- Document/Artifact of Item-Level 1: RG-75.03.01, Notice to Gerhard Wallbach to take the examination of jurisprudence, Koenigsberg, 1928

- Official letter addressed to Gerhard Wallbach with regard to his permission of taking examination in Jurispurdence, Koenigsberg, 1928
- Subject/Index Terms:
Educational documents, German, 1900 -- 1939
Jews in jurisprudence, Weimar Republic
Jews in jurisprudence, Weimar Republic, Gerhard Wallbach
Jurisprudence Studies, Weimar Republic
Gerhard Wallbach, Studies of Jurisprudence, Weimar Republic
Koenigsberg (Germany)
Koenigsberg (East Prussia, Germany)
- Creators:
Civil authorities of East Prussia, Weimar Republic (1919 -- 1933)
Dr. Springer, Vice - President of East Prussian government, Weimar Republic (1928)
- Document/Artifact of Item-Level 2: RG-75.03.02, Notice to Gerhard Wallbach to continue his clerkship at the county court, Insterburg, 1928, June 26, 1928

This document is an affirmation from the civil authorities of Eastern Prussia for Gerhard Wallbach to continue his clerkship at the county court of Insterburg on the date of June 26, 1928, after receiving certificate to practice jurisprudence in Koenigburg.
Insterburg is located in what is now present-day Russia.
- Subject/Index Terms:
Koenigsberg (East Prussia, Germany)
Koenigsberg (Germany)
Weimar Republic, 1919 -- 1933
Photo-documents, Weimar Republic, 1919 -- 1939
Insterburg (Weimar Republic)
Gerhard Wallbach, Studies of Jurisprudence, Weimar Republic
Jews in jurisprudence, Weimar Republic, Gerhard Wallbach
Insterburg, East Prussia, Weimar Republic
Gerhard Wallbach, clerkship in East Prussia
- Creators:
Civil authorities of East Prussia, Weimar Republic (1919 -- 1933)
Dr. Springer, Vice - President of East Prussian government, Weimar Republic (1928)
- Document/Artifact of Item-Level 3: RG-75.03.03, Notice to Gerhard Wallbach to work on a case on August 6-8, 1931, at the supreme court, Berlin, July 7, 1931

- This is a legal document from the civil/legal authorities of Berlin, Weimar Republic, allowing Gerhard Wallbach to work on a Berlin Supreme Court case from August 6-8, 1931.
- Subject/Index Terms:
Berlin (Germany)
Weimar Republic, 1919 -- 1933
Documents issued by the local and central authorities of Weimar Republic, 1919 -- 1933
Photo-documents, Weimar Republic, 1919 -- 1939
Jews in jurisprudence, Weimar Republic, Gerhard Wallbach
Jews in jurisprudence, Weimar Republic
Jewish life in interwar Europe
Gerhard Wallbach, Studies of Jurisprudence, Weimar Republic
Jurisprudence Studies, Weimar Republic
Supreme Court case, Berlin, Weimar Republic
Koenigsberg (Germany)
Koenigsberg (East Prussia, Germany)
Jewish organizations in Weimar Republic
- Creators:
German civil and municipal authorities (1900 -- 1939)
Civil and legal authorities of the Weimar Republic ((1900-1933))
- Document/Artifact of Item-Level 4: RG-75.03.04, Gerhard Wallbach, official license to practice law, Berlin, 1931, October 27, 1931

- This legal document is an official document for Gerhard Wallbach to practice law in the Weimar Republic, given by legal authorities in Berlin, October 27, 1931.
- Subject/Index Terms:
Berlin (Germany)
Weimar Republic, 1919 -- 1933
Documents issued by the local and central authorities of Weimar Republic, 1919 -- 1933
Gerhard Wallbach, Studies of Jurisprudence, Weimar Republic
Jewish life in interwar Europe
Jews in jurisprudence, Weimar Republic, Gerhard Wallbach
Jews in jurisprudence, Weimar Republic
Photo-documents, Weimar Republic, 1919 -- 1939
Koenigsberg (East Prussia, Germany)
Koenigsberg (Germany)
Gerhard Wallbach, legal practice
Minister of Justice, Prussia
- Creators:
Civil and legal authorities of the Weimar Republic ((1900-1933))
- Document/Artifact of Item-Level 5: RG-75.03.05, Gerhard Wallbach, work in England on Jewish National Fund, a letter from British Passport Control Office, Berlin 1936, December 29, 1936

- This official document is warm message from an unrecognizably named man at the British Passport Control Office in Berlin, to Gerhard Wallbach, wishing Wallbach a nice visit to London while on business for the Jewish National Fund.
- Subject/Index Terms:
Jewish National Fund
Correspondence between Jewish Colonial fund and Jewish National fund, interwar period
British-Palestinian passports, Gerhard Wallbach
Berlin (Germany)
Germany (1933 -- 1939)
British Foreign Office, British government
Business-related correspondence
Great Britain (1920-1938)
London (England)
Jews in jurisprudence, Weimar Republic, Gerhard Wallbach
Emigration financial documents, Nazi Germany, Gerhard Wallbach
Gerhard Wallbach, legal practice
Jewish life in interwar Europe
Jewish cultural life in interwar Europe
- Creators:
German civil and municipal authorities (1939 --1945)
- Document/Artifact of Item-Level 6: RG-75.03.06, Gerhard Wallbach, German passport, travel to Palestine, work on immigration, Berlin 1937, March 12, 1937

- This official document originates from the British Embassy in Berlin, and is written by a member of the British Passport Control Office in Berlin, granting permission for Gerhard Wallbach to take charge of the judicial department of the Berlin Palestine office.
- Subject/Index Terms:
British-Palestinian identification documents, Gerhard Wallbach
Gerhard Wallbach, legal practice
Road passes issued by British authorities in Palestine, Gerhard Wallbach
British-Palestinian passports, Gerhard Wallbach
Jewish-Palestinian immigration work, Germany and Europe, Gerhard Wallbach
Berlin (Germany)
Germany (1933 -- 1939)
Palestine, British Mandate Territory (1918--1948)
Organizing emigration from Germany and German-controlled territories to Palestine, Gerhard Wallbach
British Foreign Office, British government
Great Britain (1920-1938)
British Passport Control Office, Berlin
- Creators:
British Immigration Authorities in Palestine (1920s -- 1948)
German civil and municipal authorities (1900 -- 1939)
- Document/Artifact of Item-Level 7: RG-75.03.07, Gerhard Wallbach, certificate to travel to advance Jewish emigration, Berlin, April 1938, April 12, 1938

- This official document was issued by the German Reich Office of Emigration, as permission from the Reich office for Gerhard Wallbach to travel to and from Germany and Palestine, for the sake of logistics of Jewish emigrants leaving Europe for Palestine due to growing Nazi and anti-semitic sentiments in Europe.
- Subject/Index Terms:
British-Palestinian identification documents, 1920s -- 1948
British-Palestinian identification documents, Gerhard Wallbach
British-Palestinian passports, 1920s-- 1948
British-Palestinian passports, Gerhard Wallbach
Reich Office of Emigration. 1933-1939
Palestine, British Mandate Territory (1918--1948)
Germany (1933 -- 1939)
Jewish emigration from Nazi Germany
Immigration passports for Jews, German
Documents in German language
Building a Jewish national home in Palestine, 1918 --1939
Great Britain (1920-1938)
Czechoslovakia (1918 -- 1938 )
Organizing emigration from Germany and German-controlled territories to Palestine, 1938 -- 1940
Organizing emigration from Germany and German-controlled territories to Palestine, Gerhard Wallbach
- Creators:
German civil and municipal authorities (1900 -- 1939)
- Document/Artifact of Item-Level 8: RG-75.03.08, Central Bureau for the Settlement of German Jews, letter on behalf of Gerhard Wallbach, December 1, 1938, December 1, 1938

This document was issued by the Jewish Agency for Palestine, specifically the Central Bureau for the Settlement of German Jews. The document is a letter that discusses the status of Mr. Gerhard Wallbach as the head of Legal Department of the Palestine Office in Berlin.
The document discusses Mr. Wallbach's initiative to take part in "urgent matters" concerning emigration to Palestine of German refugees in Holland and Belgium.
- Subject/Index Terms:
The Jewish Agency for Palestine
Chaim Weizmann, Zionist leader and first President of Israel, 1874 -- 1952
London (England)
British-Palestinian identification documents, Gerhard Wallbach
Emigration financial documents, Nazi Germany, Gerhard Wallbach
Jewish-Palestinian immigration work, Germany and Europe, Gerhard Wallbach
Antwerp (Belgium)
Belgium (1918 --1940)
Palestine, British Mandate Territory (1918--1948)
Documents required for emigration from Nazi Germany
Questions related to emigration of German Jews, Gerhard Wallbach, 1938
Organizing emigration from Germany and German-controlled territories to Palestine, 1938 -- 1940
Organizing emigration from Germany and German-controlled territories to Palestine, Gerhard Wallbach
Documents related to immigration to Palestine, prewar
Emigration from Nazi Germany to Palestine, prewar
Jerusalem (Palestine)
Building a Jewish national home in Palestine, 1918 --1939
Germany (1933 -- 1939)
British-Palestinian passports, Gerhard Wallbach
British-Palestinian passports, 1920s-- 1948
Refugees, German
Jewish refugees from Nazi Germany
- Creators:
Jewish Agency for Palestine (1929 -- present)
German civil and municipal authorities (1900 -- 1939)
- Document/Artifact of Item-Level 9: RG-75.03.09, Gerhard Wallbach, certification of no financial obligation and no obstacles for issuance of passport, Berlin, 1939, February, 1939

- This document is a 'clearance certificate' for Gerhard Wallbach to be issued a passport by the German government, issued in Berlin, 1939.
- Subject/Index Terms:
British-Palestinian identification documents, Gerhard Wallbach
British-Palestinian passports, Gerhard Wallbach
Emigration financial documents, Nazi Germany, Gerhard Wallbach
Jewish-Palestinian immigration work, Germany and Europe, Gerhard Wallbach
Organizing emigration from Germany and German-controlled territories to Palestine, Gerhard Wallbach
Documents in German language
Germany (1933 -- 1939)
Berlin (Germany)
Immigration passports for Jews, German
Financial documents, 1939 -- 1945
Finance Bureau of Berlin
Emigration from Nazi Germany to Palestine, prewar
Palestine, British Mandate Territory (1918--1948)
Documents required for emigration from Nazi Germany
Jewish-Palestinian immigration work, Germany and Europe
Questions related to emigration of German Jews, ca 1938
Questions related to emigration of German Jews, Gerhard Wallbach, 1938
Documents related to immigration to Palestine, prewar
Building a Jewish national home in Palestine, 1918 --1939
British-Palestinian citizenship, 1920s -- 1948
Jewish refugees from Nazi Germany
Refugees, German
Emigration papers
- Creators:
German civil and municipal authorities (1900 -- 1939)
- Document/Artifact of Item-Level 10: RG-75.03.10, Certificate issued to Gerhard Wallbach with regard to his no financial obligation to Germany. Berlin. February 22, 1939, February 22, 1939

This document is a certificate of clearance for Gerhard Wallbach to leave Germany in his humanitarian effort to allow German Jews to emigrate from Nazi Germany to Palestine.
February 22, 1939
- Subject/Index Terms:
British-Palestinian identification documents, 1920s -- 1948
British-Palestinian Citizenship, Gerhard Wallbach
British-Palestinian passports, Gerhard Wallbach
British-Palestinian passports, 1920s-- 1948
Emigration financial documents, Nazi Germany, Gerhard Wallbach
Emigration financial documents, Nazi Germany
Jewish-Palestinian immigration work, Germany and Europe
Jewish-Palestinian immigration work, Germany and Europe, Gerhard Wallbach
Organizing emigration from Germany and German-controlled territories to Palestine, 1938 -- 1940
Organizing emigration from Germany and German-controlled territories to Palestine, Gerhard Wallbach
Documents in German language
Germany (1933 -- 1939)
Berlin (Germany)
Immigration passports for Jews, German
Financial documents, 1939 -- 1945
Finance Bureau of Berlin
Emigration from Nazi Germany to Palestine, prewar
Palestine, British Mandate Territory (1918--1948)
Documents required for emigration from Nazi Germany
Questions related to emigration of German Jews, ca 1938
Questions related to emigration of German Jews, Gerhard Wallbach, 1938
Documents related to immigration to Palestine, prewar
Building a Jewish national home in Palestine, 1918 --1939
British-Palestinian citizenship, 1920s -- 1948
Jewish refugees from Nazi Germany
Refugees, German
- Creators:
German civil and municipal authorities (1900 -- 1939)
- Document/Artifact of Item-Level 11: RG-75.03.11, Gerhard Wallbach, Certificate of his application of taking from his account, 1500 RM before emigration, 1939, February, 1939

This document is a emigration application certificate for Gerhard Wallbach, including the exchange of 1,500 Reichsmark to the Nazi German municipal authorities before emigration was cleared.
February, 1939
- Subject/Index Terms:
Immigration to British Mandate of Palestine
Documents related to immigration to Palestine, prewar
Emigration financial documents, Nazi Germany, Gerhard Wallbach
Emigration financial documents, Nazi Germany
Documents required for emigration from Nazi Germany
British-Palestinian identification documents, Gerhard Wallbach
British-Palestinian passports, Gerhard Wallbach
Jewish-Palestinian immigration work, Germany and Europe
Jewish-Palestinian immigration work, Germany and Europe, Gerhard Wallbach
Organizing emigration from Germany and German-controlled territories to Palestine, 1938 -- 1940
Organizing emigration from Germany and German-controlled territories to Palestine, Gerhard Wallbach
Documents in German language
Germany (1933 -- 1939)
Berlin (Germany)
Immigration passports for Jews, German
Financial documents, 1939 -- 1945
Finance Bureau of Berlin
Emigration from Nazi Germany to Palestine, prewar
Palestine, British Mandate Territory (1918--1948)
Questions related to emigration of German Jews, ca 1938
Questions related to emigration of German Jews, Gerhard Wallbach, 1938
Building a Jewish national home in Palestine, 1918 --1939
British-Palestinian citizenship, 1920s -- 1948
Jewish refugees from Nazi Germany
Refugees, German
- Creators:
German civil and municipal authorities (1900 -- 1939)
- Document/Artifact of Item-Level 12: RG-75.03.12, Gerhard Wallbach, Jewish Agency for Palestine, European offices. February 24, 1939, February 24, 1939

This document comes from the Jewish Agency for Palestine (Central Office in the Netherlands for Emigration to Palestine) in Rotterdam, specifying that Dr. Wallbach requests confirmation that his traveling papers are valid for continuous entry/exit to and from England and Palestine. The message confirms that he will be going to the Netherlands for meetings regarding emigration to Palestine.
February 24, 1939
- Subject/Index Terms:
Immigration to British Mandate of Palestine
Documents related to immigration to Palestine, prewar
Documents required for emigration from Nazi Germany
British-Palestinian passports, Gerhard Wallbach
British-Palestinian passports, 1920s-- 1948
Jewish-Palestinian immigration work, Germany and Europe
Jewish-Palestinian immigration work, Germany and Europe, Gerhard Wallbach
Organizing emigration from Germany and German-controlled territories to Palestine, 1938 -- 1940
Organizing emigration from Germany and German-controlled territories to Palestine, Gerhard Wallbach
Documents in Dutch language
Germany (1933 -- 1939)
Berlin (Germany)
Rotterdam (Netherlands)
The Netherlands (1918--1940)
The Jewish Agency for Palestine
Jewish Agency for Palestine, Central Office in the Netherlands
Palestine, British Mandate Territory (1918--1948)
Immigration passports for Jews, German
Emigration from Nazi Germany to Palestine, prewar
Questions related to emigration of German Jews, ca 1938
Questions related to emigration of German Jews, Gerhard Wallbach, 1938
Building a Jewish national home in Palestine, 1918 --1939
British-Palestinian citizenship, 1920s -- 1948
British-Palestinian Citizenship, Gerhard Wallbach
Refugees, German
Jewish refugees from Nazi Germany
- Creators:
Jewish Agency for Palestine (1929 -- present)
International Jewish Organizations and Committees (1939 -- 1945)
- Document/Artifact of Item-Level 13: RG-75.03.13, Letter on behalf of Gerhard Wallbach, issued by the Jewish Community of Berlin, ca. 1939

This document is issued by the Jewish Community of Berlin, on behalf of Dr. Wallbach, confirming his ability to travel in and out of Europe to Palestine.
undated, ca. 1939
- Subject/Index Terms:
Immigration to British Mandate of Palestine
Documents related to immigration to Palestine, prewar
Documents required for emigration from Nazi Germany
British-Palestinian passports, 1920s-- 1948
British-Palestinian passports, Gerhard Wallbach
Jewish-Palestinian immigration work, Germany and Europe
Jewish-Palestinian immigration work, Germany and Europe, Gerhard Wallbach
Organizing emigration from Germany and German-controlled territories to Palestine, 1938 -- 1940
Organizing emigration from Germany and German-controlled territories to Palestine, Gerhard Wallbach
Documents in German language
Germany (1933 -- 1939)
Berlin (Germany)
Jewish Community of Berlin, 1900 -- 1945
Jewish Cultural Community of Berlin
The Jewish Agency for Palestine
Palestine, British Mandate Territory (1918--1948)
Immigration passports for Jews, German
Emigration from Nazi Germany to Palestine, prewar
Questions related to emigration of German Jews, ca 1938
Questions related to emigration of German Jews, Gerhard Wallbach, 1938
Building a Jewish national home in Palestine, 1918 --1939
British-Palestinian citizenship, 1920s -- 1948
British-Palestinian Citizenship, Gerhard Wallbach
Refugees, German
Jewish refugees from Nazi Germany
Reichsmark (currency)
Emigration financial documents, Nazi Germany
Emigration financial documents, Nazi Germany, Gerhard Wallbach
- Creators:
Jewish Cultural Community of Berlin (1900 -- 1940)
Jewish Agency for Palestine (1929 -- present)
- Document/Artifact of Item-Level 14: RG-75.03.14, Letter for Gerhard Wallbach with regeard to German-Jewish refugees expelled to Poland. Berlin, July 3, 1939, July 3, 1939

This document is from the Reich Office of Finance Authority in Berlin, notifying Dr. Gerhard Wallbach that a group of German-Jewish refugees have been expelled in Polish camps due to the lack of legal documents.
July 3, 1939
- Subject/Index Terms:
Deportation of German Jews
Nazi Germany, emigration rules and regulations for Jews, 1933 -- 1939
Jewish refugees from Nazi Germany
Poland (Europe)
Germany (1933 -- 1945)
Berlin (Germany)
Documents in German language
Finance Bureau of Berlin
Reports about Displaced Persons
Refugees, German
The second name Israel as mandatory for Jews in Nazi Germany
Immigration to British Mandate of Palestine
Documents related to immigration to Palestine, prewar
Documents required for emigration from Nazi Germany
British-Palestinian passports, 1920s-- 1948
British-Palestinian passports, Gerhard Wallbach
Jewish-Palestinian immigration work, Germany and Europe
Jewish-Palestinian immigration work, Germany and Europe, Gerhard Wallbach
Organizing emigration from Germany and German-controlled territories to Palestine, 1938 -- 1940
Organizing emigration from Germany and German-controlled territories to Palestine, Gerhard Wallbach
Jewish Community of Berlin, 1900 -- 1945
Jewish Cultural Community of Berlin
Palestine, British Mandate Territory (1918--1948)
Immigration passports for Jews, German
Emigration from Nazi Germany to Palestine, prewar
Questions related to emigration of German Jews, ca 1938
Questions related to emigration of German Jews, Gerhard Wallbach, 1938
Building a Jewish national home in Palestine, 1918 --1939
British-Palestinian citizenship, 1920s -- 1948
British-Palestinian Citizenship, Gerhard Wallbach
- Creators:
Reich Ministry of Finance (1939)
German civil and municipal authorities (1939 --1945)
- Document/Artifact of Item-Level 15: RG-75.03.15, Letter informing Gerhard Wallbach about the issuance of three financial clearances. March 22, 1939, March 22, 1939

This document is a letter written by the Finance Bureau of Berlin confirming three financial clearances for Dr. Gerhard Wallbach.
March 22, 1939
- Subject/Index Terms:
Nazi Germany, emigration rules and regulations for Jews, 1933 -- 1939
Jewish refugees from Nazi Germany
Germany (1933 -- 1939)
Berlin (Germany)
Documents in German language
Finance Bureau of Berlin
Refugees, German
The second name Israel as mandatory for Jews in Nazi Germany
Immigration to British Mandate of Palestine
Documents related to immigration to Palestine, prewar
Documents required for emigration from Nazi Germany
British-Palestinian passports, 1920s-- 1948
British-Palestinian passports, Gerhard Wallbach
Jewish-Palestinian immigration work, Germany and Europe
Jewish-Palestinian immigration work, Germany and Europe, Gerhard Wallbach
Organizing emigration from Germany and German-controlled territories to Palestine, 1938 -- 1940
Organizing emigration from Germany and German-controlled territories to Palestine, Gerhard Wallbach
Palestine, British Mandate Territory (1918--1948)
Immigration passports for Jews, German
Emigration from Nazi Germany to Palestine, prewar
Questions related to emigration of German Jews, ca 1938
Questions related to emigration of German Jews, Gerhard Wallbach, 1938
Building a Jewish national home in Palestine, 1918 --1939
British-Palestinian citizenship, 1920s -- 1948
British-Palestinian identification documents, Gerhard Wallbach
British-Palestinian Citizenship, Gerhard Wallbach
- Creators:
Reich Ministry of Finance (1939)
German civil and municipal authorities (1900 -- 1939)
- Document/Artifact of Item-Level 16: RG-75.03.16, Kennkarte, German identification card, issued to Gerhard Wallbach. April 1, 1939, April 1, 1939

This document is a Kennkarte, or German identification card, issued to Gerhard Wallbach for his travels in and out of Nazi Germany to Palestine.
April 1, 1939
- Subject/Index Terms:
Kennkarte (German personal identification card), Gerhard Wallbach
Deutsches Reich Kennkarte
Kennkarte (German personal Identification Card)
Identification documents, German issued, 1933 -- 1945
Jude stamp in identification documents
Juif stamp in identification documents
Jewish refugees from Nazi Germany
Germany (1933 -- 1939)
Berlin (Germany)
Documents in German language
Finance Bureau of Berlin
Refugees, German
The second name Israel as mandatory for Jews in Nazi Germany
Immigration to British Mandate of Palestine
Documents related to immigration to Palestine, prewar
Documents required for emigration from Nazi Germany
British-Palestinian passports, 1920s-- 1948
British-Palestinian passports, Gerhard Wallbach
Jewish-Palestinian immigration work, Germany and Europe
Jewish-Palestinian immigration work, Germany and Europe, Gerhard Wallbach
Organizing emigration from Germany and German-controlled territories to Palestine, 1938 -- 1940
Organizing emigration from Germany and German-controlled territories to Palestine, Gerhard Wallbach
Palestine, British Mandate Territory (1918--1948)
Immigration passports for Jews, German
Emigration from Nazi Germany to Palestine, prewar
Questions related to emigration of German Jews, ca 1938
Questions related to emigration of German Jews, Gerhard Wallbach, 1938
Building a Jewish national home in Palestine, 1918 --1939
British-Palestinian citizenship, 1920s -- 1948
British-Palestinian Citizenship, Gerhard Wallbach
British-Palestinian identification documents, Gerhard Wallbach
- Creators:
German civil and municipal authorities (1900 -- 1939)
Nazi-German emigration authorities (1933 -- 1939)
- Document/Artifact of Item-Level 17: RG-75.03.17, Gerhard Wallbach, Immigration to Palestine, letter from the British Passport Control Office. April 15, 1939, April 15, 1939

