt Brief Opposing Change in No Bond Status.Mausner
RG-80.09.21, Newspaper Articles re Arrest, Bond
RG-80.09.22, BIA Order Affirming No Bond.Mausner
RG-80.09.23, BIA Order Setting Bond at $750,000 cash
RG-80.09.24, Govt Motion to Stay Release on Bond
RG-80.09.25, Order Staying Release on Bond
RG-80.09.26, Miami Herald re No Release
RG-80.09.27, News Articles
RG-80.09.28, Mausner Testimony at Deportation Hearing
RG-80.09.29, Kalejs Order of Deportation.Mausner
RG-, Kalejs Order of Deportation, Part 1
RG-, Kalejs Order of Deportation, Part 2
RG-80.09.30, BIA Order Affirming Deportation, part 1.Mausner
RG-, BIA Order Affirming Deportation Part 1
RG- BIA Order Affirming Deportation Part 2
RG-, BIA Order Affirming Deportation Part 3
RG-80.09.31, Order Affirming Deportation, part 2.Mausner
RG- Order Affirming Deportation Part 1
RG-, Order Affirming Deportation Part 2
RG-, Order Affirming Deportation Part 3
RG-80.09.32, News Articles - Kalejs Deported
RG-, News Articles - Kalejs Deported Part 1
RG-, News Articles - Kalejs Deported Part 2
RG-80.09.33, Kalejs to be Extradited to Latvia
RG-80.10.01, US v. Serge Kowalchuk - Government's Pre-Trial Memo.Mausner
RG-80.10.03, Philadelphia Daily News - March 27 1978
RG-80.10.04, Philadelphia Daily News Oct 23, 1981
RG-80.10.05, Newspaper Articles 1
RG-80.10.06, Newspaper Articles 2
RG-80.10.07, U.S. v. Kowalchuk, 571 F.Supp 72.2
RG-80.10.08, U.S. v. Kowalchuk, 571 F.Supp 72
RG-80.10.09, Govt Brief at 3d Cir.Mausner
RG-80.10.10, Transcript of Oral Argument before 3d Cir, April 23 1984.Mausner
RG-80.10.11, US v. Kowalchuk 744 F.2d 301 - 3d Cir Decision which was vacated
RG-80.10.12, Newspaper Articles 3
RG-80.10.13, Govt Petition for Rehearing with a Suggestion for Rehearing In Banc.Mausner
RG-80.10.14, Order for Rehearing In Banc
RG-80.10.15, Govt's Supplemental Brief for Rehearing in Banc.Mausner
RG-80.10.16, U.S. v. Kowalchuk, 773 F.2D 488-3d Cir In Banc Order Denaturalizing Kowalchuk
RG-80.10.17, US v. Kowalchuk No. 83-1571.Mausner
RG-80.11.01, Georg Leibbrandt.Mausner
RG-80.12.01, Linnas Wartime Documents
RG-80.12.02, Govt Brief on Appeal of Order of Deportation.Mausner
RG-80.12.02, Govt Brief on Appeal of Order of Deportation.Mausner
RG-80.12.03, Newspaper articles-Linnas Ordered Deported
RG-80.12.04, First BIA Decision Affirming Order of Deportation.Mausner
RG-80.12.05, Immigration Court Order of Deportation to USSR.Mausner
RG-80.12.06, Hearing Designating USSR.Mausner
RG-80.12.07, Second BIA Decision Affirming Order of Deportation to USSR.Mausner
RG-80.12.08, Correspondence and articles re not deporting Linnas to USSR
RG-80.12.09, BIA Decision Oct 16, 1985-Order Deporting to USSR.Mausner
RG-80.12.10, L.A. Times against deportation
RG-80.12.11, Letters to Editor response to L.A. Times.Mausner
RG-80.12.12, The Russians and Karl Linnas.Mausner
RG-80.12.13, LA Times Feb 12, 1987 and Mausner response
RG-80.12.14, Proposed Mausner Op-Ed for L.A. Times re Maikovskis and Linnas cases
RG-80.12.15, Wiesenthal Center Press Release and News Conference re Linnas
RG-80.12.16, Persian language magazine.Mausner
RG-80.12.17, Deportation of Karl Linnas to USSR.Mausner
RG-80.12.18, Mausner Letter to Panama re Linnas
RG-80.12.19, Articles re Deportation to USSR
RG-80.12.20 NY Times - Linnas Arrives in USSR
RG-80.12.21, Linnas Israel
RG-80.12.22, Law Tribune.Mausner
RG-80.12.23, Century City Lawyer.Mausner
RG-80.13.01, New York Post Article - May 15 1974
RG-80.13.02, Maikovskis Wartime Photo
RG-80.13.03, Newsday Article - May 15 1974