This document originated from the British Passport Control Office in Berlin, and was sent to Dr. Gerhard Wallbach. The letter warmly wishes a safe emigration to Palestine for Dr. Wallbach, and gives thanks to Wallbach for his humanitarian efforts to configure other German Jews' confusing and time-consuming journey toward emigration to Palestine.
April 15, 1939
- Subject/Index Terms:
Documents in English language
British Passport Control Office, Berlin
British-Palestinian passports, 1920s-- 1948
British-Palestinian passports, Gerhard Wallbach
Palestine, British Mandate Territory (1918--1948)
Berlin (Germany)
Germany (1933 -- 1939)
British-Palestinian Citizenship, Gerhard Wallbach
British-Palestinian identification documents, Gerhard Wallbach
Jewish-Palestinian immigration work, Germany and Europe, Gerhard Wallbach
Questions related to emigration of German Jews, Gerhard Wallbach, 1938
Organizing emigration from Germany and German-controlled territories to Palestine, 1938 -- 1940
Emigration from Nazi Germany to Palestine, prewar
Nazi Germany, emigration rules and regulations for Jews, 1933 -- 1939
Questions related to emigration of German Jews, ca 1938
Jewish-Palestinian immigration work, Germany and Europe
Refugees, German
Documents related to immigration to Palestine, prewar
British Foreign Office, British government
Great Britain (1939--1945)
Immigration passports for Jews, German
British-Palestinian citizenship, 1920s -- 1948
- Creators:
British Immigration Authorities in Palestine (1920s -- 1948)
German civil and municipal authorities (1900 -- 1939)
- Document/Artifact of Item-Level 18: RG-75.03.18, Herbert Liebenthal International Transport, advertising, ca. 1939

This document is an advertisement catered towards European Jews emigrating out of Europe because of the rise of antisemitism and Nazism leading up to World War II.
The advertisement sells Herbert Liebenthal International Transport services, or shipping containers, for people to tranport their personal belongings during emigration out of Europe.
undated, ca. 1939
- Subject/Index Terms:
International luggage transport to Palestine, Herbert Liebenthal, Germany
International luggage transport to Palestine, Germany, 1930s
Germany (1933 -- 1939)
Emigration attempts from Nazi Germany
Emigration from Nazi Germany to Palestine, prewar
Emigration from Nazi Germany to the United States
Questions related to emigration of German Jews, ca 1938
Organizing emigration from Germany and German-controlled territories to Palestine, 1938 -- 1940
Berlin (Germany)
business advertisement
Herbert Liebenthal International Transport, advertisement
Hannover (Germany)
Immigration to Australia
Emigration from Europe to Australia, prewar
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania (United States)
United States (1900 -- 1939)
Emigration to the United States
Jewish personal belongings
The second name Israel as mandatory for Jews in Nazi Germany
Prewar photographs
- Creators:
Herbert Liebenthal International Transport, advertisement (ca. 1939)
- Document/Artifact of Item-Level 19: RG-75.03.19, Herbert Liebenthal International Transport, advertising. Berlin, W8, Kronenstrasse 33, ca. 1939

This document is an advertisement catered towards European Jews emigrating out of Europe because of the rise of antisemitism and Nazism leading up to World War II.
The advertisement sells Herbert Liebenthal International Transport services, or shipping containers, for people to tranport their personal belongings during emigration out of Europe.
undated, ca. 1939
- Subject/Index Terms:
Herbert Liebenthal International Transport, advertisement
International luggage transport to Palestine, Germany, 1930s
International luggage transport to Palestine, Herbert Liebenthal, Germany
Germany (1933 -- 1939)
Emigration attempts from Nazi Germany
Emigration from Nazi Germany to Palestine, prewar
Emigration from Nazi Germany to the United States
Organizing emigration from Germany and German-controlled territories to Palestine, 1938 -- 1940
Questions related to emigration of German Jews, ca 1938
Berlin (Germany)
business advertisement
Hannover (Germany)
Immigration to Australia
Emigration from Europe to Australia, prewar
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania (United States)
United States (1900 -- 1939)
Emigration to the United States
Jewish personal belongings
The second name Israel as mandatory for Jews in Nazi Germany
Prewar photographs
Emigration from Europe to Argentina, 1918 -- 1945
Emigration to Latin American countries
New York (New York, United States)
San Francisco (California, USA)
Jewish emigration from Nazi Germany
Tel-Aviv (Palestine, 1939-1945)
Haifa (Palestine)
Emigration from Nazi Germany to Brazil
Sao Paulo (Brazil)
- Creators:
Herbert Liebenthal International Transport, advertisement (ca. 1939)
- Document/Artifact of Item-Level 20: RG-75.03.20, Herbert Liebenthal International Transport, Berlin, advertising, ca. 1939

This document is an advertisement catered towards European Jews emigrating out of Europe because of the rise of antisemitism and Nazism leading up to World War II.
The advertisement sells Herbert Liebenthal International Transport services, or shipping containers, for people to tranport their personal belongings during emigration out of Europe.
undated, ca. 1939
- Subject/Index Terms:
Berlin (Germany)
business advertisement
Emigration attempts from Nazi Germany
Emigration from Europe to Australia, prewar
Emigration from Nazi Germany to Palestine, prewar
Emigration from Nazi Germany to the United States
Emigration to the United States
Germany (1933 -- 1939)
Hannover (Germany)
Herbert Liebenthal International Transport, advertisement
International luggage transport to Palestine, Herbert Liebenthal, Germany
Immigration to Australia
International luggage transport to Palestine, Germany, 1930s
Jewish personal belongings
Organizing emigration from Germany and German-controlled territories to Palestine, 1938 -- 1940
The second name Israel as mandatory for Jews in Nazi Germany
United States (1900 -- 1939)
San Francisco (California, USA)
- Creators:
Herbert Liebenthal International Transport, advertisement (ca. 1939)
- Document/Artifact of Item-Level 21: RG-75.03.21, Gerhard Wallbach, identification card issued to him by the Palestinian government. April 27, 1939, April 27, 1939

This document is a identification card issued to Dr. Gerhard Wallbach by the Palestinian government on April 27, 1939.
Included in the identification card is a portrait photograph of Dr. Wallbach, stamp showing Jewish descent, place of business in Palestine (Tel-Aviv), and occupation.
Issued April 27, 1939
- Subject/Index Terms:
Emigration from Nazi Germany to Palestine, prewar
Organizing emigration from Germany and German-controlled territories to Palestine, 1938 -- 1940
Organizing emigration from Germany and German-controlled territories to Palestine, Gerhard Wallbach
Immigration to British Mandate of Palestine
The Jewish Agency for Palestine
British-Palestinian Citizenship, Gerhard Wallbach
British-Palestinian identification documents, Gerhard Wallbach
British-Palestine immigrant certificates, 1920s -- 1948
Questions related to emigration of German Jews, Gerhard Wallbach, 1938
Questions related to emigration of German Jews, ca 1938
Jewish-Palestinian immigration work, Germany and Europe, Gerhard Wallbach
Jewish-Palestinian immigration work, Germany and Europe
Juif stamp in identification documents
Jude stamp in identification documents
Tel Aviv (Palestine)
Palestine, British Mandate Territory (1918--1948)
Jewish identity
Documents related to immigration to Palestine, prewar
Documents in English language
British mandate authority of Palestine, 1920 -- 1948
Identity cards issued by British Palestinian authorities, 1920 -- 1947
British-Palestinian identification documents, 1920s -- 1948
Identification documents for Jews
- Creators:
British Immigration Authorities in Palestine (1920s -- 1948)
Jewish Agency for Palestine (1929 -- present)
- Document/Artifact of Item-Level 22: RG-75.03.22, Road Pass according to the Defence Regulations in Palestine, issued to Gerhard Wallbach, May 1, 1939, May 1, 1939

This document is a Palestine Government issued road pass to Gerhard Wallbach, according to the Defence Regulations in Palestine. A stamp reads, "Military Control, Southern Area".
The road pass was issued in Tel-Aviv (Palestine), May 1, 1939.
- Subject/Index Terms:
Immigration to British Mandate of Palestine
Documents related to immigration to Palestine, prewar
Identification documents for Jews
Emigration from Nazi Germany to Palestine, prewar
British-Palestine immigrant certificates, 1920s -- 1948
Documents in English language
Tel Aviv (Palestine)
Visas to Palestine, 1939 -- 1945
Palestine, British Mandate Territory (1918--1948)
Jews self-defense service in British-mandate Palestine
Jewish self-defense forces in British-mandate Palestine
Armed Forces, British
Identity cards issued by British Palestinian authorities, 1920 -- 1947
British mandate authority of Palestine, 1920 -- 1948
Road passes issued by British authorities in Palestine
Road passes issued by British authorities in Palestine, Gerhard Wallbach
Questions related to emigration of German Jews, ca 1938
Questions related to emigration of German Jews, Gerhard Wallbach, 1938
Organizing emigration from Germany and German-controlled territories to Palestine, 1938 -- 1940
Organizing emigration from Germany and German-controlled territories to Palestine, Gerhard Wallbach
Jewish-Palestinian immigration work, Germany and Europe
Jewish-Palestinian immigration work, Germany and Europe, Gerhard Wallbach
British-Palestinian identification documents, 1920s -- 1948
British-Palestinian identification documents, Gerhard Wallbach
British-Palestinian citizenship, 1920s -- 1948
British-Palestinian Citizenship, Gerhard Wallbach
- Creators:
Jewish Agency for Palestine (1929 -- present)
British Immigration Authorities in Palestine (1920s -- 1948)
Jewish-Palestinian self-defense organizations (1930s -- 1940s)
- Document/Artifact of Item-Level 23: RG-75.03.23, The Jewish Agency for Palestine, Central Bureau for the Settlement of German Jews. August 28, 1939, August 28, 1939

This document is written correspondence originating from the Jewish Agency for Palestine Central Bureau for the Settlement of German Jews in London, England. The letter sent to Dr. Gerhard Wallbach. in Tel Aviv, discusses the availability of 'refugee certificates' for German Jews to settle in Palestine.
August 28, 1939
- Subject/Index Terms:
London (England)
Great Britain (1939--1945)
Tel Aviv (Palestine)
British mandate authority of Palestine, 1920 -- 1948
Palestine, British Mandate Territory (1918--1948)
British-Palestinian citizenship, 1920s -- 1948
British-Palestinian Citizenship, Gerhard Wallbach
British-Palestinian identification documents, 1920s -- 1948
British-Palestinian identification documents, Gerhard Wallbach
Jewish-Palestinian immigration work, Germany and Europe
Jewish-Palestinian immigration work, Germany and Europe, Gerhard Wallbach
Organizing emigration from Germany and German-controlled territories to Palestine, 1938 -- 1940
Organizing emigration from Germany and German-controlled territories to Palestine, Gerhard Wallbach
Questions related to emigration of German Jews, ca 1938
Questions related to emigration of German Jews, Gerhard Wallbach, 1938
Identity cards issued by British Palestinian authorities, 1920 -- 1947
Visas to Palestine, 1939 -- 1945
Documents in German language
Emigration from Nazi Germany to Palestine, prewar
Identification documents for Jews
Documents related to immigration to Palestine, prewar
Immigration to British Mandate of Palestine
- Creators:
Jewish Agency for Palestine (1929 -- present)
British Immigration Authorities in Palestine (1920s -- 1948)
- Document/Artifact of Item-Level 24: RG-75.03.24, Hitachduth, Identification issued to Gerhard Wallbach in relation to German-Jewish immigration to Palestine, 1940, 1940

- This document is a membership card issued by the Jewish Trade Union Organization (Hitachduth) in Tel Aviv, Palestine, issued to Dr. Gerhard Wallbach, in 1940.
- Subject/Index Terms:
Membership card
Zionist Labor Party (Hitachduth)
British-Palestinian Citizenship, Gerhard Wallbach
British-Palestinian identification documents, Gerhard Wallbach
British-Palestinian passports, Gerhard Wallbach
Jewish-Palestinian immigration work, Germany and Europe, Gerhard Wallbach
Organizing emigration from Germany and German-controlled territories to Palestine, 1938 -- 1940
Organizing emigration from Germany and German-controlled territories to Palestine, Gerhard Wallbach
British-Palestinian citizenship, 1920s -- 1948
British-Palestine immigrant certificates, 1920s -- 1948
British-Palestinian identification documents, 1920s -- 1948
Jewish-Palestinian immigration work, Germany and Europe
British-Palestinian passports, 1920s-- 1948
Documents in German language
Tel Aviv (Palestine)
Austria (1939--1945)
Germany (1939--1945)
British mandate authority of Palestine, 1920 -- 1948
Visas to Palestine, 1939 -- 1945
Palestine, British Mandate Territory (1918--1948)
Identification documents for Jews
- Creators:
International Jewish Organizations and Committees (1939 -- 1945)
Zionist Labor Party (Hitachduth)
- Document/Artifact of Item-Level 25: RG-75.03.25, Identification issued to Gerhard Wallbach by Passive Defence Services, Tel Aviv Municipal A.R.P. Services, 1941, 1941

This document is an identification document issued to Gerhard Wallbach by the Passive Defence Services in Tel Aviv (Palestine) Municipal A.R.P. Services.
- Subject/Index Terms:
British-Palestinian identification documents, 1920s -- 1948
British-Palestinian identification documents, Gerhard Wallbach
British-Palestinian citizenship, 1920s -- 1948
British-Palestinian Citizenship, Gerhard Wallbach
British-Palestinian passports, 1920s-- 1948
British-Palestinian passports, Gerhard Wallbach
Jewish-Palestinian immigration work, Germany and Europe
Jewish-Palestinian immigration work, Germany and Europe, Gerhard Wallbach
Organizing emigration from Germany and German-controlled territories to Palestine, 1938 -- 1940
Organizing emigration from Germany and German-controlled territories to Palestine, Gerhard Wallbach
British-Palestine immigrant certificates, 1920s -- 1948
Documents in Hebrew language
Documents in Arabic language
Tel Aviv (Palestine)
Palestine, British Mandate Territory (1918--1948)
British mandate authority of Palestine, 1920 -- 1948
Identification documents for Jews
- Creators:
Jewish-Palestinian self-defense organizations (1930s -- 1940s)
Jewish defense forces under the British supervision in Palestine (1939 -- 1945)
- Document/Artifact of Item-Level 26: RG-75.03.26, Jewish-Palestinian identification document issued to Gerhard Wallbach in 1942, 1942

- This document is a Jewish-Palestinian identification document issued to Gerhard Wallbach for his travels in 1942.
- Subject/Index Terms:
British-Palestinian identification documents, 1920s -- 1948
British-Palestinian identification documents, Gerhard Wallbach
British-Palestinian citizenship, 1920s -- 1948
British-Palestinian Citizenship, Gerhard Wallbach
British-Palestinian passports, 1920s-- 1948
British-Palestinian passports, Gerhard Wallbach
Jewish-Palestinian immigration work, Germany and Europe
Jewish-Palestinian immigration work, Germany and Europe, Gerhard Wallbach
Organizing emigration from Germany and German-controlled territories to Palestine, 1938 -- 1940
Organizing emigration from Germany and German-controlled territories to Palestine, Gerhard Wallbach
British-Palestine immigrant certificates, 1920s -- 1948
Documents in Hebrew language
Documents in Yiddish language
Tel Aviv (Palestine)
Palestine, British Mandate Territory (1918--1948)
Identification documents for Jews
British mandate authority of Palestine, 1920 -- 1948
Questions related to emigration of German Jews, Gerhard Wallbach, 1938
Questions related to emigration of German Jews, ca 1938
- Creators:
British Immigration Authorities in Palestine (1920s -- 1948)
Jewish-Palestinian self-defense organizations (1930s -- 1940s)
- Document/Artifact of Item-Level 27: RG-75.03.27, Palestine Citizenship Certificate issued to Gerhard Wallbach. September 24, 1942, September 24, 1942

- This document originated from the Palestinian Government in which Palestinian citizenship, or 'Certificate of Naturalization', is granted to Dr. Gerhard Wallbach on September 24, 1942.
- Subject/Index Terms:
British-Palestine immigrant certificates, 1920s -- 1948
British mandate authority of Palestine, 1920 -- 1948
Building a Jewish national home in Palestine, 1918 --1939
Documents related to immigration to Palestine, prewar
Visas to Palestine, 1939 -- 1945
Tel Aviv (Palestine)
Palestine, British Mandate Territory (1918--1948)
Organizing emigration from Germany and German-controlled territories to Palestine, 1938 -- 1940
Organizing emigration from Germany and German-controlled territories to Palestine, Gerhard Wallbach
Questions related to emigration of German Jews, ca 1938
Questions related to emigration of German Jews, Gerhard Wallbach, 1938
Documents in English language
Documents in Arabic language
Documents in Hebrew language
Naturalization documents
British-Palestinian identification documents, Gerhard Wallbach
British-Palestinian identification documents, 1920s -- 1948
British military identification documents, issued to Palestinian Jews
British-Palestinian passports, 1920s-- 1948
British-Palestinian passports, Gerhard Wallbach
Jewish-Palestinian immigration work, Germany and Europe
Jewish-Palestinian immigration work, Germany and Europe, Gerhard Wallbach
Identification documents for Jews
British-Palestinian citizenship, 1920s -- 1948
British-Palestinian Citizenship, Gerhard Wallbach
Emigration from Nazi Germany to Palestine, prewar
- Creators:
British Immigration Authorities in Palestine (1920s -- 1948)
- Document/Artifact of Item-Level 28: RG-75.03.28, Palestinian identification document issued to Gerhard Wallbach, March 3, 1942, March 3, 1942

This doucment is a Palestinian government-issued identification document to Dr. Gerhard Wallbach.
Issued on March 3, 1942.
- Subject/Index Terms:
British-Palestine immigrant certificates, 1920s -- 1948
British mandate authority of Palestine, 1920 -- 1948
Building a Jewish national home in Palestine, 1918 --1939
Documents related to immigration to Palestine, prewar
Visas to Palestine, 1939 -- 1945
Tel Aviv (Palestine)
Palestine, British Mandate Territory (1918--1948)
Organizing emigration from Germany and German-controlled territories to Palestine, 1938 -- 1940
Organizing emigration from Germany and German-controlled territories to Palestine, Gerhard Wallbach
Questions related to emigration of German Jews, ca 1938
Questions related to emigration of German Jews, Gerhard Wallbach, 1938
Documents in Hebrew language
Documents in Yiddish language
Naturalization documents
British-Palestinian identification documents, 1920s -- 1948
British-Palestinian identification documents, Gerhard Wallbach
British military identification documents, issued to Palestinian Jews
British-Palestinian passports, 1920s-- 1948
British-Palestinian passports, Gerhard Wallbach
Jewish-Palestinian immigration work, Germany and Europe
Jewish-Palestinian immigration work, Germany and Europe, Gerhard Wallbach
Identification documents for Jews
British-Palestinian citizenship, 1920s -- 1948
British-Palestinian Citizenship, Gerhard Wallbach
Emigration from Nazi Germany to Palestine, prewar
- Creators:
British Immigration Authorities in Palestine (1920s -- 1948)
- Document/Artifact of Item-Level 29: RG-75.03.29, British Palestinian Passport, issued to Gerhard Wallbach. Palestine, 1944, September 1, 1944

This photo-document entails a British issued Palestinian passport, given to Dr. Gerhard Wallbach. The passport was deemed valid for travel in all countries,
Issued September 1, 1944
- Subject/Index Terms:
British-Palestine immigrant certificates, 1920s -- 1948
British mandate authority of Palestine, 1920 -- 1948
Building a Jewish national home in Palestine, 1918 --1939
Documents related to immigration to Palestine, prewar
Visas to Palestine, 1939 -- 1945
Tel Aviv (Palestine)
Palestine, British Mandate Territory (1918--1948)
Organizing emigration from Germany and German-controlled territories to Palestine, 1938 -- 1940
Organizing emigration from Germany and German-controlled territories to Palestine, Gerhard Wallbach
Questions related to emigration of German Jews, ca 1938
Questions related to emigration of German Jews, Gerhard Wallbach, 1938
Documents in English language
Naturalization documents
British-Palestinian identification documents, 1920s -- 1948
British-Palestinian identification documents, Gerhard Wallbach
British military identification documents, issued to Palestinian Jews
British-Palestinian passports, 1920s-- 1948
British-Palestinian passports, Gerhard Wallbach
Jewish-Palestinian immigration work, Germany and Europe
Jewish-Palestinian immigration work, Germany and Europe, Gerhard Wallbach
Identification documents for Jews
British-Palestinian citizenship, 1920s -- 1948
British-Palestinian Citizenship, Gerhard Wallbach
Emigration from Nazi Germany to Palestine, prewar
- Creators:
British Immigration Authorities in Palestine (1920s -- 1948)
- Document/Artifact of Item-Level 30: RG-75.03.30, Health Card issued to Else Wallbach by Jewish Agency for Palestine. June 21, 1933, June 21, 1933

This photo-document is a health card issued to Dr. Gerhard Wallbach's wife, Else Wallbach, issued by the Jewish Agency for Palestine.
This document is one of the many documents needed for valid emigration to Palestine from Germany, prewar.
Issued on June 21, 1933.
- Subject/Index Terms:
British-Palestine immigrant certificates, Else Wallbach
British-Palestinian Citizenship, Else Wallbach
British-Palestinian passports, Else Wallbach
British-Palestine immigrant certificates, 1920s -- 1948
British-Palestinian citizenship, 1920s -- 1948
British-Palestinian passports, 1920s-- 1948
Palestine, British Mandate Territory (1918--1948)
British mandate authority of Palestine, 1920 -- 1948
Building a Jewish national home in Palestine, 1918 --1939
Documents related to immigration to Palestine, prewar
Visas to Palestine, 1939 -- 1945
Health cards
Tel Aviv (Palestine)
Berlin (Germany)
The Jewish Agency for Palestine
Organizing emigration from Germany and German-controlled territories to Palestine, 1938 -- 1940
Organizing emigration from Germany and German-controlled territories to Palestine, Gerhard Wallbach
Questions related to emigration of German Jews, ca 1938
Questions related to emigration of German Jews, Gerhard Wallbach, 1938
Documents in English language
Documents in Hebrew language
British-Palestinian identification documents, 1920s -- 1948
British military identification documents, issued to Palestinian Jews
Jewish-Palestinian immigration work, Germany and Europe
Jewish-Palestinian immigration work, Germany and Europe, Gerhard Wallbach
Identification documents for Jews
Emigration from Nazi Germany to Palestine, prewar
- Creators:
Jewish Agency for Palestine (1929 -- present)
- Document/Artifact of Item-Level 31: Rg-75.03.31, Palestine Immigrant Certificate issued to Else Wallbach in Berlin. June, 1933., June 22, 1933

This document is an immigrant certificate issued by the British mandate authority of the Palestinian Government. This specific certificate was issued to Else Wallbach, Dr. Gerhard Wallbach's wife.
Issued June 22, 1933
- Subject/Index Terms:
Berlin (Germany)
Germany (1933 -- 1939)
British-Palestine immigrant certificates, 1920s -- 1948
British-Palestine immigrant certificates, Else Wallbach
British-Palestinian citizenship, 1920s -- 1948
British-Palestinian Citizenship, Else Wallbach
British-Palestinian identification documents, 1920s -- 1948
British military identification documents, issued to Palestinian Jews
British-Palestinian passports, 1920s-- 1948
British-Palestinian passports, Else Wallbach
British mandate authority of Palestine, 1920 -- 1948
Palestine, British Mandate Territory (1918--1948)
Building a Jewish national home in Palestine, 1918 --1939
Documents in Hebrew language
Documents related to immigration to Palestine, prewar
Emigration from Nazi Germany to Palestine, prewar
Identification documents for Jews
Jewish-Palestinian immigration work, Germany and Europe
Jewish-Palestinian immigration work, Germany and Europe, Gerhard Wallbach
Organizing emigration from Germany and German-controlled territories to Palestine, 1938 -- 1940
Organizing emigration from Germany and German-controlled territories to Palestine, Gerhard Wallbach
Questions related to emigration of German Jews, ca 1938
Questions related to emigration of German Jews, Gerhard Wallbach, 1938
Tel Aviv (Palestine)
The Jewish Agency for Palestine
Visas to Palestine, 1939 -- 1945
- Creators:
British Immigration Authorities in Palestine (1920s -- 1948)
Jewish Agency for Palestine (1929 -- present)
- Document/Artifact of Item-Level 32: RG-75.03.32, Palestinian Citizenship Certificate issued to Else Wallbach. Palestine, May 27, 1940., May 27, 1940

This document is a Palestinian citizen certificate issued to Else Wallbach, wife of Dr. Gerhard Wallbach, in Tel Aviv (Palestine). This document is entitled "Particulars relating to Applicant", as this is one of the many certificates necessary to obtain Palestinian citizenship.
Issued on May 27, 1940.
- Subject/Index Terms:
Germany (1939--1945)
British-Palestine immigrant certificates, 1920s -- 1948
British-Palestine immigrant certificates, Else Wallbach
British-Palestinian citizenship, 1920s -- 1948
British-Palestinian Citizenship, Else Wallbach
British-Palestinian identification documents, 1920s -- 1948
British military identification documents, issued to Palestinian Jews
British-Palestinian passports, 1920s-- 1948
British-Palestinian passports, Else Wallbach
British mandate authority of Palestine, 1920 -- 1948
Palestine, British Mandate Territory (1918--1948)
Building a Jewish national home in Palestine, 1918 --1939
Documents in English language
Documents in Hebrew language
Documents in Arabic language
Documents related to immigration to Palestine, prewar
Emigration from Nazi Germany to Palestine, prewar
Identification documents for Jews
Jewish-Palestinian immigration work, Germany and Europe
Jewish-Palestinian immigration work, Germany and Europe, Gerhard Wallbach
Organizing emigration from Germany and German-controlled territories to Palestine, 1938 -- 1940
Organizing emigration from Germany and German-controlled territories to Palestine, Gerhard Wallbach
Questions related to emigration of German Jews, ca 1938
Questions related to emigration of German Jews, Gerhard Wallbach, 1938
Tel Aviv (Palestine)
The Jewish Agency for Palestine
Visas to Palestine, 1939 -- 1945
- Creators:
British Immigration Authorities in Palestine (1920s -- 1948)
- Document/Artifact of Item-Level 33: RG-75.03.33, British Palestinian Passport issued to Else Wallbach, Palestine. September 13, 1945, September 13, 1945

This document is a British Palestinian passport issued to Else Wallbach in Tel Aviv (Palestine).
Visas from Lebanon and Cyprus show the arduous journey taken from Europe to Palestine for Else Wallbach.
Issued September 13, 1945.
- Subject/Index Terms:
Germany (1939--1945)
British-Palestine immigrant certificates, 1920s -- 1948
British-Palestine immigrant certificates, Else Wallbach
British-Palestinian citizenship, 1920s -- 1948
British-Palestinian Citizenship, Else Wallbach
British-Palestinian identification documents, 1920s -- 1948
British military identification documents, issued to Palestinian Jews
British-Palestinian passports, 1920s-- 1948
British-Palestinian passports, Else Wallbach
Palestine, British Mandate Territory (1918--1948)
Building a Jewish national home in Palestine, 1918 --1939
Documents in English language
Documents in Hebrew language
Documents in Arabic language
Documents related to immigration to Palestine, prewar
Emigration from Nazi Germany to Palestine, prewar
Identification documents for Jews
Jewish-Palestinian immigration work, Germany and Europe
Jewish-Palestinian immigration work, Germany and Europe, Gerhard Wallbach
Organizing emigration from Germany and German-controlled territories to Palestine, 1938 -- 1940
Organizing emigration from Germany and German-controlled territories to Palestine, Gerhard Wallbach
Questions related to emigration of German Jews, ca 1938
Questions related to emigration of German Jews, Gerhard Wallbach, 1938
Tel Aviv (Palestine)
The Jewish Agency for Palestine
Visas to Palestine, 1939 -- 1945
- Creators:
British Immigration Authorities in Palestine (1920s -- 1948)
- Document/Artifact of Item-Level 34: RG-75.03.34, Photographs, Zvi (Hirsch) Hochberg, serviceman of the Jewish Palestine Police, 1938., 1938

This document entails photogaphs taken of Zvi (Hirsch) Hochberg, serviceman of the Jewish Palestine Police in 1938.
One photograph is a portrait of Zvi Hochberg in military uniform, and an additional photograph includes Hochberg and other members of the 'Jewish Supernumerary Police Patrol in March, 1938.
- Subject/Index Terms:
Jewish agricultural settlement in British-mandate Palestine, work and defense, Zvi (Hirsch) Hochberg
Jewish military formation in British-mandate Palestine, Zvi (Hirsch) Hochberg
Jewish self-defense forces in British-mandate Palestine, Zvi (Hirsch) Hochberg
Jews in self-defense service in British-mandate Palestine, Zvi (Hirsch) Hochberg
Palestinian Jews in British military campaign, the Second World War, Zvi (Hirsch) Hochberg
British mandate authority of Palestine, 1920 -- 1948
Palestine, British Mandate Territory (1918--1948)
Photographs, wartime, 1939 -- 1945
Military training of Jewish Palestinian volunteers
Jewish self-defense forces in British-mandate Palestine
Jewish Army of Palestine
Jewish military formation in British-mandate Palestine
Palestinian Jews in British military campaigns, Second World War
Armed Forces, Jewish, 1939 -- 1945
Jews self-defense service in British-mandate Palestine
Young Zionist Pioneers in British Palestine, photo-documents
Young Zionist Pioneers in Palestine, photo-documents Hirsch (Herman) Hochberg
- Creators:
Jewish defense forces under the British supervision in Palestine (1939 -- 1945)
Jewish-Palestinian self-defense organizations (1930s -- 1940s)
British Immigration Authorities in Palestine (1920s -- 1948)
- Document/Artifact of Item-Level 35: RG-75.03.35, New Years Card 1933-1934 published in Poland by the Young Pioneers of Kibbutz Achvah, Sygniva, Lwow, Poland., 1933-1934

This document is a New Years Card from the 1933-1934 year. The card was published in Poland by the Young Pioneers of Kibbutz Achvah, Sygniva, Lwow, Poland.
The card is written in the Hebrew language.
- Subject/Index Terms:
Zionist kibbutzim in Poland, interwar period
Young Zionist Pioneer Organizations in Poland, interwar period
Young Jewish Front, youth Zionist organization, interwar Poland
Young Zionist Pioneer Organization in Austria, interwar period
Documents in Hebrew language
Lwow (Lviv), culture
Lwow (Lviv), history
The Role of Lviv (Lwow) Jewish Religious Community, 1918 --1939
Political spectrum of the Lviv (Lwow) Jewish population, 1918 --1939
Lwow (Poland)
Jewish Community of Lwow (Lviv), interwar Poland
Poland (Europe)
New Year's card
Rosh Hashanah (Jewish New Year)
Jewish national aspirations, interwar Poland
Eastern Galician Zionist Organization, 1918 --1939
- Creators:
East Galician Organization of General Zionists (1919 -- 1939)
East Galician Zionist Organization (1918 -- 1939)
- Document/Artifact of Item-Level 36: RG-75.03.36, Cover page of the ID related of the Regional Zionist Organization in Lwow, Poland, ca. 1934

This document is the cover page for an identification document related to the Regional Zionist Organization in Lwow, Poland.
ca. 1934
- Subject/Index Terms:
Zionist kibbutzim in Poland, interwar period
Young Zionist Pioneer Organizations in Poland, interwar period
Young Jewish Front, youth Zionist organization, interwar Poland
Documents in Hebrew language
Documents in Polish language
Lwow (Lviv), culture
Lwow (Lviv), history
The Role of Lviv (Lwow) Jewish Religious Community, 1918 --1939
Political spectrum of the Lviv (Lwow) Jewish population, 1918 --1939
Lwow (Poland)
Jewish Community of Lwow (Lviv), interwar Poland
Poland (Europe)
Jewish national aspirations, interwar Poland
Eastern Galician Zionist Organization, 1918 --1939
Zionist Organization of Poland, 1918 -- 1939
Star of David stamp in identification documents
Identification documents for Jews
- Creators:
Regional Zionist Organization in Lwow (1920s -- 1930s)
Zionist organizations in Europe (1920s -- 1940s)
East Galician Organization of General Zionists (1919 -- 1939)
- Document/Artifact of Item-Level 37: RG-75.03.37, Identification document issued to Herman Hochberg by the Regional Zionist Organization in Lwow, 1934, 1934

This document is an identification document issued to Herman Hochberg in Lwow, by the Regional Zionist Organization in Lwow.
- Subject/Index Terms:
Zionist kibbutzim in Poland, interwar period
Young Zionist Pioneer Organizations in Poland, interwar period
Young Jewish Front, youth Zionist organization, interwar Poland
Documents in Hebrew language
Documents in Polish language
Lwow (Lviv), history
Lwow (Lviv), culture
The Role of Lviv (Lwow) Jewish Religious Community, 1918 --1939
Political spectrum of the Lviv (Lwow) Jewish population, 1918 --1939
Lwow (Poland)
Jewish Community of Lwow (Lviv), interwar Poland
Poland (Europe)
Jewish national and religious aspirations, interwar Poland
Eastern Galician Zionist Organization, 1918 --1939
Zionist Organization of Poland, 1918 -- 1939
Star of David stamp in identification documents
Identification documents for Jews
Dr. Emil Schmorak, Chairman of the Regional Zionist Organization of Eastern Galicia, Poland, 1930s
Regional Zionist Organization of Eastern Galicia in Lwow, Herman (Hirsch) Hochberg
- Creators:
East Galician Organization of General Zionists (1919 -- 1939)
Zionist organizations in Europe (1920s -- 1940s)
Regional Zionist Organization in Lwow (1920s -- 1930s)
- Document/Artifact of Item-Level 38: RG-75.03.38, Jewish Agency for Palestine Immigration Department in Warsaw. Immigrant Certificate for Hirsch and Ciupy Hochberg, July 28, 1935

This document is originated from the Jewish Agency for Palestine Immigration Department in Warsaw (Poland). The document grants immigrant certification for both Hirsch and Ciupy Hochberg.
July 28, 1935
- Subject/Index Terms:
The Jewish Agency for Palestine
British-Palestine immigrant certificate, Hirsch Hochberg
British-Palestine immigrant certificates, 1920s -- 1948
Emigration from Poland to Palestine, 1930s, Hirsch Hochberg
Emigration from Poland to Palestine, 1930s
Regional Zionist Organization of Eastern Galicia in Lwow, Herman (Hirsch) Hochberg
Regional Zionist Organization of Eastern Galicia, Poland, interwar period
Documents in Hebrew language
Warsaw (Poland)
Poland (Europe)
Palestine, British Mandate Territory (1918--1948)
British mandate authority of Palestine, 1920 -- 1948
Building a Jewish national home in Palestine, 1918 --1939
Eastern Galician Zionist Organization, 1918 --1939
Zionist kibbutzim in Poland, interwar period
Young Zionist Pioneer Organizations in Poland, interwar period
Organizing emigration from Germany and German-controlled territories to Palestine, 1938 -- 1940
- Creators:
Jewish Agency for Palestine (1929 -- present)
British Immigration Authorities in Palestine (1920s -- 1948)
- Document/Artifact of Item-Level 39: RG-75.03.39, Boarding card of the ship the S.S. Polonia for the voyage to Palestine issued to Hirsch Hochberg. July 27, 1935, July 27, 1935

This document is a boarding card/ticket issued to Hirsch Hochberg aboard the S.S. Polonia for final emigrating voyage to Palestine.
The voyage occured on July 27, 1935.
- Subject/Index Terms:
Organizing emigration from Germany and German-controlled territories to Palestine, 1938 -- 1940
Emigration to Palestine, prewar
Emigration from Poland to Palestine, 1930s, Hirsch Hochberg
Emigration from Poland to Palestine, 1930s
British-Palestine immigrant certificate, Hirsch Hochberg
British-Palestine immigrant certificates, 1920s -- 1948
Documents in Polish language
Poland (Europe)
British mandate authority of Palestine, 1920 -- 1948
Palestine, British Mandate Territory (1918--1948)
Building a Jewish national home in Palestine, 1918 --1939
Zionist kibbutzim in Poland, interwar period
Eastern Galician Zionist Organization, 1918 --1939
Young Zionist Pioneer Organizations in Poland, interwar period
- Creators:
Polish civil authorities, 1918 --1939 (1918 --1939)
- Document/Artifact of Item-Level 40: RG-75.03.40, Photograph, Hirsch (Herman) Hchberg a Young Zionist Pioneer, 1936, 1936

This document is a photograph of Hirsch (Herman) Hochberg, as a young man, posing with a rifle and adorned in military uniform, as a member of the Young Zionist Pioneers.
- Subject/Index Terms:
Jewish self-defense forces in British-mandate Palestine, Zvi (Hirsch) Hochberg
Jewish self-defense forces in British-mandate Palestine
Emigration from Poland to Palestine, 1930s, Hirsch Hochberg
Jewish military formation in British-mandate Palestine, Zvi (Hirsch) Hochberg
Jewish military formation in British-mandate Palestine
Young Zionist Pioneers in British Palestine, photo-documents
Young Zionist Pioneers in Palestine, photo-documents Hirsch (Herman) Hochberg
Interwar Europe, historic photographs, 1933 -- 1939
Polish Zionists, 1939 -- 1945
Jewish National Home in Palestine, Zionist conception, 1918 -- 1939
Building a Jewish national home in Palestine, 1918 --1939
Jewish units in Palestine
British-Palestinian Government, 1920s -- 1948
Young Zionist Pioneer Organizations in Poland, interwar period
Palestinian Jews in the British military service in the course of the Second World War, Zvi Hochberg
- Creators:
Jewish-Palestinian self-defense organizations (1930s -- 1940s)
- Document/Artifact of Item-Level 41: RG-75.03.41, Photographs, Hirsch (Herman) Hochberg and his friends, Jewish self-defense, Rehovoth, Palestine. 1936, 1936

This document is a photographs of Hirsch (Herman) Hochberg and his comrades, members of Jewish self-defense, at their post in Rehovoth, Palestine.
- Subject/Index Terms:
Jewish military formation in British-mandate Palestine
Jewish military formation in British-mandate Palestine, Zvi (Hirsch) Hochberg
Jewish self-defense forces in British-mandate Palestine
Jewish self-defense forces in British-mandate Palestine, Zvi (Hirsch) Hochberg
Emigration from Poland to Palestine, 1930s
Emigration from Poland to Palestine, 1930s, Hirsch Hochberg
Young Zionist Pioneers in British Palestine, photo-documents
Young Zionist Pioneers in Palestine, photo-documents Hirsch (Herman) Hochberg
Interwar Europe, historic photographs, 1933 -- 1939
Polish Zionists, 1939 -- 1945
Building a Jewish national home in Palestine, 1918 --1939
Jewish National Home in Palestine, Zionist conception, 1918 -- 1939
Jewish units in Palestine
British-Palestinian Government, 1920s -- 1948
Young Zionist Pioneer Organizations in Poland, interwar period
Palestinian Jews in the British military service in the course of the Second World War, Zvi Hochberg
Palestine, British Mandate Territory (1918--1948)
Rehovoth (Palestine)
- Creators:
Jewish-Palestinian self-defense organizations (1930s -- 1940s)
- Document/Artifact of Item-Level 42: RG-75.03.42, Photograph, Hirsch (Herman) Hochberg and his friends, Jewish self-defense, Rehovoth, Palestine. 1936, 1936

This document is a photographs of Hirsch (Herman) Hochberg and his comrades, members of Jewish self-defense, at their post in Rehovoth, Palestine.
- Subject/Index Terms:
Jewish military formation in British-mandate Palestine
Jewish military formation in British-mandate Palestine, Zvi (Hirsch) Hochberg
Jewish self-defense forces in British-mandate Palestine
Jewish self-defense forces in British-mandate Palestine, Zvi (Hirsch) Hochberg
Emigration from Poland to Palestine, 1930s
Emigration from Poland to Palestine, 1930s, Hirsch Hochberg
Young Zionist Pioneer Organizations in Poland, interwar period
Young Zionist Pioneers in British Palestine, photo-documents
Young Zionist Pioneers in Palestine, photo-documents Hirsch (Herman) Hochberg
Interwar Europe, historic photographs, 1933 -- 1939
Polish Zionists, 1939 -- 1945
Building a Jewish national home in Palestine, 1918 --1939
Jewish National Home in Palestine, Zionist conception, 1918 -- 1939
Jewish units in Palestine
British-Palestinian Government, 1920s -- 1948
Palestinian Jews in the British military service in the course of the Second World War, Zvi Hochberg
Palestine, British Mandate Territory (1918--1948)
British mandate authority of Palestine, 1920 -- 1948
Rehovoth (Palestine)
- Creators:
Jewish-Palestinian self-defense organizations (1930s -- 1940s)
- Document/Artifact of Item-Level 43: RG-75.03.43, Photograph, Hirsch Hochberg with two friends by the water tank, Jewish self defense, Rehovoth, Palestine. ca. 1936, ca. 1936

This document is a photograph of Hirsch Hocherg posing with two comrades (members of Jewish self defense forces) by a water tank in Rehovoth, Palestine.
ca. 1936
- Subject/Index Terms:
Rehovoth (Palestine)
Palestine, British Mandate Territory (1918--1948)
British mandate authority of Palestine, 1920 -- 1948
Building a Jewish national home in Palestine, 1918 --1939
Jewish military formation in British-mandate Palestine
Jewish military formation in British-mandate Palestine, Zvi (Hirsch) Hochberg
Jewish self-defense forces in British-mandate Palestine, Zvi (Hirsch) Hochberg
Jewish self-defense forces in British-mandate Palestine
Emigration from Poland to Palestine, 1930s
Emigration from Poland to Palestine, 1930s, Hirsch Hochberg
Young Zionist Pioneers in British Palestine, photo-documents
Young Zionist Pioneers in Palestine, photo-documents Hirsch (Herman) Hochberg
Interwar Europe, historic photographs, 1933 -- 1939
Polish Zionists, 1939 -- 1945
Jewish National Home in Palestine, Zionist conception, 1918 -- 1939
Jewish units in Palestine
British-Palestinian Government, 1920s -- 1948
Young Zionist Pioneer Organizations in Poland, interwar period
Palestinian Jews in the British military service in the course of the Second World War, Zvi Hochberg
- Creators:
Jewish-Palestinian self-defense organizations (1930s -- 1940s)
- Document/Artifact of Item-Level 44: RG-75.03.44, Photograph, Hirsch Hochberg with friends of the Achvah group, Palestine. ca. 1936, ca. 1936

This document is a photograph that includes Hirsch Hochberg and his friends, members of the Zionist Achvah group, in Palestine.
ca. 1936
- Subject/Index Terms:
British mandate authority of Palestine, 1920 -- 1948
Palestine, British Mandate Territory (1918--1948)
Emigration from Nazi Germany to Palestine, prewar
Jewish National Aspiration with regard to Palestine, 1918 --- 1939
Jewish National Home in Palestine, Zionist conception, 1918 -- 1939
Achvah, Zionist organization in Poland, interwar period
Polish Zionists, 1939 -- 1945
Eastern Galician Zionist Organization, 1918 --1939
Emigration from Poland to Palestine, 1930s
Emigration from Poland to Palestine, 1930s, Hirsch Hochberg
Young Jewish Front, youth Zionist organization, interwar Poland
Young Zionist Pioneer Organizations in Poland, interwar period
Young Zionist Pioneer Organization in Austria, interwar period
Young Zionist Pioneers in Palestine, photo-documents Hirsch (Herman) Hochberg
Young Zionist Pioneers in British Palestine, photo-documents
Zionist kibbutzim in Poland, interwar period
Zionism, Jewish national movement
Jewish agricultural settlement in British-mandate Palestine, work and defense, Zvi (Hirsch) Hochberg
- Creators:
Zionist organizations in Europe (1920s -- 1940s)
Jewish-Palestinian self-defense organizations (1930s -- 1940s)
- Document/Artifact of Item-Level 45: RG-75.03.45, Photographs, Hirsch Hochberg in agricultural works together with other Zionist Pioneers, Palestine. ca. 1936, ca. 1936

This document includes two photographs depicting Hirsch Hochberg in agricultural works together with other Zionist Pioneer settlers in Palestine.
ca. 1936
- Subject/Index Terms:
Jewish agricultural settlement in British-mandate Palestine, work and defense
Jewish agricultural settlement in British-mandate Palestine, work and defense, Zvi (Hirsch) Hochberg
British-Palestine immigrant certificates, 1920s -- 1948
Palestine, British Mandate Territory (1918--1948)
Building a Jewish national home in Palestine, 1918 --1939
Documents related to immigration to Palestine, prewar
Jewish National Aspiration with regard to Palestine, 1918 --- 1939
Organizing emigration from Germany and German-controlled territories to Palestine, 1938 -- 1940
Young Zionist Pioneers in British Palestine, photo-documents
Young Zionist Pioneers in Palestine, photo-documents Hirsch (Herman) Hochberg
Young Zionist Pioneer Organizations in Poland, interwar period
Eastern Galician Zionist Organization, 1918 --1939
Jewish National Home in Palestine, Zionist conception, 1918 -- 1939
Emigration from Poland to Palestine, 1930s, Hirsch Hochberg
Emigration from Poland to Palestine, 1930s
Young Jewish Front, youth Zionist organization, interwar Poland
Zionism, Jewish national movement
Agriculture in Palestine, interwar period
Jewish agricultural settlements in British Palestine
- Creators:
British Immigration Authorities in Palestine (1920s -- 1948)
Zionist organizations in Europe (1920s -- 1940s)
- Document/Artifact of Item-Level 46: RG-75.03.46, Photograph, Hirsch Hochberg, working and guarding, Zionist-Pioneers, Palestine. ca. 1936, ca. 1936