RG-80.13.04, New York Times Article - February 28 1974
RG-80.13.05, Govt Brief re Taking Depositions in Latvia - March 19 1980.Mausner
RG-80.13.06, Oral Argument Before the BIA, re Depositions in Latvia.Mausner
RG-80.13.07, BIA Order reversing Immigration Judge and Ordering Depositions in Latvia.Mausner
RG-80.13.08, Deposition of Anton Zhukovskis taken by Mausner on May 18 1981
RG-80.13.09, Pictures of Justice Dept, Latvian Officials, and Defense Counsel.Ryan.Mausner
RG-80.13.10, Picture of U.S. Justice Department, State Department, and Latvian Officials.Ryan.Mausner
RG-80.13.11, Newsday Article - July 22 1981
RG-80.13.12, Nazi Murderers Have No Rights Article
RG-80.13.13, Newsday Article -Tape Details Latvian Massacre - July 23 1981.Mausner
RG-80.13.14, Newsday Article - July 25 1981
RG-80.13.15, Newsday Article
RG-80.13.16, Newsday Article - July 24 1981
RG-80.13.17, Newsday Article - September 1 1981
RG-80.13.18, Newsday Article Sept 2, 1981 - Maikovskis Attacked
RG-80.13.19, Daily News Article - September 23 1981
RG-80.13.20, Daily News Article - July 8 1983
RG-80.13.21, New York Times Article - July 8 1983
RG-80.13.22, Immigration Judge Decision finding Maikovskis Not Deportable - June 30 1983
RG-80.13.23, Oral Argument before BIA - January 31 1984.Mausner
RG-80.13.24, Decision of the BIA Reversing Immigration Judge and Ordering Maikovskis Deported-August 1984.Mausner
RG-80.13.25, DOJ Press Release - Maikovskis Ordered Deported
RG-80.13.26, Newsday Article - Maikovskis Ordered Deported
RG-80.13.27, Daily News Article - August 15 1984
RG-80.13.28, Daily News Article - August 16 1984
RG-80.13.29, New York Post Article - August 15 1984
RG-80.13.30, The Jewish Week American Examiner Article - August 24 1984
RG-80.13.31, Deportation Documents
RG-80.13.32, Govt Brief in the 2d Circuit.Mausner
RG-80.13.33, Ruling of 2d Circuit Affirming Deportation, 773 F.2d 435.Mausner
RG-80.13.34, New York Times Article - July 19 1985
RG-80.13.35, Tribune Article - August 27 1988.Deport Maikovskis to USSR.Mausner
RG-80.13.36, Newsday Article - August 30 1983
RG-80.13.37, Associated Press Article - Maikosvkis
RG-80.13.38, Letter from Oberstaatsanwalt to Mausner
RG-80.13.39, Letter from Landgericht to Mausner
RG-80.13.40, Certified Translation from German to English re Mausner testimony
RG-80.13.41, German Articles re Mausner Testimony at Maikovskis Trial
RG-80.13.42, Munster Zeitung - Mausner testimony
RG-80.13.43, LA Times
RG-80.13.44, Proposed Mausner Op-Ed for L.A. Times re Maikovskis and Linnas cases
RG-80.13.45, Law Tribune.Mausner
RG-80.13.46, Century City.Mausner
RG-80.13.47, Article re Maikovskis
RG-80.14.01, Mausner- 1982 DOJ Exceptional Performance Rating
RG-80.14.02, Mausner OSI Awards
RG-80.14.03, Mausner-1982 DOJ Exceptional Performance Rating
RG-80.14.04, Mausner-1982 DOJ Meritorious Award
RG-80.14.05, Mausner-1983 DOJ Outstanding Performance Rating
RG-80.14.06, Mausner-1984 DOJ Outstanding Performance Rating
RG-80.14.07, Mausner-1984 DOJ Special Achievement Award
RG-80.14.08, Mausner-1985 DOJ Outstanding Performance Rating
RG-80.14.09, Mausner-AV Rating
RG-80.14.10, Mausner-Cornell Law Review
RG-80.14.11, Mausner-Los Angeles Magazine
RG-80.14.12, Mausner-Martindale Hubbell 25
RG-80.14.13, Mausner-Martindale Hubbell.2014
RG-80.14.14, Mausner-Martindale Hubbell
RG-80.14.15, Mausner-Order of the Coif
RG-80.14.16, Mausner-Superlawyers
RG-80.15.01, McCalden District Court Opinion
RG-80.15.02, 2-9th Circuit First Opinion, withdrawn
RG-80.15.03, Newspaper re First Opinion