This document is a photograph of Hirsch Hochberg and other Zionist Pioneers, working and defending their agricultural settlement in Palestine.
Hochberg is the second from the bottom.
ca. 1936
- Subject/Index Terms:
British mandate authority of Palestine, 1920 -- 1948
Building a Jewish national home in Palestine, 1918 --1939
Palestine, British Mandate Territory (1918--1948)
Documents related to immigration to Palestine, prewar
Jewish self-defense forces in British-mandate Palestine, Zvi (Hirsch) Hochberg
Jewish self-defense forces in British-mandate Palestine
Jewish National Home in Palestine, Zionist conception, 1918 -- 1939
Jewish National Aspiration with regard to Palestine, 1918 --- 1939
Jewish agricultural settlement in British-mandate Palestine, work and defense
Jewish agricultural settlement in British-mandate Palestine, work and defense, Zvi (Hirsch) Hochberg
Polish Zionists, 1939 -- 1945
Young Jewish Front, youth Zionist organization, interwar Poland
Young Zionist Pioneer Organization in Austria, interwar period
Young Zionist Pioneer Organizations in Poland, interwar period
Young Zionist Pioneers in British Palestine, photo-documents
Young Zionist Pioneers in Palestine, photo-documents Hirsch (Herman) Hochberg
Jewish agricultural settlements in British Palestine
British-Palestinian Government, 1920s -- 1948
British-Palestinian citizenship, 1920s -- 1948
Jewish military formation in British-mandate Palestine
Jewish military formation in British-mandate Palestine, Zvi (Hirsch) Hochberg
- Creators:
Jewish-Palestinian self-defense organizations (1930s -- 1940s)
British Immigration Authorities in Palestine (1920s -- 1948)
- Document/Artifact of Item-Level 47: RG-75.03.47, Photograph, Hirsch Hochberg with fellow self-defenders taking position at the control-post, Palestine, ca. 1936, ca. 1936

This document is a photograph of HIrsch Hochberg and fellow Zionist defenders posing with guns at a control post in Palestine.
ca. 1936
- Subject/Index Terms:
British mandate authority of Palestine, 1920 -- 1948
Palestine, British Mandate Territory (1918--1948)
Jewish National Home in Palestine, Zionist conception, 1918 -- 1939
Documents related to immigration to Palestine, prewar
Jewish self-defense forces in British-mandate Palestine, Zvi (Hirsch) Hochberg
Jewish self-defense forces in British-mandate Palestine
Building a Jewish national home in Palestine, 1918 --1939
Jewish National Aspiration with regard to Palestine, 1918 --- 1939
Jewish agricultural settlement in British-mandate Palestine, work and defense
Jewish agricultural settlement in British-mandate Palestine, work and defense, Zvi (Hirsch) Hochberg
Polish Zionists, 1939 -- 1945
Young Jewish Front, youth Zionist organization, interwar Poland
Young Zionist Pioneers in British Palestine, photo-documents
Young Zionist Pioneers in Palestine, photo-documents Hirsch (Herman) Hochberg
Young Zionist Pioneer Organizations in Poland, interwar period
Jewish agricultural settlements in British Palestine
Jewish military formation in British-mandate Palestine
Jewish military formation in British-mandate Palestine, Zvi (Hirsch) Hochberg
Interwar Europe, historic photographs, 1933 -- 1939
- Creators:
Jewish-Palestinian self-defense organizations (1930s -- 1940s)
British Immigration Authorities in Palestine (1920s -- 1948)
- Document/Artifact of Item-Level 48: RG-75.03.48, Photograph, Hirsch Hochberg with others at the Citrus plantation Rehovoth, Palestine, ca. 1936, ca. 1936

This document is a photograph of Hirsch Hochberg and other Zionist agricultural settlers working at a citrus plantation in Rehovoth, Palestine.
ca. 1936
- Subject/Index Terms:
Interwar Europe, historic photographs, 1933 -- 1939
British mandate authority of Palestine, 1920 -- 1948
Palestine, British Mandate Territory (1918--1948)
Building a Jewish national home in Palestine, 1918 --1939
Jewish National Home in Palestine, Zionist conception, 1918 -- 1939
Documents related to immigration to Palestine, prewar
Jewish self-defense forces in British-mandate Palestine
Jewish self-defense forces in British-mandate Palestine, Zvi (Hirsch) Hochberg
Jews in self-defense service in British-mandate Palestine, Zvi (Hirsch) Hochberg
Jews self-defense service in British-mandate Palestine
Jewish National Aspiration with regard to Palestine, 1918 --- 1939
Jewish agricultural settlement in British-mandate Palestine, work and defense
Jewish agricultural settlement in British-mandate Palestine, work and defense, Zvi (Hirsch) Hochberg
Jewish agricultural settlements in British Palestine
Polish Zionists, 1939 -- 1945
Young Jewish Front, youth Zionist organization, interwar Poland
Young Zionist Pioneers in British Palestine, photo-documents
Young Zionist Pioneers in Palestine, photo-documents Hirsch (Herman) Hochberg
Jewish military formation in British-mandate Palestine
Jewish military formation in British-mandate Palestine, Zvi (Hirsch) Hochberg
Rehovoth (Palestine)
- Creators:
Jewish-Palestinian self-defense organizations (1930s -- 1940s)
British Immigration Authorities in Palestine (1920s -- 1948)
- Document/Artifact of Item-Level 49: RG-75.03.49, Road Pass issued to Zvi (Hirsch) Hochberg, Haifa, 1938, 1938

This document is an identification document labeled as a road pass issued to Zvi (Hirsch) Hochberg of Haifa in the British mandate authority of Palestine.
- Subject/Index Terms:
Road passes issued by British authorities in Palestine
Road passes issued by British authorities in Palestine, Zvi (Hirsch) Hochberg
British mandate authority of Palestine, 1920 -- 1948
Palestine, British Mandate Territory (1918--1948)
Jewish self-defense forces in British-mandate Palestine, Zvi (Hirsch) Hochberg
Jewish self-defense forces in British-mandate Palestine
Jews in self-defense service in British-mandate Palestine, Zvi (Hirsch) Hochberg
Jews self-defense service in British-mandate Palestine
Haifa (Palestine)
British military identification documents issued to Palestinian Jews, Zvi (Hirsch) Hochberg
Jewish military formation in British-mandate Palestine, Zvi (Hirsch) Hochberg
Jewish agricultural settlement in British-mandate Palestine, work and defense, Zvi (Hirsch) Hochberg
Jewish agricultural settlement in British-mandate Palestine, work and defense
Jewish agricultural settlements in British Palestine
Jewish National Aspiration with regard to Palestine, 1918 --- 1939
Polish Zionists, 1939 -- 1945
Young Jewish Front, youth Zionist organization, interwar Poland
Young Zionist Pioneer Organizations in Poland, interwar period
Young Zionist Pioneers in British Palestine, photo-documents
Young Zionist Pioneers in Palestine, photo-documents Hirsch (Herman) Hochberg
Jewish military formation in British-mandate Palestine
- Creators:
British Immigration Authorities in Palestine (1920s -- 1948)
Jewish-Palestinian self-defense organizations (1930s -- 1940s)
- Document/Artifact of Item-Level 50: RG-75.03.50, Photographs, Zvi (Hirsch) Hochberg with Jewish self-defense unit, Haifa, 1938, 1938

This document is a photograph of Zvi (Hirsch) Hochberg posing with members of the Jewish self-defense unit in the streets of Haifa (Palestine).
- Subject/Index Terms:
British mandate authority of Palestine, 1920 -- 1948
Palestine, British Mandate Territory (1918--1948)
Building a Jewish national home in Palestine, 1918 --1939
Documents related to immigration to Palestine, prewar
Haifa (Palestine)
Jewish military formation in British-mandate Palestine
Jewish military formation in British-mandate Palestine, Zvi (Hirsch) Hochberg
Jewish National Aspiration with regard to Palestine, 1918 --- 1939
Jewish self-defense forces in British-mandate Palestine
Jewish self-defense forces in British-mandate Palestine, Zvi (Hirsch) Hochberg
Jews in self-defense service in British-mandate Palestine, Zvi (Hirsch) Hochberg
Jews self-defense service in British-mandate Palestine
Polish Zionists, 1939 -- 1945
Young Jewish Front, youth Zionist organization, interwar Poland
Young Zionist Pioneer Organizations in Poland, interwar period
Young Zionist Pioneers in British Palestine, photo-documents
Young Zionist Pioneers in Palestine, photo-documents Hirsch (Herman) Hochberg
Interwar Europe, historic photographs, 1933 -- 1939
- Creators:
British Immigration Authorities in Palestine (1920s -- 1948)
Jewish-Palestinian self-defense organizations (1930s -- 1940s)
- Document/Artifact of Item-Level 51: RG-75.03.51, Transportation I.D. card, issued to Zvi (Hirsch) Hochberg, Rehovoth--Tel-Aviv, 1937, 1937

THis document is a transportation identification card issued to Jewish self-defender Zvi (Hirsch) Hochberg for transportation within the boundaries of Tel-Aviv and Rehovoth (Palestine).
Issued in 1937
- Subject/Index Terms:
British mandate authority of Palestine, 1920 -- 1948
Palestine, British Mandate Territory (1918--1948)
Building a Jewish national home in Palestine, 1918 --1939
Jewish National Aspiration with regard to Palestine, 1918 --- 1939
Haifa (Palestine)
Tel Aviv (Palestine)
Road passes issued by British authorities in Palestine, Zvi (Hirsch) Hochberg
Road passes issued by British authorities in Palestine
Jewish self-defense forces in British-mandate Palestine
Jewish self-defense forces in British-mandate Palestine, Zvi (Hirsch) Hochberg
Jews in self-defense service in British-mandate Palestine, Zvi (Hirsch) Hochberg
Jews self-defense service in British-mandate Palestine
Polish Zionists, 1939 -- 1945
Young Jewish Front, youth Zionist organization, interwar Poland
Young Zionist Pioneers in British Palestine, photo-documents
Young Zionist Pioneer Organizations in Poland, interwar period
Young Zionist Pioneers in Palestine, photo-documents Hirsch (Herman) Hochberg
Documents in Hebrew language
Identity cards issued by British Palestinian authorities, 1920 -- 1947
- Creators:
British Immigration Authorities in Palestine (1920s -- 1948)
Jewish-Palestinian self-defense organizations (1930s -- 1940s)
- Document/Artifact of Item-Level 52: RG-75.03.52, Photographs, Jewish self-defense unit, Zvi (Hirsch) Hochberg , Nes-Ziona Colony, Palestine, 1937, 1937

This document is a photograph taken in the Nes-Ziona Colony in Palestine in 1937.
It is a group photograph of Zvi (Hirsch) Hochberg and fellow members of the Jewish self-defense unit in pre-war Palestine.
- Subject/Index Terms:
British immigration authorities of Palestine, 1945 -- 1948
Palestine, British Mandate Territory (1918--1948)
Building a Jewish national home in Palestine, 1918 --1939
Jewish National Aspiration with regard to Palestine, 1918 --- 1939
Ness-Ziona Colony, Palestine
Jewish self-defense forces in British-mandate Palestine
Jewish self-defense forces in British-mandate Palestine, Zvi (Hirsch) Hochberg
Jews in self-defense service in British-mandate Palestine, Zvi (Hirsch) Hochberg
Jews self-defense service in British-mandate Palestine
Polish Zionists, 1939 -- 1945
Young Zionist Pioneers in British Palestine, photo-documents
Young Zionist Pioneers in Palestine, photo-documents Hirsch (Herman) Hochberg
Prewar photographs
Jewish agricultural settlement in British-mandate Palestine, work and defense, Zvi (Hirsch) Hochberg
Jewish military formation in British-mandate Palestine, Zvi (Hirsch) Hochberg
Jewish military formation in British-mandate Palestine
Emigration from Poland to Palestine, 1930s, Hirsch Hochberg
Emigration from Poland to Palestine, 1930s
- Creators:
Jewish-Palestinian self-defense organizations (1930s -- 1940s)
British Immigration Authorities in Palestine (1920s -- 1948)
- Document/Artifact of Item-Level 53: RG-75.03.53, Photographs, Zvi (Hirsch) Hochberg and Young Pioneers with a few old Yemenite settlers. Rehovoth, Palestine, 1937, 1937

This document is a photograph of Zvi (Hirsch) Hochberg in Jewish self-defense military uniform, posing in front of Young Zionist Pioneers/Yemenite agricultural settlement in Rehovoth, Palestine.
- Subject/Index Terms:
British mandate authority of Palestine, 1920 -- 1948
Palestine, British Mandate Territory (1918--1948)
Building a Jewish national home in Palestine, 1918 --1939
Jewish National Aspiration with regard to Palestine, 1918 --- 1939
Young Zionist Pioneers in British Palestine, photo-documents
Young Zionist Pioneers in Palestine, photo-documents Hirsch (Herman) Hochberg
Jewish self-defense forces in British-mandate Palestine
Jewish self-defense forces in British-mandate Palestine, Zvi (Hirsch) Hochberg
Jews in self-defense service in British-mandate Palestine, Zvi (Hirsch) Hochberg
Jews self-defense service in British-mandate Palestine
Polish Zionists, 1939 -- 1945
Prewar photographs
Jewish agricultural settlement in British-mandate Palestine, work and defense
Jewish agricultural settlement in British-mandate Palestine, work and defense, Zvi (Hirsch) Hochberg
Jewish military formation in British-mandate Palestine
Jewish military formation in British-mandate Palestine, Zvi (Hirsch) Hochberg
Emigration from Poland to Palestine, 1930s
Emigration from Poland to Palestine, 1930s, Hirsch Hochberg
Rehovoth (Palestine)
- Creators:
British Immigration Authorities in Palestine (1920s -- 1948)
Jewish-Palestinian self-defense organizations (1930s -- 1940s)
- Document/Artifact of Item-Level 54: RG-75.03.54, Certificate of Palestinian citizenship issued to Hirsz Hochberg and Ciupy Hochberg. Palestine, 1937, 1937

This document is an official document that certifies Palestinian citizenship for Hirsz Hochberg and Ciupy Hochberg.
Palestine, 1937
- Subject/Index Terms:
British-Palestine immigrant certificates, 1920s -- 1948
British mandate authority of Palestine, 1920 -- 1948
Palestine, British Mandate Territory (1918--1948)
Building a Jewish national home in Palestine, 1918 --1939
Documents related to immigration to Palestine, prewar
Immigration to British Mandate of Palestine
Jewish National Home in Palestine, Zionist conception, 1918 -- 1939
Jewish National Aspiration with regard to Palestine, 1918 --- 1939
Jewish agricultural settlement in British-mandate Palestine, work and defense, Zvi (Hirsch) Hochberg
Jewish agricultural settlement in British-mandate Palestine, work and defense
Jewish self-defense forces in British-mandate Palestine
Jewish self-defense forces in British-mandate Palestine, Zvi (Hirsch) Hochberg
Emigration from Poland to Palestine, 1930s, Hirsch Hochberg
Emigration from Poland to Palestine, 1930s
Polish Zionists, 1939 -- 1945
Jewish military formation in British-mandate Palestine
Jewish military formation in British-mandate Palestine, Zvi (Hirsch) Hochberg
British-Palestine immigrant certificate, Hirsch Hochberg
- Creators:
British Immigration Authorities in Palestine (1920s -- 1948)
- Document/Artifact of Item-Level 55: RG-75.03.55, Photographs, Jewish self defense, Kfar Sirkin and Rosh Ha'ayin surrounded by Arab settlements, Palestine, 1939, 1939

This document is a collection of three photographs.
The first is a portrait photograph of Zvi (Hirsch) Hochberg in Jewish self-defense military uniform.
The second and third are photographs of Zvi Hochberg and other members of Jewish self-defense patrolling agricultural settlements of Rosh Ha'ayin and Kfar Sirkin.
Prewar Palestine, 1939.
- Subject/Index Terms:
Rosh Ha'ayin (Palestine)
Kfar Sirkin (Palestine)
British mandate authority of Palestine, 1920 -- 1948
Building a Jewish national home in Palestine, 1918 --1939
Palestine, British Mandate Territory (1918--1948)
Jewish self-defense forces in British-mandate Palestine, Zvi (Hirsch) Hochberg
Jewish self-defense forces in British-mandate Palestine
Jewish National Aspiration with regard to Palestine, 1918 --- 1939
Jewish National Home in Palestine, Zionist conception, 1918 -- 1939
Documents related to immigration to Palestine, prewar
Immigration to British Mandate of Palestine
Jewish agricultural settlement in British-mandate Palestine, work and defense
Jewish agricultural settlement in British-mandate Palestine, work and defense, Zvi (Hirsch) Hochberg
Jews in self-defense service in British-mandate Palestine, Zvi (Hirsch) Hochberg
Jews self-defense service in British-mandate Palestine
Emigration from Poland to Palestine, 1930s, Hirsch Hochberg
Polish Zionists, 1939 -- 1945
Jewish military formation in British-mandate Palestine
Jewish military formation in British-mandate Palestine, Zvi (Hirsch) Hochberg
Armed Forces, Jewish, 1939 -- 1945
British military identification documents issued to Palestinian Jews, Zvi (Hirsch) Hochberg
Young Zionist Pioneers in British Palestine, photo-documents
Young Zionist Pioneers in Palestine, photo-documents Hirsch (Herman) Hochberg
- Creators:
British Immigration Authorities in Palestine (1920s -- 1948)
Jewish-Palestinian self-defense organizations (1930s -- 1940s)
- Document/Artifact of Item-Level 56: RG-75.03.56, Photographs, Zvi (Hirsch) Hochberg on guard by the Yarkon Bridge on the way to Tel-Aviv, 1939, 1939

This document is a photograph of Zvi (Hirsch) Hochberg, member of Jewish self-defense forces, on guard at his post near Yarkon Bridge in Tel-Aviv.
Prewar Palestine, 1939.
- Subject/Index Terms:
Tel Aviv (Palestine)
British mandate authority of Palestine, 1920 -- 1948
Building a Jewish national home in Palestine, 1918 --1939
Palestine, British Mandate Territory (1918--1948)
Jewish National Home in Palestine, Zionist conception, 1918 -- 1939
Jewish self-defense forces in British-mandate Palestine
Jewish self-defense forces in British-mandate Palestine, Zvi (Hirsch) Hochberg
Documents related to immigration to Palestine, prewar
Immigration to British Mandate of Palestine
Jewish agricultural settlement in British-mandate Palestine, work and defense
Jewish agricultural settlement in British-mandate Palestine, work and defense, Zvi (Hirsch) Hochberg
Jews in self-defense service in British-mandate Palestine, Zvi (Hirsch) Hochberg
Jews self-defense service in British-mandate Palestine
Emigration from Poland to Palestine, 1930s, Hirsch Hochberg
Polish Zionists, 1939 -- 1945
Jewish military formation in British-mandate Palestine
Jewish military formation in British-mandate Palestine, Zvi (Hirsch) Hochberg
Armed Forces, Jewish, 1939 -- 1945
Young Zionist Pioneers in British Palestine, photo-documents
Young Zionist Pioneers in Palestine, photo-documents Hirsch (Herman) Hochberg
- Creators:
Jewish-Palestinian self-defense organizations (1930s -- 1940s)
British Immigration Authorities in Palestine (1920s -- 1948)
- Document/Artifact of Item-Level 57: RG-75.03.57, Photographs, Kefar Sirkin Bridge, Bolock post No. 94. Palestine, ca. 1939, ca. 1939

This document is a photograph showing the Kfar Sirkin bridge. Kfar Sirkin was used as a Jewish military stronghold during an Arab revolt from 1936-1939, and the village was used to fend off Arab forces and store weapons, which were illegal under British mandate at the time.
Palestine, ca. 1939
- Subject/Index Terms:
Kfar Sirkin (Palestine)
British mandate authority of Palestine, 1920 -- 1948
Palestine, British Mandate Territory (1918--1948)
Jewish self-defense forces in British-mandate Palestine
Jewish self-defense forces in British-mandate Palestine, Zvi (Hirsch) Hochberg
Jewish National Aspiration with regard to Palestine, 1918 --- 1939
Building a Jewish national home in Palestine, 1918 --1939
Tel Aviv (Palestine)
Jewish agricultural settlement in British-mandate Palestine, work and defense
Jewish agricultural settlement in British-mandate Palestine, work and defense, Zvi (Hirsch) Hochberg
Jews in self-defense service in British-mandate Palestine, Zvi (Hirsch) Hochberg
Jews self-defense service in British-mandate Palestine
Jewish military formation in British-mandate Palestine
Jewish military formation in British-mandate Palestine, Zvi (Hirsch) Hochberg
Young Zionist Pioneers in British Palestine, photo-documents
Young Zionist Pioneers in Palestine, photo-documents Hirsch (Herman) Hochberg
Armed Forces, Jewish, 1939 -- 1945
- Creators:
Jewish armed forces in British-mandate Palestie, 1939 -- 1945 (1939 -- 1945)
- Document/Artifact of Item-Level 58: RG-75.03.58, Photograph, the Jewish self-defense camp in Rosh Ha'Ain, Palestine, ca 1939, ca. 1939

This document is a photograph of a Jewish self-defense camp in the village of Rosh Ha'ayin near Tel-Aviv.
Palestine, ca. 1939
- Subject/Index Terms:
Rosh Ha'ayin (Palestine)
British mandate authority of Palestine, 1920 -- 1948
Palestine, British Mandate Territory (1918--1948)
Jewish self-defense forces in British-mandate Palestine
Jewish self-defense forces in British-mandate Palestine, Zvi (Hirsch) Hochberg
Jewish National Aspiration with regard to Palestine, 1918 --- 1939
Building a Jewish national home in Palestine, 1918 --1939
Tel Aviv (Palestine)
Jewish agricultural settlement in British-mandate Palestine, work and defense
Jewish agricultural settlement in British-mandate Palestine, work and defense, Zvi (Hirsch) Hochberg
Jews in self-defense service in British-mandate Palestine, Zvi (Hirsch) Hochberg
Jews self-defense service in British-mandate Palestine
Jewish military formation in British-mandate Palestine
Jewish military formation in British-mandate Palestine, Zvi (Hirsch) Hochberg
Young Zionist Pioneers in British Palestine, photo-documents
Young Zionist Pioneers in Palestine, photo-documents Hirsch (Herman) Hochberg
Armed Forces, Jewish, 1939 -- 1945
- Creators:
Jewish-Palestinian self-defense organizations (1930s -- 1940s)
- Document/Artifact of Item-Level 59: RG-75.03.59, Photograph, Rosh Ha'Ain Railway Station, Palestine, ca. 1939, ca. 1939

- This document is a photograph of the rail station in the village of Rosh Ha'ayin, near Tel-Aviv. Rosh Ha'ayin was the site of a Jewish self-defense camp in Palestine, ca. 1939.
- Subject/Index Terms:
Rosh Ha'ayin (Palestine)
British mandate authority of Palestine, 1920 -- 1948
Palestine, British Mandate Territory (1918--1948)
Jewish self-defense forces in British-mandate Palestine
Jewish self-defense forces in British-mandate Palestine, Zvi (Hirsch) Hochberg
Jewish National Aspiration with regard to Palestine, 1918 --- 1939
Building a Jewish national home in Palestine, 1918 --1939
Tel Aviv (Palestine)
Jewish agricultural settlement in British-mandate Palestine, work and defense
Jewish agricultural settlement in British-mandate Palestine, work and defense, Zvi (Hirsch) Hochberg
Jews in self-defense service in British-mandate Palestine, Zvi (Hirsch) Hochberg
Jews self-defense service in British-mandate Palestine
Jewish military formation in British-mandate Palestine
Jewish military formation in British-mandate Palestine, Zvi (Hirsch) Hochberg
Young Zionist Pioneers in Palestine, photo-documents Hirsch (Herman) Hochberg
Young Zionist Pioneers in British Palestine, photo-documents
Armed Forces, Jewish, 1939 -- 1945
- Creators:
Jewish-Palestinian self-defense organizations (1930s -- 1940s)
- Document/Artifact of Item-Level 60: RG-75.03.60, Photograph, an irrigation project, Rosh Ha'ayin by the Yarkon River, Palestine, ca. 1939, ca. 1939

This document is a photograph of an agricultural settlement in the villag e of Rosh Ha'ayin near Tel-Aviv. The photo depicts the progression of an irrigation project in the village, along the Yarkon River.
Palestine, ca. 1939
- Subject/Index Terms:
Rosh Ha'ayin (Palestine)
British mandate authority of Palestine, 1920 -- 1948
Palestine, British Mandate Territory (1918--1948)
Jewish National Aspiration with regard to Palestine, 1918 --- 1939
Building a Jewish national home in Palestine, 1918 --1939
Jewish self-defense forces in British-mandate Palestine
Jewish self-defense forces in British-mandate Palestine, Zvi (Hirsch) Hochberg
Jews in self-defense service in British-mandate Palestine, Zvi (Hirsch) Hochberg
Jews self-defense service in British-mandate Palestine
Jewish agricultural settlement in British-mandate Palestine, work and defense
Jewish agricultural settlement in British-mandate Palestine, work and defense, Zvi (Hirsch) Hochberg
Jewish agricultural settlements in British Palestine
Jewish military formation in British-mandate Palestine
Jewish military formation in British-mandate Palestine, Zvi (Hirsch) Hochberg
Young Zionist Pioneers in British Palestine, photo-documents
Young Zionist Pioneers in Palestine, photo-documents Hirsch (Herman) Hochberg
- Creators:
Jewish-Palestinian self-defense organizations (1930s -- 1940s)
- Document/Artifact of Item-Level 61: RG-75.03.61, Photograph, Jewish self-defense patrol along the railroad between Kefar-Sirkin and Rosh Ha'ayin, Palestine, 1939, ca. 1939

This document is a photograph consisting of Zvi Hochberg and other members of Jewish self-defense patrolling the Jewish strongholds/villages of K'far Sirkin and Rosh Ha'ayin, near Tel-Aviv.
Palestine, ca. 1939
- Subject/Index Terms:
British mandate authority of Palestine, 1920 -- 1948
Palestine, British Mandate Territory (1918--1948)
Jewish National Aspiration with regard to Palestine, 1918 --- 1939
Building a Jewish national home in Palestine, 1918 --1939
Rosh Ha'ayin (Palestine)
Kfar Sirkin (Palestine)
Jewish self-defense forces in British-mandate Palestine
Jewish self-defense forces in British-mandate Palestine, Zvi (Hirsch) Hochberg
Jews in self-defense service in British-mandate Palestine, Zvi (Hirsch) Hochberg
Jews self-defense service in British-mandate Palestine
Jewish military formation in British-mandate Palestine
Jewish military formation in British-mandate Palestine, Zvi (Hirsch) Hochberg
Jewish agricultural settlement in British-mandate Palestine, work and defense
Jewish agricultural settlement in British-mandate Palestine, work and defense, Zvi (Hirsch) Hochberg
Jewish agricultural settlements in British Palestine
Young Zionist Pioneers in British Palestine, photo-documents
Young Zionist Pioneers in Palestine, photo-documents Hirsch (Herman) Hochberg
Armed Forces, Jewish, 1939 -- 1945
Tel Aviv (Palestine)
- Creators:
Jewish-Palestinian self-defense organizations (1930s -- 1940s)
Jewish defense forces under the British supervision in Palestine (1939 -- 1945)
- Document/Artifact of Item-Level 62: RG-75.03.62, Photograph, an Arab set explosive went off. Works to reinstate railrod. Palestine, 1939, 1939

This document is a photograph from prewar Palestine, of a badly damaged railroad track from a bomb set off by Arab forces.
Palestine, 1939
- Subject/Index Terms:
Arab revolt in Palestine, 1936 -- 1939
Palestine, British Mandate Territory (1918--1948)
British mandate authority of Palestine, 1920 -- 1948
Building a Jewish national home in Palestine, 1918 --1939
Jewish National Aspiration with regard to Palestine, 1918 --- 1939
Jewish self-defense forces in British-mandate Palestine
Jewish self-defense forces in British-mandate Palestine, Zvi (Hirsch) Hochberg
Jews in self-defense service in British-mandate Palestine, Zvi (Hirsch) Hochberg
Jews self-defense service in British-mandate Palestine
Jewish military formation in British-mandate Palestine
Jewish military formation in British-mandate Palestine, Zvi (Hirsch) Hochberg
Jewish agricultural settlement in British-mandate Palestine, work and defense
Jewish agricultural settlement in British-mandate Palestine, work and defense, Zvi (Hirsch) Hochberg
Jewish agricultural settlements in British Palestine
Young Zionist Pioneers in British Palestine, photo-documents
Young Zionist Pioneers in Palestine, photo-documents Hirsch (Herman) Hochberg
Armed Forces, Jewish, 1939 -- 1945
- Creators:
Jewish-Palestinian self-defense organizations (1930s -- 1940s)
Jewish defense forces under the British supervision in Palestine (1939 -- 1945)
- Document/Artifact of Item-Level 63: RG-75.03.63, Photographs, military funeral ceremony. Two British soldiers killed by the Arab explosive. Palestine, 1939, 1939

This document is a collection of two photographs from a military funeral ceremony for two British soldiers that were killed by an Arab explosive.
Palestine, 1939
- Subject/Index Terms:
Arab revolt in Palestine, 1936 -- 1939
Armed Forces, British
Armed Forces, Jewish, 1939 -- 1945
British mandate authority of Palestine, 1920 -- 1948
Palestine, British Mandate Territory (1918--1948)
Building a Jewish national home in Palestine, 1918 --1939
Jewish National Aspiration with regard to Palestine, 1918 --- 1939
Jewish self-defense forces in British-mandate Palestine
Jewish self-defense forces in British-mandate Palestine, Zvi (Hirsch) Hochberg
Jewish military formation in British-mandate Palestine
Jewish military formation in British-mandate Palestine, Zvi (Hirsch) Hochberg
Jews in self-defense service in British-mandate Palestine, Zvi (Hirsch) Hochberg
Jews self-defense service in British-mandate Palestine
Jewish agricultural settlement in British-mandate Palestine, work and defense, Zvi (Hirsch) Hochberg
Jewish legions and Jewish military formation in the British Army
Jewish legions in the British mandate Palestine
- Creators:
Jewish-Palestinian self-defense organizations (1930s -- 1940s)
Jewish defense forces under the British supervision in Palestine (1939 -- 1945)
- Document/Artifact of Item-Level 64: RG-75.03.64, Photograph, the Arab terrorist were aware about many Arabs passengers but they mined the track. Palestine, 1939, 1939

This document is a photograph showing the devastation of an Arab mining attack along railroad tracks in Palestine.
The attackers were aware of the many Arab train passengers.
Palestine, 1939
- Subject/Index Terms:
Arab revolt in Palestine, 1936 -- 1939
British mandate authority of Palestine, 1920 -- 1948
Palestine, British Mandate Territory (1918--1948)
Armed Forces, Jewish, 1939 -- 1945
Building a Jewish national home in Palestine, 1918 --1939
Jewish National Aspiration with regard to Palestine, 1918 --- 1939
Jewish self-defense forces in British-mandate Palestine
Jewish self-defense forces in British-mandate Palestine, Zvi (Hirsch) Hochberg
Jews in self-defense service in British-mandate Palestine, Zvi (Hirsch) Hochberg
Jews self-defense service in British-mandate Palestine
Jewish legions and Jewish military formation in the British Army
Jewish military formation in British-mandate Palestine
Jewish military formation in British-mandate Palestine, Zvi (Hirsch) Hochberg
Jewish legions in the British mandate Palestine
- Creators:
Jewish-Palestinian self-defense organizations (1930s -- 1940s)
Jewish defense forces under the British supervision in Palestine (1939 -- 1945)
- Document/Artifact of Item-Level 65: RG-75.03.65, A bedouin, British officer and a Jewish soldier near the camel. Palestine, 1939, 1939

This document is a photograph of a bedouin visiting with a British officer and Jewish soldier in Palestine.
- Subject/Index Terms:
British mandate authority of Palestine, 1920 -- 1948
Palestine, British Mandate Territory (1918--1948)
Armed Forces, Jewish, 1939 -- 1945
Building a Jewish national home in Palestine, 1918 --1939
Jewish National Aspiration with regard to Palestine, 1918 --- 1939
Jewish self-defense forces in British-mandate Palestine
Jewish self-defense forces in British-mandate Palestine, Zvi (Hirsch) Hochberg
Jews in self-defense service in British-mandate Palestine, Zvi (Hirsch) Hochberg
Jews self-defense service in British-mandate Palestine
Jewish legions and Jewish military formation in the British Army
Jewish military formation in British-mandate Palestine
Jewish military formation in British-mandate Palestine, Zvi (Hirsch) Hochberg
Armed Forces, British
- Creators:
Jewish-Palestinian self-defense organizations (1930s -- 1940s)
Jewish defense forces under the British supervision in Palestine (1939 -- 1945)
- Document/Artifact of Item-Level 66: RG-75.03.66, Photograph, Rosh Ha'ayin with soldier-friends, Palestine, ca. 1939, ca. 1939

This document is a photograph of Zvi Hochberg (middle) and other members of Jewish self-defense forces.
Palestine, ca. 1939
- Subject/Index Terms:
British mandate authority of Palestine, 1920 -- 1948
Palestine, British Mandate Territory (1918--1948)
Rosh Ha'ayin (Palestine)
Armed Forces, Jewish, 1939 -- 1945
Building a Jewish national home in Palestine, 1918 --1939
Jewish National Aspiration with regard to Palestine, 1918 --- 1939
Jewish self-defense forces in British-mandate Palestine
Jewish self-defense forces in British-mandate Palestine, Zvi (Hirsch) Hochberg
Jews in self-defense service in British-mandate Palestine, Zvi (Hirsch) Hochberg
Jews self-defense service in British-mandate Palestine
Jewish legions and Jewish military formation in the British Army
Jewish military formation in British-mandate Palestine
Jewish military formation in British-mandate Palestine, Zvi (Hirsch) Hochberg
Jewish agricultural settlement in British-mandate Palestine, work and defense
Jewish agricultural settlement in British-mandate Palestine, work and defense, Zvi (Hirsch) Hochberg
Jewish agricultural settlements in British Palestine
Young Zionist Pioneers in Palestine, photo-documents Hirsch (Herman) Hochberg
Young Zionist Pioneers in British Palestine, photo-documents
- Creators:
Jewish-Palestinian self-defense organizations (1930s -- 1940s)
Jewish defense forces under the British supervision in Palestine (1939 -- 1945)
- Document/Artifact of Item-Level 67: RG-75.03.67, Photograph, Zvi (Hirsch) Hochberg on duty by the armory. Palestine, ca. 1939, ca. 1939

This document is a photograph of Zvi Hochberg on duty by a Jewish defense forces armory in Palestine.
ca. 1939
- Subject/Index Terms:
Palestine, British Mandate Territory (1918--1948)
British mandate authority of Palestine, 1920 -- 1948
Building a Jewish national home in Palestine, 1918 --1939
Jewish National Aspiration with regard to Palestine, 1918 --- 1939
Armed Forces, Jewish, 1939 -- 1945
Jewish self-defense forces in British-mandate Palestine
Jewish self-defense forces in British-mandate Palestine, Zvi (Hirsch) Hochberg
Jews in self-defense service in British-mandate Palestine, Zvi (Hirsch) Hochberg
Jews self-defense service in British-mandate Palestine
Jewish legions and Jewish military formation in the British Army
Jewish military formation in British-mandate Palestine
Jewish military formation in British-mandate Palestine, Zvi (Hirsch) Hochberg
Jewish agricultural settlement in British-mandate Palestine, work and defense
Jewish agricultural settlement in British-mandate Palestine, work and defense, Zvi (Hirsch) Hochberg
Young Zionist Pioneers in British Palestine, photo-documents
Young Zionist Pioneers in Palestine, photo-documents Hirsch (Herman) Hochberg
- Creators:
Jewish-Palestinian self-defense organizations (1930s -- 1940s)
Jewish defense forces under the British supervision in Palestine (1939 -- 1945)
- Document/Artifact of Item-Level 68: RG-75.03.68, Photograph, Jewish self-defense, celebration, Palestine, ca. 1939, ca. 1939

This document is a photograph of a group of soldiers from the Jewish self-defense forces, celebrating in Palestine.
ca. 1939
- Subject/Index Terms:
Jewish self-defense forces in British-mandate Palestine
Jewish self-defense forces in British-mandate Palestine, Zvi (Hirsch) Hochberg
Jews in self-defense service in British-mandate Palestine, Zvi (Hirsch) Hochberg
Jews self-defense service in British-mandate Palestine
Jewish legions and Jewish military formation in the British Army
Jewish military formation in British-mandate Palestine
Jewish military formation in British-mandate Palestine, Zvi (Hirsch) Hochberg
Building a Jewish national home in Palestine, 1918 --1939
Jewish National Aspiration with regard to Palestine, 1918 --- 1939
Jewish agricultural settlement in British-mandate Palestine, work and defense
Jewish agricultural settlement in British-mandate Palestine, work and defense, Zvi (Hirsch) Hochberg
Jewish agricultural settlements in British Palestine
Armed Forces, Jewish, 1939 -- 1945
Young Zionist Pioneers in Palestine, photo-documents Hirsch (Herman) Hochberg
Young Zionist Pioneers in British Palestine, photo-documents
British mandate authority of Palestine, 1920 -- 1948
Palestine, British Mandate Territory (1918--1948)
- Creators:
Jewish defense forces under the British supervision in Palestine (1939 -- 1945)
Jewish-Palestinian self-defense organizations (1930s -- 1940s)
- Document/Artifact of Item-Level 69: RG-75.03.69, Photograph, Jewish self-defense platoon at the railway. Palestine, ca. 1939, ca. 1939

This document is a group photograph of members of the Jewish self-defense forces along a railway in Palestine.
ca. 1939
- Subject/Index Terms:
British mandate authority of Palestine, 1920 -- 1948
Palestine, British Mandate Territory (1918--1948)
Jews in self-defense service in British-mandate Palestine, Zvi (Hirsch) Hochberg
Jews self-defense service in British-mandate Palestine
Jewish self-defense forces in British-mandate Palestine
Jewish self-defense forces in British-mandate Palestine, Zvi (Hirsch) Hochberg
Jewish legions and Jewish military formation in the British Army
Jewish military formation in British-mandate Palestine, Zvi (Hirsch) Hochberg
Building a Jewish national home in Palestine, 1918 --1939
Jewish National Aspiration with regard to Palestine, 1918 --- 1939
Jewish agricultural settlement in British-mandate Palestine, work and defense
Jewish agricultural settlement in British-mandate Palestine, work and defense, Zvi (Hirsch) Hochberg
Jewish agricultural settlements in British Palestine
Armed Forces, Jewish, 1939 -- 1945
Young Zionist Pioneers in Palestine, photo-documents Hirsch (Herman) Hochberg
Young Zionist Pioneers in British Palestine, photo-documents
- Creators:
Jewish defense forces under the British supervision in Palestine (1939 -- 1945)
Jewish-Palestinian self-defense organizations (1930s -- 1940s)
- Document/Artifact of Item-Level 70: RG-75.03.70, Photograph, Jewish self-defense at the Rosh Ha'ayin permanent camp. Palestine, 1939, 1939

This document is a photograph of a group of Jewish self-defense forces, taken at the Rosh Ha'ayin permanent camp near Tel-Aviv.
Palestine, 1939
- Subject/Index Terms:
Jewish self-defense forces in British-mandate Palestine
Jewish self-defense forces in British-mandate Palestine, Zvi (Hirsch) Hochberg
Jews in self-defense service in British-mandate Palestine, Zvi (Hirsch) Hochberg
Jews self-defense service in British-mandate Palestine
Jewish legions and Jewish military formation in the British Army
Jewish military formation in British-mandate Palestine
Jewish military formation in British-mandate Palestine, Zvi (Hirsch) Hochberg
Jewish agricultural settlement in British-mandate Palestine, work and defense
Jewish agricultural settlement in British-mandate Palestine, work and defense, Zvi (Hirsch) Hochberg
Jewish National Aspiration with regard to Palestine, 1918 --- 1939
Building a Jewish national home in Palestine, 1918 --1939
Armed Forces, Jewish, 1939 -- 1945
Young Zionist Pioneers in British Palestine, photo-documents
Young Zionist Pioneers in Palestine, photo-documents Hirsch (Herman) Hochberg
British mandate authority of Palestine, 1920 -- 1948
Palestine, British Mandate Territory (1918--1948)
Tel Aviv (Palestine)
Rosh Ha'ayin (Palestine)
- Creators:
Jewish defense forces under the British supervision in Palestine (1939 -- 1945)
Jewish-Palestinian self-defense organizations (1930s -- 1940s)
- Document/Artifact of Item-Level 71: RG-75.03.71, Photograph, a volleyball game at Hedera, Palestine, 1940, 1940

This document is a photograph of Jewish self-defense forces enjoying leisurely activities at a defense camp in Hedera, north of Tel-Aviv.
Palestine, 1940
- Subject/Index Terms:
Hadera (Palestine)
Tel Aviv (Palestine)
Palestine, British Mandate Territory (1918--1948)
British mandate authority of Palestine, 1920 -- 1948
Jewish National Aspiration with regard to Palestine, 1918 --- 1939
Building a Jewish national home in Palestine, 1918 --1939
Jewish self-defense forces in British-mandate Palestine
Jewish self-defense forces in British-mandate Palestine, Zvi (Hirsch) Hochberg
Jews in self-defense service in British-mandate Palestine, Zvi (Hirsch) Hochberg
Jews self-defense service in British-mandate Palestine
Jewish legions and Jewish military formation in the British Army
Jewish military formation in British-mandate Palestine
Jewish military formation in British-mandate Palestine, Zvi (Hirsch) Hochberg
Jewish agricultural settlement in British-mandate Palestine, work and defense
Jewish agricultural settlement in British-mandate Palestine, work and defense, Zvi (Hirsch) Hochberg
Armed Forces, Jewish, 1939 -- 1945
Young Zionist Pioneers in Palestine, photo-documents Hirsch (Herman) Hochberg
Young Zionist Pioneers in British Palestine, photo-documents
- Creators:
Jewish defense forces under the British supervision in Palestine (1939 -- 1945)
Jewish-Palestinian self-defense organizations (1930s -- 1940s)
- Document/Artifact of Item-Level 72: RG-75.03.72, Photograph, Jewish self-defense training center at Hadera. Palestine, 1940, 1940

This document is a photograph taken at the Jewish self-defense training center in Hadera, north of Tel-Aviv, in Palestine.
- Subject/Index Terms:
Hadera (Palestine)
British mandate authority of Palestine, 1920 -- 1948
Palestine, British Mandate Territory (1918--1948)
Jewish self-defense forces in British-mandate Palestine
Jewish self-defense forces in British-mandate Palestine, Zvi (Hirsch) Hochberg
Jews in self-defense service in British-mandate Palestine, Zvi (Hirsch) Hochberg
Jews self-defense service in British-mandate Palestine
Jewish legions and Jewish military formation in the British Army
Jewish military formation in British-mandate Palestine
Jewish military formation in British-mandate Palestine, Zvi (Hirsch) Hochberg
Jewish agricultural settlement in British-mandate Palestine, work and defense
Jewish agricultural settlement in British-mandate Palestine, work and defense, Zvi (Hirsch) Hochberg
Jewish agricultural settlements in British Palestine
Armed Forces, Jewish, 1939 -- 1945
Young Zionist Pioneers in British Palestine, photo-documents
Young Zionist Pioneers in Palestine, photo-documents Hirsch (Herman) Hochberg
Tel Aviv (Palestine)
- Creators:
Jewish-Palestinian self-defense organizations (1930s -- 1940s)
Jewish defense forces under the British supervision in Palestine (1939 -- 1945)
- Document/Artifact of Item-Level 73: RG-75.03.73, Photograph, Jewish self-defense training center at Hedera, 800-meter race. Hedera, Palestine, ca. 1940, ca. 1940

This document is a photograph taken at the Jewish self-defense training center in Hedera, north of Tel-Aviv. Three self-defenders train by competing in a 800-meter race.
Hedera, Palestine, ca. 1940
- Subject/Index Terms:
Hadera (Palestine)
British mandate authority of Palestine, 1920 -- 1948
Palestine, British Mandate Territory (1918--1948)
Jewish self-defense forces in British-mandate Palestine
Jewish self-defense forces in British-mandate Palestine, Zvi (Hirsch) Hochberg
Jews in self-defense service in British-mandate Palestine, Zvi (Hirsch) Hochberg
Jews self-defense service in British-mandate Palestine
Jewish legions and Jewish military formation in the British Army
Jewish military formation in British-mandate Palestine
Jewish military formation in British-mandate Palestine, Zvi (Hirsch) Hochberg
Jewish agricultural settlement in British-mandate Palestine, work and defense
Jewish agricultural settlement in British-mandate Palestine, work and defense, Zvi (Hirsch) Hochberg
Armed Forces, Jewish, 1939 -- 1945
Young Zionist Pioneers in Palestine, photo-documents Hirsch (Herman) Hochberg
Young Zionist Pioneers in British Palestine, photo-documents
Tel Aviv (Palestine)
- Creators:
Jewish defense forces under the British supervision in Palestine (1939 -- 1945)
Jewish-Palestinian self-defense organizations (1930s -- 1940s)
- Document/Artifact of Item-Level 74: RG-75.03.74, Photograph, Jewish self-defense training center at Hedera, a training race. Hedera, Palestine, 1940, 1940

This document is a photograph of a track-and-field competition held at the Jewish self-defense training facility in Hedera, north of Tel-Aviv, Palestine. Members of the Jewish self-defense are competing in the race.
Hedera, Palestine, 1940
- Subject/Index Terms:
Hadera (Palestine)
British mandate authority of Palestine, 1920 -- 1948
Palestine, British Mandate Territory (1918--1948)
Jewish self-defense forces in British-mandate Palestine
Jewish self-defense forces in British-mandate Palestine, Zvi (Hirsch) Hochberg
Jews in self-defense service in British-mandate Palestine, Zvi (Hirsch) Hochberg
Jews self-defense service in British-mandate Palestine
Jewish legions and Jewish military formation in the British Army
Jewish military formation in British-mandate Palestine
Jewish military formation in British-mandate Palestine, Zvi (Hirsch) Hochberg
Jewish agricultural settlement in British-mandate Palestine, work and defense
Jewish agricultural settlement in British-mandate Palestine, work and defense, Zvi (Hirsch) Hochberg
Jewish agricultural settlements in British Palestine
Armed Forces, Jewish, 1939 -- 1945
Military training of Jewish Palestinian volunteers
Young Zionist Pioneers in British Palestine, photo-documents
Young Zionist Pioneers in Palestine, photo-documents Hirsch (Herman) Hochberg
Tel Aviv (Palestine)
- Creators:
Jewish-Palestinian self-defense organizations (1930s -- 1940s)
Jewish defense forces under the British supervision in Palestine (1939 -- 1945)
- Document/Artifact of Item-Level 75: RG-75.03.75, Photograph, Jewish self-defense formation at Rosh Ha'ayin camp. Palestine, March 27, 1940, March 27, 1940