RG-80.15.04, SCW Appeal Brief.Mausner.1
RG-, SCW Appeal Brief, Part 1
RG-, SCW Appeal Brief, Part 2
RG-80.15.05, SCW Appeal Brief.Mausner.2
RG-, SCW Appeal Brief, Part 1
RG-, SCW Appeal Brief, Part 2
RG-80.15.06, Joint Brief on Appeal.Mausner.1
RG-80.15.07, Joint Brief on Appeal.Mausner.2
RG-80.15.08, SWC Response re McCalden
RG-80.15.09, SCW Reply Re Hearing In Banc.Mausner
RG-80.15.10, 10-9th Circuit Final Opinion
RG-80.15.11, McCalden 955_F_2D_1214_5-5-11_18021 (2)
RG-80.15.12, Newspaper re Dissent
RG-80.15.13, Newspaper re Second Opinion
RG-80.15.14, Cert Petition.Mausner
RG-80.15.15, Supreme Court Reply Brief.Mausner
RG-80.15.16, SWC Opposition to Cert.Mausner
RG-80.16.01, L.A. Times-Holocaust Survivor Meets Push With Shove.1
RG-80.16.02, News article re Mermelstein
RG-80.16.03, Orange Coast Daily Pilot
RG-80.16.04, Man Who Denies Holocaust Fined
RG-80.16.05, 1988-11-17-16 _ Multicultural Canada
RG-, Mausner Speech 1
RG-, Mausner Speech 2
RG-, Mausner Speech 3
RG-, Mausner Speech 4
RG-, Mausner Speech 5
RG-, Mausner Speech 6
RG-, Mausner Speech 1
RG-, Mausner Speech--Serbian Jewish Friendship Society 2
RG-, Mausner Speech--Serbian Jewish Friendship Society 3
RG-, Mausner Speech--Serbian Jewish Friendship Society 4
RG-, Mausner Speech--Serbian Jewish Friendship Society 5
RG-, Mausner Speech--Serbian Jewish Friendship Society 6
RG-, Mausner Speech--Serbian Jewish Friendship Society 7
RG-, Mausner Speech--Southwestern Law 1
RG-, Mausner Speech--Southwestern Law 2
RG-, Mausner Speech--Southwestern Law 3
RG-, Mausner Speech--Southwestern Law 4
RG-, Mausner Speech--Southwestern Law 5
RG-, Mausner Speech--Southwestern Law 6
RG-, Mausner Speech--Southwestern Law 7
RG-80.18.02, CIA AND NAZI WAR CRIMINALS, Von Bolschwing.Mausner
RG-80.18.04, Sworn Statment of Otto Von Bolschwing.Mausner
RG-80.18.05, Complaint, Mausner
RG-80.18.06, Newspaper article
RG-80.18.07, San Jose Mercury Article - November 20 1981
RG-80.18.08, Miscellaneous Articles - Former Nazi Loses Citizenship
RG-80.18.09, Statement of Allan Ryan - December 22 1987
RG-80.18.10, Certificate of Naturalization - Otto Albrecht Alfred von Bolschwing
RG-80.18.11, Consent Judgment - Filed December 22 1981
RG-80.18.12, Article - Not Just Another Nazi
RG-80.18.13, Fax from Calvi
RG-80.18.14, Otto von Bolschwing - Wikipedia
Collection of Folder-Level 1: RG-80.01, Otto Ambros, December 1979
Collection of Folder-Level 2: RG-80.02, Apprehending and Prosecuting Nazi War Criminals, circa 1991
Collection of Folder-Level 3: RG-80.03, Basil Artishenko
Collection of Folder-Level 4: RG-80.04, Paul Herman Bluemel
Collection of Folder-Level 5: RG-80.05, Boleslavs Bogdanovs, circa 1983
Collection of Folder-Level 6: RG-80.06, Ildefansas Bucmys, 1992--2003
Collection of Folder-Level 7: RG-80.07, General Leon Degrelle
Collection of Folder-Level 8: RG-80.08, Anatoly Hrusitzky, circa 1984
Collection of Folder-Level 9: RG-80.09, Konrad Kalejs
Collection of Folder-Level 10: RG-80.10, Serhij Kowalczuk, 1979--2011
Collection of Folder-Level 11: RG-80.11, Georg Leibbrandt, 1974--1979
Collection of Folder-Level 12: RG-80.12, Karl Linnas, 1979--1987
Collection of Folder-Level 13: RG-80.13, Boleslavs Maikovskis, 1979--2006
Collection of Folder-Level 14: RG-80.14, Mausner Awards
Collection of Folder-Level 15: RG-80.15, McCalden v SWC, 1987--1992
Collection of Folder-Level 16: RG-80.16, Mermelstein, circa 1989
Collection of Folder-Level 17: RG-80.17, Jeffrey Mausner, Speeches, circa 1990
Collection of Folder-Level 18: RG-80.18, Otto Albrecht Von Bolschwing, 1981--2005