This document is a photograph of a group of Jewish self-defenders in military formation at the Rosh Ha'ayin camp (east of Tel-Aviv) in Palestine.
March 27, 1940
- Subject/Index Terms:
Rosh Ha'ayin (Palestine)
British mandate authority of Palestine, 1920 -- 1948
Palestine, British Mandate Territory (1918--1948)
Tel Aviv (Palestine)
Building a Jewish national home in Palestine, 1918 --1939
Jewish National Aspiration with regard to Palestine, 1918 --- 1939
Jewish self-defense forces in British-mandate Palestine
Jewish self-defense forces in British-mandate Palestine, Zvi (Hirsch) Hochberg
Jews in self-defense service in British-mandate Palestine, Zvi (Hirsch) Hochberg
Jews self-defense service in British-mandate Palestine
Jewish legions and Jewish military formation in the British Army
Jewish military formation in British-mandate Palestine
Jewish military formation in British-mandate Palestine, Zvi (Hirsch) Hochberg
Jewish agricultural settlement in British-mandate Palestine, work and defense
Jewish agricultural settlement in British-mandate Palestine, work and defense, Zvi (Hirsch) Hochberg
Armed Forces, Jewish, 1939 -- 1945
Military training of Jewish Palestinian volunteers
Young Zionist Pioneers in Palestine, photo-documents Hirsch (Herman) Hochberg
Young Zionist Pioneers in British Palestine, photo-documents
- Creators:
Jewish defense forces under the British supervision in Palestine (1939 -- 1945)
Jewish-Palestinian self-defense organizations (1930s -- 1940s)
- Document/Artifact of Item-Level 76: RG-75.03.76, Photograph, a military barrack with personal mosquito netting above each bed. Palestine, 1940, 1940

This document is a photograph of a military barracks, presumably from a Jewish self-defense military training facility, in Palestine. The contraption above each bed is a mosquito netting.
- Subject/Index Terms:
British mandate authority of Palestine, 1920 -- 1948
Palestine, British Mandate Territory (1918--1948)
Building a Jewish national home in Palestine, 1918 --1939
Jewish National Aspiration with regard to Palestine, 1918 --- 1939
Jewish self-defense forces in British-mandate Palestine
Jewish self-defense forces in British-mandate Palestine, Zvi (Hirsch) Hochberg
Jews in self-defense service in British-mandate Palestine, Zvi (Hirsch) Hochberg
Jews self-defense service in British-mandate Palestine
Jewish legions and Jewish military formation in the British Army
Jewish military formation in British-mandate Palestine
Jewish military formation in British-mandate Palestine, Zvi (Hirsch) Hochberg
Jewish agricultural settlement in British-mandate Palestine, work and defense
Jewish agricultural settlement in British-mandate Palestine, work and defense, Zvi (Hirsch) Hochberg
Armed Forces, Jewish, 1939 -- 1945
Military training of Jewish Palestinian volunteers
- Creators:
Jewish defense forces under the British supervision in Palestine (1939 -- 1945)
Jewish-Palestinian self-defense organizations (1930s -- 1940s)
- Document/Artifact of Item-Level 77: RG-75.03.77, Photograph, a Jewish self-defense unit in the military barrack. Palestine, ca. 1940, ca. 1940

This document is a photograph of a military barracks from a Jewish self-defense military facility.
Palestine, ca. 1940
- Subject/Index Terms:
British mandate authority of Palestine, 1920 -- 1948
Palestine, British Mandate Territory (1918--1948)
Building a Jewish national home in Palestine, 1918 --1939
Jewish National Aspiration with regard to Palestine, 1918 --- 1939
Jewish self-defense forces in British-mandate Palestine
Jewish self-defense forces in British-mandate Palestine, Zvi (Hirsch) Hochberg
Jews in self-defense service in British-mandate Palestine, Zvi (Hirsch) Hochberg
Jews self-defense service in British-mandate Palestine
Jewish legions and Jewish military formation in the British Army
Jewish military formation in British-mandate Palestine
Jewish military formation in British-mandate Palestine, Zvi (Hirsch) Hochberg
Jewish agricultural settlement in British-mandate Palestine, work and defense
Jewish agricultural settlement in British-mandate Palestine, work and defense, Zvi (Hirsch) Hochberg
Armed Forces, Jewish, 1939 -- 1945
Military training of Jewish Palestinian volunteers
- Creators:
Jewish defense forces under the British supervision in Palestine (1939 -- 1945)
Jewish-Palestinian self-defense organizations (1930s -- 1940s)
- Document/Artifact of Item-Level 78: RG-75.03.78, Photograph, Zvi (Hirsch) Hochberg on guard by the armoury. Palestine, 1940, 1940

This document is a photograph of Zvi (Hirsch) Hochberg, member of Jewish self-defense forces, on guard by an armory and rail line in Palestine.
- Subject/Index Terms:
British mandate authority of Palestine, 1920 -- 1948
Palestine, British Mandate Territory (1918--1948)
Building a Jewish national home in Palestine, 1918 --1939
Jewish National Aspiration with regard to Palestine, 1918 --- 1939
Jewish self-defense forces in British-mandate Palestine
Jewish self-defense forces in British-mandate Palestine, Zvi (Hirsch) Hochberg
Jews in self-defense service in British-mandate Palestine, Zvi (Hirsch) Hochberg
Jews self-defense service in British-mandate Palestine
Jewish legions and Jewish military formation in the British Army
Jewish military formation in British-mandate Palestine
Jewish military formation in British-mandate Palestine, Zvi (Hirsch) Hochberg
Jewish agricultural settlement in British-mandate Palestine, work and defense
Jewish agricultural settlement in British-mandate Palestine, work and defense, Zvi (Hirsch) Hochberg
Armed Forces, Jewish, 1939 -- 1945
Military training of Jewish Palestinian volunteers
Young Zionist Pioneers in Palestine, photo-documents Hirsch (Herman) Hochberg
- Creators:
Jewish defense forces under the British supervision in Palestine (1939 -- 1945)
Jewish-Palestinian self-defense organizations (1930s -- 1940s)
- Document/Artifact of Item-Level 79: RG-75.03.79, Photograph, Jewish self-defense with the armored vehicle, Palestine ca. 1940, ca. 1940

This document is a photograph of members of the Jewish self-defense forces posing with an armored vehicle in Palestine.
ca. 1940
- Subject/Index Terms:
British mandate authority of Palestine, 1920 -- 1948
Palestine, British Mandate Territory (1918--1948)
Building a Jewish national home in Palestine, 1918 --1939
Jewish National Aspiration with regard to Palestine, 1918 --- 1939
Jewish self-defense forces in British-mandate Palestine
Jewish self-defense forces in British-mandate Palestine, Zvi (Hirsch) Hochberg
Jews self-defense service in British-mandate Palestine
Jews in self-defense service in British-mandate Palestine, Zvi (Hirsch) Hochberg
Jewish legions and Jewish military formation in the British Army
Jewish military formation in British-mandate Palestine
Jewish military formation in British-mandate Palestine, Zvi (Hirsch) Hochberg
Jewish agricultural settlement in British-mandate Palestine, work and defense
Jewish agricultural settlement in British-mandate Palestine, work and defense, Zvi (Hirsch) Hochberg
Military training of Jewish Palestinian volunteers
- Creators:
Jewish defense forces under the British supervision in Palestine (1939 -- 1945)
Jewish-Palestinian self-defense organizations (1930s -- 1940s)
- Document/Artifact of Item-Level 80: RG-75.03.80, Phootgraph, P.R. Cargo train carried supplies for the British troops in Palestine an explosion. Palestine, ca. 1939, ca. 1939

This document is a photograph of the aftermath of an explosion of a cargo train carrying supplies for British & Jewish military forces stationed in Palestine.
ca. 1939
- Subject/Index Terms:
Arab revolt in Palestine, 1936 -- 1939
British mandate authority of Palestine, 1920 -- 1948
Palestine, British Mandate Territory (1918--1948)
Building a Jewish national home in Palestine, 1918 --1939
Jewish National Aspiration with regard to Palestine, 1918 --- 1939
Jewish self-defense forces in British-mandate Palestine
Jewish self-defense forces in British-mandate Palestine, Zvi (Hirsch) Hochberg
Jews in self-defense service in British-mandate Palestine, Zvi (Hirsch) Hochberg
Jews self-defense service in British-mandate Palestine
Jewish legions and Jewish military formation in the British Army
Jewish military formation in British-mandate Palestine, Zvi (Hirsch) Hochberg
Jewish agricultural settlement in British-mandate Palestine, work and defense
Jewish agricultural settlement in British-mandate Palestine, work and defense, Zvi (Hirsch) Hochberg
Armed Forces, British
Armed Forces, Jewish, 1939 -- 1945
Military training of Jewish Palestinian volunteers
- Creators:
Jewish defense forces under the British supervision in Palestine (1939 -- 1945)
Jewish-Palestinian self-defense organizations (1930s -- 1940s)
- Document/Artifact of Item-Level 81: RG-75.03.81, Photograph, Zvi (Hirsch) Hochberg and British officials. Palestine, ca. 1940, ca. 1940

This document is a photograph of a meeting between Zvi Hochberg (member of Jewish self-defense forces) and British officials.
Palestine, ca. 1940
- Subject/Index Terms:
British mandate authority of Palestine, 1920 -- 1948
Palestine, British Mandate Territory (1918--1948)
Building a Jewish national home in Palestine, 1918 --1939
Jewish National Aspiration with regard to Palestine, 1918 --- 1939
Jewish self-defense forces in British-mandate Palestine
Jewish self-defense forces in British-mandate Palestine, Zvi (Hirsch) Hochberg
Jews in self-defense service in British-mandate Palestine, Zvi (Hirsch) Hochberg
Jews self-defense service in British-mandate Palestine
Jewish legions and Jewish military formation in the British Army
Jewish military formation in British-mandate Palestine
Jewish military formation in British-mandate Palestine, Zvi (Hirsch) Hochberg
Armed Forces, Jewish, 1939 -- 1945
Armed Forces, British
Military training of Jewish Palestinian volunteers
- Creators:
Jewish defense forces under the British supervision in Palestine (1939 -- 1945)
Jewish-Palestinian self-defense organizations (1930s -- 1940s)
- Document/Artifact of Item-Level 82: RG-75.03.82, Photograph, Zvi (Hirsch) Hochberg after 5 years of service with Jewish-British soldiers. Palestine ca. 1940, ca. 1940

This document is a photograph of a group of Jewish self-defenders, taken after 5 years of service for Zvi (Hirsch) Hochberg.
Palestine, ca. 1940.
- Subject/Index Terms:
British mandate authority of Palestine, 1920 -- 1948
Palestine, British Mandate Territory (1918--1948)
Building a Jewish national home in Palestine, 1918 --1939
Jewish National Aspiration with regard to Palestine, 1918 --- 1939
Jewish self-defense forces in British-mandate Palestine
Jewish self-defense forces in British-mandate Palestine, Zvi (Hirsch) Hochberg
Jews in self-defense service in British-mandate Palestine, Zvi (Hirsch) Hochberg
Jews self-defense service in British-mandate Palestine
Jewish legions and Jewish military formation in the British Army
Jewish military formation in British-mandate Palestine
Jewish military formation in British-mandate Palestine, Zvi (Hirsch) Hochberg
Armed Forces, Jewish, 1939 -- 1945
Armed Forces, British
Military training of Jewish Palestinian volunteers
- Creators:
Jewish defense forces under the British supervision in Palestine (1939 -- 1945)
Jewish-Palestinian self-defense organizations (1930s -- 1940s)
- Document/Artifact of Item-Level 83: RG-75.03.83, Zvi (Hirsch) Hochberg, a narrative Sun of My Soul, written in the British Army in the ca. 1942, ca. 1942

This document is a poem written by Zvi (Hirsch) Hochberg, member of Jewish self-defense.
Hochberg wrote this poem on a Salvation Army memo page from Sydney, Australia.
ca. 1942
- Subject/Index Terms:
British mandate authority of Palestine, 1920 -- 1948
Palestine, British Mandate Territory (1918--1948)
Building a Jewish national home in Palestine, 1918 --1939
Jewish National Aspiration with regard to Palestine, 1918 --- 1939
Documents in English language
Jewish self-defense forces in British-mandate Palestine
Jewish self-defense forces in British-mandate Palestine, Zvi (Hirsch) Hochberg
Jews self-defense service in British-mandate Palestine
Jews in self-defense service in British-mandate Palestine, Zvi (Hirsch) Hochberg
Jewish legions and Jewish military formation in the British Army
Jewish military formation in British-mandate Palestine
Jewish military formation in British-mandate Palestine, Zvi (Hirsch) Hochberg
Jewish agricultural settlement in British-mandate Palestine, work and defense, Zvi (Hirsch) Hochberg
Military training of Jewish Palestinian volunteers
Armed Forces, Jewish, 1939 -- 1945
Armed Forces, British
Jews from Palestine in British military service in the course of the Second World War
- Creators:
Jewish defense forces under the British supervision in Palestine (1939 -- 1945)
Jewish-Palestinian self-defense organizations (1930s -- 1940s)
- Document/Artifact of Item-Level 84: RG-75.03.84, Medical leave the ship card issued to A.B. Hockberg, the ship bound for Palestine, ca. 1938, ca. 1938

This document is a medical leave card issued to A.B. Hockberg. The ship was bound for Palestine.
ca. 1938
- Subject/Index Terms:
British mandate authority of Palestine, 1920 -- 1948
Palestine, British Mandate Territory (1918--1948)
Building a Jewish national home in Palestine, 1918 --1939
Jewish National Aspiration with regard to Palestine, 1918 --- 1939
Haifa (Palestine)
- Creators:
Jewish defense forces under the British supervision in Palestine (1939 -- 1945)
Jewish-Palestinian self-defense organizations (1930s -- 1940s)
- Document/Artifact of Item-Level 85: RG-75.03.85, Photograph, Zvi (Hirsch) hochberg and his fellow volunteers after a few months of training at Qualqilya, Palestine, c. 1938

This document is photographs of Zvi (Hirsch) Hochberg and fellow volunteers after a few months of training at a military training facility in Qualqilya, northeast of Tel-Aviv. Hochberg is pictured on the right side of both photographs.
Palestine, c. 1938.
- Subject/Index Terms:
Palestine, British Mandate Territory (1918--1948)
British mandate authority of Palestine, 1920 -- 1948
Military training of Jewish Palestinian volunteers
Qualqilya (Palestine)
Armed Forces, Jewish, 1939 -- 1945
Jewish self-defense forces in British-mandate Palestine
Jewish self-defense forces in British-mandate Palestine, Zvi (Hirsch) Hochberg
Jews in self-defense service in British-mandate Palestine, Zvi (Hirsch) Hochberg
Jews self-defense service in British-mandate Palestine
Jewish legions and Jewish military formation in the British Army
Jewish military formation in British-mandate Palestine
Jewish military formation in British-mandate Palestine, Zvi (Hirsch) Hochberg
Jews from Palestine in British military service in the course of the Second World War
- Creators:
Jewish defense forces under the British supervision in Palestine (1939 -- 1945)
Jewish-Palestinian self-defense organizations (1930s -- 1940s)
- Document/Artifact of Item-Level 86: RG-75.03.86, Photographs, Zvi (Hirsch) Hochberg with Jewish families in Sydney, Australia. 1941, 1941

This document is a group of photographs of Zvi (Hirsch) Hochberg and an unnamed Jewish self-defender posing with Jewish families in Sydney, Australia.
- Subject/Index Terms:
Jewish self-defense forces in British-mandate Palestine
Jewish self-defense forces in British-mandate Palestine, Zvi (Hirsch) Hochberg
Jews in self-defense service in British-mandate Palestine, Zvi (Hirsch) Hochberg
Jews self-defense service in British-mandate Palestine
Jewish legions and Jewish military formation in the British Army
Jewish military formation in British-mandate Palestine
Jewish military formation in British-mandate Palestine, Zvi (Hirsch) Hochberg
Sydney (Australia)
Emigration from Europe to Australia, prewar
British mandate authority of Palestine, 1920 -- 1948
Palestine, British Mandate Territory (1918--1948)
Jewish agricultural settlement in British-mandate Palestine, work and defense, Zvi (Hirsch) Hochberg
Armed Forces, Jewish, 1939 -- 1945
- Creators:
Jewish defense forces under the British supervision in Palestine (1939 -- 1945)
Jewish-Palestinian self-defense organizations (1930s -- 1940s)
- Document/Artifact of Item-Level 87: RG-75.03.87, Photograph, Zvi (Hirsch) Hochberg at the Sydney Zoo, looking at the Flower Clock. Australia, 1941, 1941

This document is a photograph of the Sydney Zoo during Zvi (Hirsch) Hochberg's travels to Australia.
Sydney, 1941.
- Subject/Index Terms:
Sydney (Australia)
British mandate authority of Palestine, 1920 -- 1948
Palestine, British Mandate Territory (1918--1948)
Jewish legions and Jewish military formation in the British Army
Jewish military formation in British-mandate Palestine, Zvi (Hirsch) Hochberg
Jewish military formation in British-mandate Palestine
Jews in self-defense service in British-mandate Palestine, Zvi (Hirsch) Hochberg
Jews self-defense service in British-mandate Palestine
Jewish self-defense forces in British-mandate Palestine
Jewish self-defense forces in British-mandate Palestine, Zvi (Hirsch) Hochberg
Armed Forces, Jewish, 1939 -- 1945
Jewish agricultural settlement in British-mandate Palestine, work and defense, Zvi (Hirsch) Hochberg
- Creators:
Jewish defense forces under the British supervision in Palestine (1939 -- 1945)
Jewish-Palestinian self-defense organizations (1930s -- 1940s)
- Document/Artifact of Item-Level 88: RG-75.03.88, Photograph, Zvi (Hirsch) Hochberg with Mrs. Wilkins of Queensland, Australia, 1941, 1941

This document is a photograph of Zvi (Hirsch) Hochberg and a Mrs. Wilkins.
Queensland, Australia, 1941
- Subject/Index Terms:
British mandate authority of Palestine, 1920 -- 1948
Palestine, British Mandate Territory (1918--1948)
Jewish self-defense forces in British-mandate Palestine
Jewish self-defense forces in British-mandate Palestine, Zvi (Hirsch) Hochberg
Jews in self-defense service in British-mandate Palestine, Zvi (Hirsch) Hochberg
Jews self-defense service in British-mandate Palestine
Jewish legions and Jewish military formation in the British Army
Jewish military formation in British-mandate Palestine
Jewish military formation in British-mandate Palestine, Zvi (Hirsch) Hochberg
Jewish agricultural settlement in British-mandate Palestine, work and defense, Zvi (Hirsch) Hochberg
Armed Forces, Jewish, 1939 -- 1945
- Creators:
Jewish defense forces under the British supervision in Palestine (1939 -- 1945)
Jewish-Palestinian self-defense organizations (1930s -- 1940s)
- Document/Artifact of Item-Level 89: RG-75.03.89, Photograph, Zvi (Hirsch) Hochberg, Jewish volunteers and J. Schwartz from Jewish Community, Australia, 1941, 1941

This document is a photograph of Zvi Hochberg and another Jewish volunteer posing with J. Schwartz, a member of the Jewish Community in Australia.
- Subject/Index Terms:
British mandate authority of Palestine, 1920 -- 1948
Palestine, British Mandate Territory (1918--1948)
Australian Jewish Welfare Society
Jewish legions and Jewish military formation in the British Army
Jewish military formation in British-mandate Palestine
Jewish military formation in British-mandate Palestine, Zvi (Hirsch) Hochberg
Jewish self-defense forces in British-mandate Palestine
Jewish self-defense forces in British-mandate Palestine, Zvi (Hirsch) Hochberg
Jews in self-defense service in British-mandate Palestine, Zvi (Hirsch) Hochberg
Jews self-defense service in British-mandate Palestine
Armed Forces, Jewish, 1939 -- 1945
Jewish agricultural settlement in British-mandate Palestine, work and defense, Zvi (Hirsch) Hochberg
- Creators:
Jewish defense forces under the British supervision in Palestine (1939 -- 1945)
Jewish-Palestinian self-defense organizations (1930s -- 1940s)
- Document/Artifact of Item-Level 90: RG-75.03.90, British-Palestinian passport issued in Jerusalem. November 6, 1941, November 6, 1941

This document is a British-Palestinian passport issued to Zvi (Hirsch) Hochberg, Young Zionist Pioneer and eventual Jewish self-defender.
Issued on November 6, 1941
- Subject/Index Terms:
British mandate authority of Palestine, 1920 -- 1948
Palestine, British Mandate Territory (1918--1948)
Young Zionist Pioneers in Palestine, photo-documents Hirsch (Herman) Hochberg
Jewish self-defense forces in British-mandate Palestine
Jewish self-defense forces in British-mandate Palestine, Zvi (Hirsch) Hochberg
Jews in self-defense service in British-mandate Palestine, Zvi (Hirsch) Hochberg
Jews self-defense service in British-mandate Palestine
Jewish legions and Jewish military formation in the British Army
Jewish military formation in British-mandate Palestine
Jewish military formation in British-mandate Palestine, Zvi (Hirsch) Hochberg
Building a Jewish national home in Palestine, 1918 --1939
Jewish National Aspiration with regard to Palestine, 1918 --- 1939
British-Palestinian passports, 1920s-- 1948
British-Palestinian Government, 1920s -- 1948
Palestinian Jews in the British Navy in the course of the Second World War, Zvi (Hirsch) Hochberg
Jerusalem (Palestine)
Emigration from Nazi Germany to Palestine, prewar
Emigration from Poland to Palestine, 1930s, Hirsch Hochberg
Egypt (Africa)
- Creators:
Jewish defense forces under the British supervision in Palestine (1939 -- 1945)
Jewish-Palestinian self-defense organizations (1930s -- 1940s)
British Immigration Authorities in Palestine (1920s -- 1948)
- Document/Artifact of Item-Level 91: RG-75.03.91, Photograph, Zvi (Hirsch) Hochberg in British Navy uniform, 1941, 1941

This document is a portrait photograph of Jewish-Palestinian Zionist Pioneer, Zvi Hochberg, as a member of the British Navy.
- Subject/Index Terms:
British mandate authority of Palestine, 1920 -- 1948
Palestine, British Mandate Territory (1918--1948)
Young Zionist Pioneers in Palestine, photo-documents Hirsch (Herman) Hochberg
Palestinian Jews in the British Navy in the course of the Second World War, Zvi (Hirsch) Hochberg
Armed Forces, British
Armed Forces, Jewish, 1939 -- 1945
Jewish self-defense forces in British-mandate Palestine
Jewish self-defense forces in British-mandate Palestine, Zvi (Hirsch) Hochberg
Jews self-defense service in British-mandate Palestine
Jews in self-defense service in British-mandate Palestine, Zvi (Hirsch) Hochberg
Jewish legions and Jewish military formation in the British Army
Jewish military formation in British-mandate Palestine
Jewish military formation in British-mandate Palestine, Zvi (Hirsch) Hochberg
Military training of Jewish Palestinian volunteers
British military identification documents issued to Palestinian Jews, Zvi (Hirsch) Hochberg
- Creators:
Jewish defense forces under the British supervision in Palestine (1939 -- 1945)
Jewish-Palestinian self-defense organizations (1930s -- 1940s)
- Document/Artifact of Item-Level 92: RG-75.03.92, Photograph, Zvi (Hirsch) Hochberg in the British Navy, Grove Camp. Alexandria, Egypt, 1943, 1943

This document is a group photograph of Zvi (Hirsch) Hochberg and members of the British Navy, at Grove Camp in Alexandria, Egypt.
- Subject/Index Terms:
British mandate authority of Palestine, 1920 -- 1948
Palestine, British Mandate Territory (1918--1948)
Alexandria (Egypt)
Egypt (1939 -- 1945)
Young Zionist Pioneers in Palestine, photo-documents Hirsch (Herman) Hochberg
Palestinian Jews in the British military service in the course of the Second World War, Zvi Hochberg
Palestinian Jews in the British Navy in the course of the Second World War, Zvi (Hirsch) Hochberg
Armed Forces, British
Armed Forces, Jewish, 1939 -- 1945
Jewish legions and Jewish military formation in the British Army
Jewish military formation in British-mandate Palestine, Zvi (Hirsch) Hochberg
Jewish military formation in British-mandate Palestine
Jews in self-defense service in British-mandate Palestine, Zvi (Hirsch) Hochberg
Jewish agricultural settlement in British-mandate Palestine, work and defense, Zvi (Hirsch) Hochberg
- Creators:
British military and civilian photographers (1945 -- 1948)
Jewish defense forces under the British supervision in Palestine (1939 -- 1945)
- Document/Artifact of Item-Level 93: RG-75.03.93, Photograph, Zvi (Hirsch) Hochberg and a group of Jewish-British sailors. Alexandria, Egypt, 1943, 1943

This document is a photograph of Zvi (Hirsch) Hochberg and five other Jewish-British sailors in Alexandria, Egypt.
- Subject/Index Terms:
British mandate authority of Palestine, 1920 -- 1948
Palestine, British Mandate Territory (1918--1948)
Armed Forces, British
Jewish legions and Jewish military formation in the British Army
Armed Forces, Jewish, 1939 -- 1945
Jewish self-defense forces in British-mandate Palestine
Jewish self-defense forces in British-mandate Palestine, Zvi (Hirsch) Hochberg
Jews in self-defense service in British-mandate Palestine, Zvi (Hirsch) Hochberg
Jewish agricultural settlement in British-mandate Palestine, work and defense, Zvi (Hirsch) Hochberg
Alexandria (Egypt)
Egypt (1939 -- 1945)
Palestinian Jews in the British Navy in the course of the Second World War
Palestinian Jews in the British Navy in the course of the Second World War, Zvi (Hirsch) Hochberg
Palestinian Jews in British military campaign, the Second World War, Zvi (Hirsch) Hochberg
Palestinian Jews in the British military service in the course of the Second World War, Zvi Hochberg
- Creators:
Jewish-Palestinian self-defense organizations (1930s -- 1940s)
British military and civilian photographers (1945 -- 1948)
- Document/Artifact of Item-Level 94: RG-75.03.94, Photographs, Zvi (Hirsch) Hochberg and other Palestinian-British soldiers in the canteen, ca. 1943, ca. 1943

This document is two photographs of British-Palestinian soldiers, Zvi Hochberg included, enjoying leisurely activities at the military canteen.
Zvi (Hirsch) Hochberg
- Subject/Index Terms:
British mandate authority of Palestine, 1920 -- 1948
Palestine, British Mandate Territory (1918--1948)
Armed Forces, British
Armed Forces, Jewish, 1939 -- 1945
Jewish legions and Jewish military formation in the British Army
Jewish military formation in British-mandate Palestine, Zvi (Hirsch) Hochberg
Jewish military formation in British-mandate Palestine
Jewish self-defense forces in British-mandate Palestine
Jewish self-defense forces in British-mandate Palestine, Zvi (Hirsch) Hochberg
Jews in self-defense service in British-mandate Palestine, Zvi (Hirsch) Hochberg
Jews self-defense service in British-mandate Palestine
Palestinian Jews in the British military service in the course of the Second World War, Zvi Hochberg
- Creators:
Jewish defense forces under the British supervision in Palestine (1939 -- 1945)
British military and civilian photographers (1945 -- 1948)
- Document/Artifact of Item-Level 95: RG-75.03.95, Photographs, Zvi (Hirsch) Hochberg and British sailors, visiting Alexandria, 1943., 1943

This document is a photograph of Zvi (Hirsch) Hochberg and other British sailors during a visit in Alexandria, Egypt.
- Subject/Index Terms:
British mandate authority of Palestine, 1920 -- 1948
Palestine, British Mandate Territory (1918--1948)
Armed Forces, British
Armed Forces, Jewish, 1939 -- 1945
Jewish legions and Jewish military formation in the British Army
Jewish military formation in British-mandate Palestine
Jewish military formation in British-mandate Palestine, Zvi (Hirsch) Hochberg
Jewish self-defense forces in British-mandate Palestine
Jewish self-defense forces in British-mandate Palestine, Zvi (Hirsch) Hochberg
Jews in self-defense service in British-mandate Palestine, Zvi (Hirsch) Hochberg
Jews self-defense service in British-mandate Palestine
Palestinian Jews in the British military service in the course of the Second World War, Zvi Hochberg
Palestinian Jews in British military campaign, the Second World War, Zvi (Hirsch) Hochberg
Palestinian Jews in the British Navy in the course of the Second World War, Zvi (Hirsch) Hochberg
Alexandria (Egypt)
Egypt (1939 -- 1945)
- Creators:
Jewish defense forces under the British supervision in Palestine (1939 -- 1945)
Jewish-Palestinian self-defense organizations (1930s -- 1940s)
- Document/Artifact of Item-Level 96: RG-75.03.96, Photographs, Zvi (Hirsch) Hochberg and Meri, Palestine. July 8, 1943, July 8, 1943

This document is a photograph of Zvi (Hirsch) Hochberg and Meri posing in front of a truck with an unnamed man.
Palestine, July 8, 1943
- Subject/Index Terms:
British mandate authority of Palestine, 1920 -- 1948
Palestine, British Mandate Territory (1918--1948)
Building a Jewish national home in Palestine, 1918 --1939
Jewish National Aspiration with regard to Palestine, 1918 --- 1939
Jewish legions and Jewish military formation in the British Army
Jewish military formation in British-mandate Palestine
Jewish military formation in British-mandate Palestine, Zvi (Hirsch) Hochberg
Jewish self-defense forces in British-mandate Palestine
Jewish self-defense forces in British-mandate Palestine, Zvi (Hirsch) Hochberg
Jews in self-defense service in British-mandate Palestine, Zvi (Hirsch) Hochberg
Jews self-defense service in British-mandate Palestine
Palestinian Jews in the British military service in the course of the Second World War, Zvi Hochberg
Palestinian Jews in the British Navy in the course of the Second World War, Zvi (Hirsch) Hochberg
- Creators:
Jewish defense forces under the British supervision in Palestine (1939 -- 1945)
Jewish-Palestinian self-defense organizations (1930s -- 1940s)
- Document/Artifact of Item-Level 97: RG-75.03.97, British Naval Station identification Card issued to Zvi (Hirsch) Hochberg. February, 1943, February 5, 1943

This document is an military identification card issued to Zvi (Hirsch) Hochberg by the British Naval Station.
Hochberg was stationed at Port of Dekheila in Alexandria, Egypt.
Issued date: February 5, 1943
- Subject/Index Terms:
Alexandria (Egypt)
Egypt (1939 -- 1945)
British mandate authority of Palestine, 1920 -- 1948
Palestine, British Mandate Territory (1918--1948)
Jewish self-defense forces in British-mandate Palestine
Jewish self-defense forces in British-mandate Palestine, Zvi (Hirsch) Hochberg
Jews in self-defense service in British-mandate Palestine, Zvi (Hirsch) Hochberg
Jews self-defense service in British-mandate Palestine
Jewish legions and Jewish military formation in the British Army
Jewish military formation in British-mandate Palestine
Jewish military formation in British-mandate Palestine, Zvi (Hirsch) Hochberg
British-Palestinian military documents, soldiers' book, Second World War
Palestinian Jews in the British Navy in the course of the Second World War, Zvi (Hirsch) Hochberg
Palestinian Jews in the British military service in the course of the Second World War, Zvi Hochberg
British military identification documents issued to Palestinian Jews, Zvi (Hirsch) Hochberg
Jewish agricultural settlement in British-mandate Palestine, work and defense, Zvi (Hirsch) Hochberg
- Document/Artifact of Item-Level 98: RG-75.03.98, Photograph, Zvi (Hirsch) Hochberg with a group of British sailors, ca. 1943, ca. 1943

This document is a photograph of a group of British sailors, including Zvi (Hirsch) Hochberg, posing in front of a military truck.
ca. 1943
- Subject/Index Terms:
British mandate authority of Palestine, 1920 -- 1948
Palestine, British Mandate Territory (1918--1948)
Palestinian Jews in the British Navy in the course of the Second World War, Zvi (Hirsch) Hochberg
Palestinian Jews in the British military service in the course of the Second World War, Zvi Hochberg
Jewish agricultural settlement in British-mandate Palestine, work and defense, Zvi (Hirsch) Hochberg
Jewish self-defense forces in British-mandate Palestine, Zvi (Hirsch) Hochberg
Jews in self-defense service in British-mandate Palestine, Zvi (Hirsch) Hochberg
Jewish legions and Jewish military formation in the British Army
Jewish military formation in British-mandate Palestine, Zvi (Hirsch) Hochberg
- Creators:
Jewish defense forces under the British supervision in Palestine (1939 -- 1945)
British military and civilian photographers (1945 -- 1948)
- Document/Artifact of Item-Level 99: RG-75.03.99, Photograph, Zvi (Hirsch) Hochberg with British sailors in Alexandria, Egypt. 1944, 1944

This document is a photograph of Zvi (Hirsch) Hochberg and other British sailors posing in front of a military truck in Alexandria, Egypt.
- Subject/Index Terms:
Alexandria (Egypt)
Egypt (1939 -- 1945)
British mandate authority of Palestine, 1920 -- 1948
Palestine, British Mandate Territory (1918--1948)
Palestinian Jews in British military campaign, the Second World War, Zvi (Hirsch) Hochberg
Palestinian Jews in the British military service in the course of the Second World War, Zvi Hochberg
Palestinian Jews in the British Navy in the course of the Second World War, Zvi (Hirsch) Hochberg
Jewish self-defense forces in British-mandate Palestine
Jewish self-defense forces in British-mandate Palestine, Zvi (Hirsch) Hochberg
Jews in self-defense service in British-mandate Palestine, Zvi (Hirsch) Hochberg
Jewish legions and Jewish military formation in the British Army
Jewish military formation in British-mandate Palestine
Jewish military formation in British-mandate Palestine, Zvi (Hirsch) Hochberg
Jewish agricultural settlement in British-mandate Palestine, work and defense, Zvi (Hirsch) Hochberg
Armed Forces, British
British Royal Navy
- Creators:
Jewish defense forces under the British supervision in Palestine (1939 -- 1945)
British military and civilian photographers (1945 -- 1948)
- Document/Artifact of Item-Level 100: RG-75.03.100, Photograph, Zvi (Hirsch) Hochberg with the sailors from British ship Nile in Alexandria, 1944, 1944

This document is a photograph taken of Zvi (Hirsch) Hochberg and other sails from British ship "Nile", while in Alexandria, Egypt.
- Subject/Index Terms:
British mandate authority of Palestine, 1920 -- 1948
Palestine, British Mandate Territory (1918--1948)
Alexandria (Egypt)
Egypt (1939 -- 1945)
Palestinian Jews in British military campaign, the Second World War, Zvi (Hirsch) Hochberg
Palestinian Jews in the British Navy in the course of the Second World War, Zvi (Hirsch) Hochberg
Palestinian Jews in the British military service in the course of the Second World War, Zvi Hochberg
Jewish self-defense forces in British-mandate Palestine, Zvi (Hirsch) Hochberg
Jews in self-defense service in British-mandate Palestine, Zvi (Hirsch) Hochberg
Jewish legions and Jewish military formation in the British Army
Jewish military formation in British-mandate Palestine, Zvi (Hirsch) Hochberg
British Royal Navy
- Creators:
Jewish defense forces under the British supervision in Palestine (1939 -- 1945)
British military and civilian photographers (1945 -- 1948)
- Document/Artifact of Item-Level 101: RG-75.03.101, Photograph, Zvi (Hirsch) Hochberg with British sailors in Alexandria, 1944, 1944

This document is a photograph of Zvi (Hirsch) Hochberg and other British sailors while in Alexandria, Egypt.
- Subject/Index Terms:
British mandate authority of Palestine, 1920 -- 1948
Palestine, British Mandate Territory (1918--1948)
Alexandria (Egypt)
Egypt (1939 -- 1945)
Palestinian Jews in British military campaign, the Second World War, Zvi (Hirsch) Hochberg
Palestinian Jews in the British military service in the course of the Second World War, Zvi Hochberg
Palestinian Jews in the British Navy in the course of the Second World War, Zvi (Hirsch) Hochberg
Jewish self-defense forces in British-mandate Palestine, Zvi (Hirsch) Hochberg
Jews in self-defense service in British-mandate Palestine, Zvi (Hirsch) Hochberg
Jewish legions and Jewish military formation in the British Army
Jewish military formation in British-mandate Palestine
Jewish military formation in British-mandate Palestine, Zvi (Hirsch) Hochberg
British Royal Navy
- Creators:
British military and civilian photographers (1945 -- 1948)
Jewish defense forces under the British supervision in Palestine (1939 -- 1945)
- Document/Artifact of Item-Level 102: RG-75.03.102, Photograph, Zvi (Hirsch) Hochberg with friends in front of the Military Police (CMP) Base, Alexandria, 1944, 1944

This document is a photoraph of Zvi (Hirsch) Hochberg and other British sailors in front of the Military Police Base Station in Alexandria, Egypt.
- Subject/Index Terms:
Alexandria (Egypt)
Egypt (1939 -- 1945)
Palestinian Jews in the British military service in the course of the Second World War, Zvi Hochberg
Palestinian Jews in the British Navy in the course of the Second World War, Zvi (Hirsch) Hochberg
Palestinian Jews in British military campaign, the Second World War, Zvi (Hirsch) Hochberg
British mandate authority of Palestine, 1920 -- 1948
Palestine, British Mandate Territory (1918--1948)
Jews in self-defense service in British-mandate Palestine, Zvi (Hirsch) Hochberg
Jewish self-defense forces in British-mandate Palestine, Zvi (Hirsch) Hochberg
Jewish self-defense forces in British-mandate Palestine
Jews self-defense service in British-mandate Palestine
Building a Jewish national home in Palestine, 1918 --1939
Jewish National Aspiration with regard to Palestine, 1918 --- 1939
Armed Forces, British
Armed Forces, Jewish, 1939 -- 1945
- Creators:
British military and civilian photographers (1945 -- 1948)
Jewish defense forces under the British supervision in Palestine (1939 -- 1945)
- Document/Artifact of Item-Level 103: RG-75.03.103, Peter Marks, a fellow sailor from Glasgow, Scotland. 1944, 1944

This document is a photograph of Zvi Hochberg and Peter Marks, a fellow British sailor from Glasgow, Scotland.
- Subject/Index Terms:
Armed Forces, British
British Royal Navy
British mandate authority of Palestine, 1920 -- 1948
Palestine, British Mandate Territory (1918--1948)
Jewish agricultural settlement in British-mandate Palestine, work and defense, Zvi (Hirsch) Hochberg
Jewish military formation in British-mandate Palestine, Zvi (Hirsch) Hochberg
Jewish self-defense forces in British-mandate Palestine, Zvi (Hirsch) Hochberg
Jews in self-defense service in British-mandate Palestine, Zvi (Hirsch) Hochberg
Palestinian Jews in British military campaign, the Second World War, Zvi (Hirsch) Hochberg
Palestinian Jews in the British military service in the course of the Second World War, Zvi Hochberg
Palestinian Jews in the British Navy in the course of the Second World War, Zvi (Hirsch) Hochberg
Armed Forces, Jewish, 1939 -- 1945
Scottish Troops
- Creators:
Jewish defense forces under the British supervision in Palestine (1939 -- 1945)
British military and civilian photographers (1945 -- 1948)
- Document/Artifact of Item-Level 104: RG-75.03.104, Photograph, Zvi (Hirsch) Hochberg with friends. Alexandria, Egypt, 1944, 1944

This document is a photograph of Zvi Hochberg and other British sailors while in Alexandria, Egypt.
- Subject/Index Terms:
British Royal Navy
Armed Forces, British
Armed Forces, Jewish, 1939 -- 1945
Palestine, British Mandate Territory (1918--1948)
British mandate authority of Palestine, 1920 -- 1948
Alexandria (Egypt)
Egypt (1939 -- 1945)
Jewish agricultural settlement in British-mandate Palestine, work and defense, Zvi (Hirsch) Hochberg
Jewish military formation in British-mandate Palestine, Zvi (Hirsch) Hochberg
Jewish self-defense forces in British-mandate Palestine, Zvi (Hirsch) Hochberg
Jews in self-defense service in British-mandate Palestine, Zvi (Hirsch) Hochberg
Palestinian Jews in British military campaign, the Second World War, Zvi (Hirsch) Hochberg
Palestinian Jews in the British military service in the course of the Second World War, Zvi Hochberg
Palestinian Jews in the British Navy in the course of the Second World War, Zvi (Hirsch) Hochberg
- Creators:
British military and civilian photographers (1945 -- 1948)
Jewish defense forces under the British supervision in Palestine (1939 -- 1945)
- Document/Artifact of Item-Level 105: RG-75.03.105, Photograph, Zvi (Hirsch) Hochberg at the kitchen duty, British ship Nile, Alexandria, Egypt. 1944., 1944

This document is a group photograph of British sailors on board the vessel Nile. Pictured is Zvi Hochberg, Jewish self defender, and the group is on kitchen duty.
Alexandria, Egypt, 1944.
- Subject/Index Terms:
Palestine, British Mandate Territory (1918--1948)
British mandate authority of Palestine, 1920 -- 1948
Armed Forces, British
Armed Forces, Jewish, 1939 -- 1945
British Royal Navy
Alexandria (Egypt)
Egypt (1939 -- 1945)
Jewish military formation in British-mandate Palestine, Zvi (Hirsch) Hochberg
Jewish self-defense forces in British-mandate Palestine, Zvi (Hirsch) Hochberg
Jews in self-defense service in British-mandate Palestine, Zvi (Hirsch) Hochberg
Palestinian Jews in British military campaign, the Second World War, Zvi (Hirsch) Hochberg
Palestinian Jews in the British military service in the course of the Second World War, Zvi Hochberg
Palestinian Jews in the British Navy in the course of the Second World War, Zvi (Hirsch) Hochberg
- Creators:
British military and civilian photographers (1945 -- 1948)
Jewish defense forces under the British supervision in Palestine (1939 -- 1945)
- Document/Artifact of Item-Level 106: RG-75.03.106, Photograph, in Jerusalem, Schulmann, Shlomo Lehrer from Jerusalem, Hochberg the eldest of the group, ca. 1944

This document is a photograph of a group of British sailors. Included in the picture are "Schulmann", "Shlomo Lehrer from Jerusalem", and Zvi Hochberg is sitting third from the left. Hochberg is a Zionist that fled Europe in belief to build a Jewish national home in Palestine.
ca. 1944
- Subject/Index Terms:
British Royal Navy
Armed Forces, British
Armed Forces, Jewish, 1939 -- 1945
British mandate authority of Palestine, 1920 -- 1948
Palestine, British Mandate Territory (1918--1948)
Building a Jewish national home in Palestine, 1918 --1939
Jewish National Aspiration with regard to Palestine, 1918 --- 1939
Jerusalem (Palestine)
Jewish military formation in British-mandate Palestine, Zvi (Hirsch) Hochberg
Jewish self-defense forces in British-mandate Palestine, Zvi (Hirsch) Hochberg
Jews in self-defense service in British-mandate Palestine, Zvi (Hirsch) Hochberg
Palestinian Jews in British military campaign, the Second World War, Zvi (Hirsch) Hochberg
Palestinian Jews in the British military service in the course of the Second World War, Zvi Hochberg
Palestinian Jews in the British Navy in the course of the Second World War, Zvi (Hirsch) Hochberg
- Creators:
Jewish defense forces under the British supervision in Palestine (1939 -- 1945)
British military and civilian photographers (1945 -- 1948)
- Document/Artifact of Item-Level 107: RG-75.03.107, Photograph, Zvi (Hirsch) Hochberg, Kurt Heiskel, Pollak, Standing Mizrachi, Schulmann, Marmestein. Alexandria, 1944, 1944

This document is a photograph of British-Jewish sailors Zvi (Hirsch) Hochberg (furthest left), Kurt Heiskel, Pollak, Standing Mizrachi, Schulmann, and Marmestein.
Alexandria, Egypt, 1944
- Subject/Index Terms:
British Royal Navy
Alexandria (Egypt)
Egypt (1939 -- 1945)
Armed Forces, British
Armed Forces, Jewish, 1939 -- 1945
British mandate authority of Palestine, 1920 -- 1948
Palestine, British Mandate Territory (1918--1948)
Jewish military formation in British-mandate Palestine, Zvi (Hirsch) Hochberg
Jewish self-defense forces in British-mandate Palestine, Zvi (Hirsch) Hochberg
Jews in self-defense service in British-mandate Palestine, Zvi (Hirsch) Hochberg
Palestinian Jews in British military campaign, the Second World War, Zvi (Hirsch) Hochberg
Palestinian Jews in the British military service in the course of the Second World War, Zvi Hochberg
Palestinian Jews in the British Navy in the course of the Second World War, Zvi (Hirsch) Hochberg
- Creators:
Jewish defense forces under the British supervision in Palestine (1939 -- 1945)
British military and civilian photographers (1945 -- 1948)
- Document/Artifact of Item-Level 108: RG-75.03.108, British Naval Station Identification Document issued to Zvi (Hirsch) Hochberg. Palestine, September 3, 1944, September 3, 1944

This document is a British Naval Station Identification document issued to Zvi (Hirsch) Hochberg by British Naval authorities. This document identifies Hochberg as a British sailor stationed in Alexandria aboard the British ship, Nile.
Issued September 3, 1944
- Subject/Index Terms:
British Royal Navy
Armed Forces, British
Armed Forces, Jewish, 1939 -- 1945
British mandate authority of Palestine, 1920 -- 1948
Palestine, British Mandate Territory (1918--1948)
Alexandria (Egypt)
Egypt (1939 -- 1945)
British military identification documents issued to Palestinian Jews, Zvi (Hirsch) Hochberg
Jewish military formation in British-mandate Palestine, Zvi (Hirsch) Hochberg
Jewish self-defense forces in British-mandate Palestine, Zvi (Hirsch) Hochberg
Jews in self-defense service in British-mandate Palestine, Zvi (Hirsch) Hochberg
Palestinian Jews in British military campaign, the Second World War, Zvi (Hirsch) Hochberg
Palestinian Jews in the British Navy in the course of the Second World War, Zvi (Hirsch) Hochberg
- Creators:
Jewish defense forces under the British supervision in Palestine (1939 -- 1945)
British military and civilian photographers (1945 -- 1948)
- Document/Artifact of Item-Level 109: RG-75.03.109, One of the most famous WWII battlefields where Field-Marshal Montgomery stopped the Nazi Panzers of Rommel, c. 1944

This document is a group pphotograph of British sailors visiting the famous WWII battlefield where Montgomery's British forces defeated Rommel's German Panzers, known as the "Battle of El Alamein".
Zvi Hochberg is pictured without a hat standing in front of the military truck.
c. 1944
- Subject/Index Terms:
North African Campaign, 10 June 1940 -- 13 May 1943
Retreat of Rommel in North Africa, 1942
Warfare in northern Africa, 1942 -- 1943
Battles of El Alamein, Egypt, 1942
Egypt (1939 -- 1945)
Alexandria (Egypt)
British Royal Navy
Armed Forces, Jewish, 1939 -- 1945
Armed Forces, British
Jewish military formation in British-mandate Palestine, Zvi (Hirsch) Hochberg
Jewish self-defense forces in British-mandate Palestine, Zvi (Hirsch) Hochberg
Jews in self-defense service in British-mandate Palestine, Zvi (Hirsch) Hochberg
Palestinian Jews in British military campaign, the Second World War, Zvi (Hirsch) Hochberg
Palestinian Jews in the British military service in the course of the Second World War, Zvi Hochberg
Palestinian Jews in the British Navy in the course of the Second World War, Zvi (Hirsch) Hochberg
General Alexander (Great Britian) and General Montgomery (8th army)
Erwin Rommel, Nazi-German Field Marshal, 1891 -- 1944
- Creators:
British military and civilian photographers (1945 -- 1948)
Jewish defense forces under the British supervision in Palestine (1939 -- 1945)
- Document/Artifact of Item-Level 110: RG-75.03.110, Photograph, Zvi (Hirsch) Hochberg with sailors and two girls. Egypt, 1944, 1944

This document is a group photograph of British sailors and two girls in Egypt.
- Subject/Index Terms:
Egypt (1939 -- 1945)
British Royal Navy
Armed Forces, Jewish, 1939 -- 1945
Armed Forces, British
Jewish military formation in British-mandate Palestine, Zvi (Hirsch) Hochberg
Jewish self-defense forces in British-mandate Palestine, Zvi (Hirsch) Hochberg
Jews in self-defense service in British-mandate Palestine, Zvi (Hirsch) Hochberg
Palestinian Jews in British military campaign, the Second World War, Zvi (Hirsch) Hochberg
Palestinian Jews in the British military service in the course of the Second World War, Zvi Hochberg
Palestinian Jews in the British Navy in the course of the Second World War, Zvi (Hirsch) Hochberg
- Creators:
British military and civilian photographers (1945 -- 1948)
Jewish defense forces under the British supervision in Palestine (1939 -- 1945)
- Document/Artifact of Item-Level 111: RG-75.03.111, Photograph, at Libyan Desert near the El Alamein Cemetery, ca. 1944, ca. 1944

This document is a group photograph of British sailors visiting the El Alamein Cemetery comprised of fallen soldiers from the decisive Battle of El Alamein against British and Nazi German forces.
ca. 1944
- Subject/Index Terms:
Battles of El Alamein, Egypt, 1942
El Alamein (Egypt)
Egypt (1939 -- 1945)
Libya (Africa)
British Royal Navy
Armed Forces, British
Armed Forces, Jewish, 1939 -- 1945
Jewish military formation in British-mandate Palestine, Zvi (Hirsch) Hochberg
Jewish self-defense forces in British-mandate Palestine, Zvi (Hirsch) Hochberg
Jews in self-defense service in British-mandate Palestine, Zvi (Hirsch) Hochberg
Palestinian Jews in British military campaign, the Second World War, Zvi (Hirsch) Hochberg
Palestinian Jews in the British military service in the course of the Second World War, Zvi Hochberg
Palestinian Jews in the British Navy in the course of the Second World War, Zvi (Hirsch) Hochberg
- Creators:
British military and civilian photographers (1945 -- 1948)
Jewish defense forces under the British supervision in Palestine (1939 -- 1945)
- Document/Artifact of Item-Level 112: RG-75.03.112, Photograph, at the Libyan Desert, near the Tel El-Eisa, Italo-German Cemetery, c. 1944

This document is a group photograph of British sailors posing in front of the Tel El-Eisa Italo-German Cemetery of those fallen during the North African Campaign on the Axis Powers side.
ca. 1944
- Subject/Index Terms:
North African Campaign, 10 June 1940 -- 13 May 1943
Wehrmacht, unified German armed forces, 1935 -- 1946
fallen soldiers, Italian
Battles of El Alamein, Egypt, 1942
Egypt (1939 -- 1945)
Armed Forces, Jewish, 1939 -- 1945
Armed Forces, British
Jewish military formation in British-mandate Palestine, Zvi (Hirsch) Hochberg
Jewish self-defense forces in British-mandate Palestine, Zvi (Hirsch) Hochberg
Jews in self-defense service in British-mandate Palestine, Zvi (Hirsch) Hochberg
Palestinian Jews in British military campaign, the Second World War, Zvi (Hirsch) Hochberg
Palestinian Jews in the British military service in the course of the Second World War, Zvi Hochberg
Palestinian Jews in the British Navy in the course of the Second World War, Zvi (Hirsch) Hochberg
British Royal Navy
- Creators:
British military and civilian photographers (1945 -- 1948)
Jewish defense forces under the British supervision in Palestine (1939 -- 1945)
- Document/Artifact of Item-Level 113: RG-75.03.113, Photograph, at the Libyan desert, a ruined Nazi German bomber, c. 1944, 1944

This document is a group photograph of British sailors posing with the debris left from a Nazi German bomber in the battlefields of the North African campaign.
- Subject/Index Terms:
North African Campaign, 10 June 1940 -- 13 May 1943
Luftwaffe (German Air Force)
Egypt (1939 -- 1945)
Armed Forces, Jewish, 1939 -- 1945
Armed Forces, British
British Royal Navy
Jewish military formation in British-mandate Palestine, Zvi (Hirsch) Hochberg
Jewish self-defense forces in British-mandate Palestine, Zvi (Hirsch) Hochberg
Jews in self-defense service in British-mandate Palestine, Zvi (Hirsch) Hochberg
Palestinian Jews in British military campaign, the Second World War, Zvi (Hirsch) Hochberg
Palestinian Jews in the British military service in the course of the Second World War, Zvi Hochberg
Palestinian Jews in the British Navy in the course of the Second World War, Zvi (Hirsch) Hochberg
- Creators:
British military and civilian photographers (1945 -- 1948)
Jewish defense forces under the British supervision in Palestine (1939 -- 1945)
- Document/Artifact of Item-Level 114: RG-75.03.114, Photograph, in front of a ruined tank, Libyan Desert. 1944, 1944

This document is a group photograph of British sailors posing in front of a ruined tank, while visiting the battlefields of the North African Campaign in Egypt.
- Subject/Index Terms:
North African Campaign, 10 June 1940 -- 13 May 1943
German tank forces, 1939 -- 1945
Egypt (1939 -- 1945)
British Royal Navy
Armed Forces, Jewish, 1939 -- 1945
Armed Forces, British
Jewish military formation in British-mandate Palestine, Zvi (Hirsch) Hochberg
Jewish self-defense forces in British-mandate Palestine, Zvi (Hirsch) Hochberg
Jews in self-defense service in British-mandate Palestine, Zvi (Hirsch) Hochberg
Palestinian Jews in British military campaign, the Second World War, Zvi (Hirsch) Hochberg
Palestinian Jews in the British military service in the course of the Second World War, Zvi Hochberg
Palestinian Jews in the British Navy in the course of the Second World War, Zvi (Hirsch) Hochberg
- Creators:
British military and civilian photographers (1945 -- 1948)
Jewish defense forces under the British supervision in Palestine (1939 -- 1945)
- Document/Artifact of Item-Level 115: RG-75.03.115, Photograph, on the ruined motorized gun. Libyan Desert. 1944, 1944

This document is a group photograph of British sailors visiting the battlefields of the North African Campaign, posing in front of a ruined motorized gun.
Egypt, 1944
- Subject/Index Terms:
North African Campaign, 10 June 1940 -- 13 May 1943
Egypt (1939 -- 1945)
British Royal Navy
Armed Forces, British
Armed Forces, Jewish, 1939 -- 1945
Jewish military formation in British-mandate Palestine, Zvi (Hirsch) Hochberg
Jewish self-defense forces in British-mandate Palestine, Zvi (Hirsch) Hochberg
Jews in self-defense service in British-mandate Palestine, Zvi (Hirsch) Hochberg
Palestinian Jews in British military campaign, the Second World War, Zvi (Hirsch) Hochberg
Palestinian Jews in the British military service in the course of the Second World War, Zvi Hochberg
Palestinian Jews in the British Navy in the course of the Second World War, Zvi (Hirsch) Hochberg
- Creators:
British military and civilian photographers (1945 -- 1948)
Jewish defense forces under the British supervision in Palestine (1939 -- 1945)
- Document/Artifact of Item-Level 116: RG-75.03.116, Photograph, near the ruined tank, Libyan Desert, 1944, 1944

This document is a group photograph of British sailors visiting the battlefield of North African Campaign. The group poses in front of a ruined tank in the Libyan Desert.
- Subject/Index Terms:
North African Campaign, 10 June 1940 -- 13 May 1943
Egypt (1939 -- 1945)
British Royal Navy
Armed Forces, Jewish, 1939 -- 1945
Armed Forces, British
Jewish military formation in British-mandate Palestine, Zvi (Hirsch) Hochberg
Jewish self-defense forces in British-mandate Palestine, Zvi (Hirsch) Hochberg
Jews in self-defense service in British-mandate Palestine, Zvi (Hirsch) Hochberg
Palestinian Jews in British military campaign, the Second World War, Zvi (Hirsch) Hochberg
Palestinian Jews in the British military service in the course of the Second World War, Zvi Hochberg
Palestinian Jews in the British Navy in the course of the Second World War, Zvi (Hirsch) Hochberg
- Creators:
British military and civilian photographers (1945 -- 1948)
Jewish defense forces under the British supervision in Palestine (1939 -- 1945)
- Document/Artifact of Item-Level 117: RG-75.03.117, Photograph, at the military cemetery, Libyan Desert, 1944, 1944

This document is a photograph of British sailors visiting a military cemetery in the Libyan Desert of fallen soldiers who deceased during the decisive North African Campaign.
Egypt, 1944
- Subject/Index Terms:
North African Campaign, 10 June 1940 -- 13 May 1943
Egypt (1939 -- 1945)
military cemetery
British Royal Navy
Armed Forces, Jewish, 1939 -- 1945
Armed Forces, British
Jewish military formation in British-mandate Palestine, Zvi (Hirsch) Hochberg
Jewish self-defense forces in British-mandate Palestine, Zvi (Hirsch) Hochberg
Jews in self-defense service in British-mandate Palestine, Zvi (Hirsch) Hochberg
Palestinian Jews in British military campaign, the Second World War, Zvi (Hirsch) Hochberg
Palestinian Jews in the British Navy in the course of the Second World War, Zvi (Hirsch) Hochberg
Palestinian Jews in the British military service in the course of the Second World War, Zvi Hochberg
- Creators:
British military and civilian photographers (1945 -- 1948)
Jewish defense forces under the British supervision in Palestine (1939 -- 1945)
- Document/Artifact of Item-Level 118: RG-75.03.118, Photograph, an explosion of old German mine. The car entered an unmarked German minefield, c. 1944

This document is a photograph of a group of British sailors cautiously maneuvering around an unmarked German minefield while visiting the battlefields of the decisive North African campaign.
Egypt, 1944
- Subject/Index Terms:
North African Campaign, 10 June 1940 -- 13 May 1943
Egypt (1939 -- 1945)
British Royal Navy
Armed Forces, Jewish, 1939 -- 1945
Armed Forces, British
Jewish military formation in British-mandate Palestine, Zvi (Hirsch) Hochberg
Jewish self-defense forces in British-mandate Palestine, Zvi (Hirsch) Hochberg
Jews in self-defense service in British-mandate Palestine, Zvi (Hirsch) Hochberg
Palestinian Jews in British military campaign, the Second World War, Zvi (Hirsch) Hochberg
Palestinian Jews in the British military service in the course of the Second World War, Zvi Hochberg
Palestinian Jews in the British Navy in the course of the Second World War, Zvi (Hirsch) Hochberg
- Creators:
British military and civilian photographers (1945 -- 1948)
Jewish defense forces under the British supervision in Palestine (1939 -- 1945)
- Document/Artifact of Item-Level 119: RG-75.03.119, Photograph, a spare track picked up the soldiers. Libyan Desert, 1944, 1944

This document is a group photograph of British sailors in the back of a military transport vehicle.
- Subject/Index Terms:
Egypt (1939 -- 1945)
Armed Forces, Jewish, 1939 -- 1945
Armed Forces, British
North African Campaign, 10 June 1940 -- 13 May 1943
Jewish military formation in British-mandate Palestine, Zvi (Hirsch) Hochberg
Jewish self-defense forces in British-mandate Palestine, Zvi (Hirsch) Hochberg
Jews in self-defense service in British-mandate Palestine, Zvi (Hirsch) Hochberg
Palestinian Jews in the British Navy in the course of the Second World War, Zvi (Hirsch) Hochberg
Palestinian Jews in the British military service in the course of the Second World War, Zvi Hochberg
Palestinian Jews in British military campaign, the Second World War, Zvi (Hirsch) Hochberg
- Creators:
British military and civilian photographers (1945 -- 1948)
Jewish defense forces under the British supervision in Palestine (1939 -- 1945)
- Document/Artifact of Item-Level 120: RG-75.03.120, A Movement Order certifying that Zvi Hochberg is authorized to proceed to Haifa, driving Royal Navy Truck. July 1945, July, 1945

This document is a movement order certifying that Zvi Hochberg is authorized to proceed to Haifa driving a British Royal Navy military truck.
July, 1945
- Subject/Index Terms:
Alexandria (Egypt)
Egypt (1939 -- 1945)
British Royal Navy
Haifa (Palestine)
British mandate authority of Palestine, 1920 -- 1948
Palestine, British Mandate Territory (1918--1948)
Jewish military formation in British-mandate Palestine, Zvi (Hirsch) Hochberg
Jewish self-defense forces in British-mandate Palestine, Zvi (Hirsch) Hochberg
Jews in self-defense service in British-mandate Palestine, Zvi (Hirsch) Hochberg
Palestinian Jews in the British Navy in the course of the Second World War, Zvi (Hirsch) Hochberg
Palestinian Jews in the British military service in the course of the Second World War, Zvi Hochberg
Palestinian Jews in British military campaign, the Second World War, Zvi (Hirsch) Hochberg
- Creators:
Jewish defense forces under the British supervision in Palestine (1939 -- 1945)
British military and civilian photographers (1945 -- 1948)
- Document/Artifact of Item-Level 121: RG-75.03.121, Photograph, just a few days after the Victory. Alexandria Great Synagogue. May 13, 1945, May 13, 1945

This document is a photograph taken just days after V-Day, or the capitulation of Nazi Germany, inside the Alexandria Great Synagogue in Egypt.
May 13, 1945
- Subject/Index Terms:
Alexandria (Egypt)
Ancient Synagogues in Egypt
Second World War, 1939 -- 1945
Egypt (1939 -- 1945)
End of Second World War
Reflections on the end of the war, April-May 1945
- Creators:
Jewish defense forces under the British supervision in Palestine (1939 -- 1945)
British military and civilian photographers (1945 -- 1948)
- Document/Artifact of Item-Level 122: RG-75.03.122, Photograph, the chorus in the Alexandria Synagogue, 1945, May, 1945

This document is a photograph taken days after V-Day, or capitulation of the Nazi regime, in the Alexandria Great Synagogue in Egypt.
May, 1945
- Subject/Index Terms:
Alexandria (Egypt)
Egypt (1939 -- 1945)
Ancient Synagogues in Egypt
Second World War, 1939 -- 1945
End of Second World War
Reflections on the end of the war, April-May 1945
- Creators:
British military and civilian photographers (1945 -- 1948)
Jewish defense forces under the British supervision in Palestine (1939 -- 1945)
- Document/Artifact of Item-Level 123: G-75.03.123, Photographs, Zvi (Hirsch) Hochberg, British sailor, Tel-Aviv. Late 1945, Late 1945

This document is two photographs of Zvi (Hirsch) Hochberg, British sailor, Polish Zionist, and Jewish self defender in Palestine. Hochberg is photographed presumably after his military discharge from the British Royal Navy.
Late 1945
- Subject/Index Terms:
British mandate authority of Palestine, 1920 -- 1948
Palestine, British Mandate Territory (1918--1948)
Tel-Aviv (Palestine, 1939-1945)
British Royal Navy
Armed Forces, British
Armed Forces, Jewish, 1939 -- 1945
Jewish agricultural settlement in British-mandate Palestine, work and defense, Zvi (Hirsch) Hochberg
Jewish military formation in British-mandate Palestine, Zvi (Hirsch) Hochberg
Jewish self-defense forces in British-mandate Palestine, Zvi (Hirsch) Hochberg
Jews in self-defense service in British-mandate Palestine, Zvi (Hirsch) Hochberg
Palestinian Jews in British military campaign, the Second World War, Zvi (Hirsch) Hochberg
Palestinian Jews in the British military service in the course of the Second World War, Zvi Hochberg
Palestinian Jews in the British Navy in the course of the Second World War, Zvi (Hirsch) Hochberg
- Creators:
Jewish defense forces under the British supervision in Palestine (1939 -- 1945)
British military and civilian photographers (1945 -- 1948)
- Document/Artifact of Item-Level 124: RG-75.03.124, An official I.D. card issued to Zvi (Hirsch) Hochberg by the Tel Aviv bureau of the Hebrew Yishuv Committee, c. 1946

This document is an identification card issued to Zvi (Hirsch) Hochberg by the Tel Aviv bureau of the Hebrew Yishuv Committee. The Yishuv consists of Jewish settlers in Palestine before the creation of the state of Israel in 1948.
Tel Aviv, c. 1946
- Subject/Index Terms:
Yishuv, in Palestine
British mandate authority of Palestine, 1920 -- 1948
Palestine, British Mandate Territory (1918--1948)
Building a Jewish national home in Palestine, 1918 --1939
Jewish National Aspiration with regard to Palestine, 1918 --- 1939
Documents in Hebrew language
Jewish agricultural settlement in British-mandate Palestine, work and defense, Zvi (Hirsch) Hochberg
Tel Aviv (Palestine)
Identity cards issued by British Palestinian authorities, 1920 -- 1947
Jewish society and organizations, Israel, postwar
Committee of Polish-Jewish Refugees in Palestine, the Second World War
Jewish cultural institution in Palestine, 1920 -- 1948
Civil status of Polish Jewish immigrants in British Mandate Palestine, interwar period
Palestinian Jews in British military campaign, the Second World War, Zvi (Hirsch) Hochberg
Jews in self-defense service in British-mandate Palestine, Zvi (Hirsch) Hochberg
- Creators:
Jewish defense forces under the British supervision in Palestine (1939 -- 1945)
Jewish-Palestinian self-defense organizations (1930s -- 1940s)
- Document/Artifact of Item-Level 125: RG-75.03.125, I.D. card issued to Zvi (Hirsch) Hochberg by the Tel-Aviv British authorities, June 1947, June, 1947

This document is an identity card with photograph issued to Zvi (Hirsch) Hochberg by the British/Tel-Aviv authorities.
June, 1947
- Subject/Index Terms:
British mandate authority of Palestine, 1920 -- 1948
Palestine, British Mandate Territory (1918--1948)
Building a Jewish national home in Palestine, 1918 --1939
Jewish National Aspiration with regard to Palestine, 1918 --- 1939
Tel Aviv (Palestine)
Documents in English language
Jewish agricultural settlement in British-mandate Palestine, work and defense, Zvi (Hirsch) Hochberg
Palestinian Jews in British military campaign, the Second World War, Zvi (Hirsch) Hochberg
Identity cards issued by British Palestinian authorities, 1920 -- 1947
Civil status of Polish Jewish immigrants in British Mandate Palestine, interwar period
- Creators:
British Immigration Authorities in Palestine (1920s -- 1948)
- Document/Artifact of Item-Level 126: RG-75.03.126, Photograph, commemoration ceremony. The caption on the back written by Zvi (Hirsch) Hochberg, Palestine, c. 1947

This document is a photograph of a commemoration ceremony with a group of Palestinian Jews. Hochberg is noted with an arrow.
c. 1947, Palestine
- Subject/Index Terms:
British mandate authority of Palestine, 1920 -- 1948
Palestine, British Mandate Territory (1918--1948)
Building a Jewish national home in Palestine, 1918 --1939
Jewish National Aspiration with regard to Palestine, 1918 --- 1939
Jewish agricultural settlement in British-mandate Palestine, work and defense, Zvi (Hirsch) Hochberg
Palestinian Jews in British military campaign, the Second World War, Zvi (Hirsch) Hochberg
Holocaust, Jewish (1939 -- 1945), commemoration
Commemoration of the fallen
Postliberation commemoration of the Holocaust
- Creators:
Jewish-Palestinian self-defense organizations (1930s -- 1940s)
- Document/Artifact of Item-Level 127: RG-75.03.127, Israeli Army driving license issued to Zvi (Hirsch) Hochberg when he joined the Army in May 1948, May 1948

- This document is an Israeli Army issued driving license for Zvi (Hirsch) Hochberg upon joining the Israeli Army in May, 1948.
- Subject/Index Terms:
Armed forces, Israeli, Zvi (Hirsch) Hochberg
British mandate authority of Palestine, 1920 -- 1948
Palestine, British Mandate Territory (1918--1948)
Building a Jewish national home in Palestine, 1918 --1939
Building of the Independent State of Israel, 1945 -- 1948
British military identification documents issued to Palestinian Jews, Zvi (Hirsch) Hochberg
driver's license
Documents in Hebrew language
Armed Forces, Jewish, 1939 -- 1945
- Creators:
Israeli military authorities (1948 -- current)
- Document/Artifact of Item-Level 128: RG-75.03.128, A military call up issued to Zvi (Hirsch) Hochberg, by the Jewish State armed forces, May 1948, May 1948

This document is a military document issued to Zvi (Hirsch) Hochberg by Israeli military authorities.
May 1948
- Subject/Index Terms:
Jewish military formation in British-mandate Palestine, Zvi (Hirsch) Hochberg
Jewish self-defense forces in British-mandate Palestine, Zvi (Hirsch) Hochberg
Jews in self-defense service in British-mandate Palestine, Zvi (Hirsch) Hochberg
Palestinian Jews in British military campaign, the Second World War, Zvi (Hirsch) Hochberg
Armed forces, Israeli, Zvi (Hirsch) Hochberg
British military identification documents issued to Palestinian Jews, Zvi (Hirsch) Hochberg
British mandate authority of Palestine, 1920 -- 1948
Palestine, British Mandate Territory (1918--1948)
Building of the Independent State of Israel, 1945 -- 1948
Building a Jewish national home in Palestine, 1918 --1939
Documents in Hebrew language
- Creators:
Israeli military authorities (1948 -- current)
Jewish-Palestinian self-defense organizations (1930s -- 1940s)
- Document/Artifact of Item-Level 129: RG-75.03.129, Military characteristic of the private Helena Haber, British armed forces. July 15, 1946, July 15, 1946

This document is a confidential British military document consisting of the working abilities and characteristics of Private Helena Haber, Jew-Palestinian self-defender.
The document clarifies that Haber was a "thoroughly reliable" worker/soldier.
July 15, 1946
- Subject/Index Terms:
British-Palestinian identification documents, 1920s -- 1948, Helena Haber
British armed forces in Palestine, the Second World War, Helena Haber
Armed Forces, British
British military identification documents, issued to Palestinian Jews
Building a Jewish national home in Palestine, 1918 --1939
Jewish self-defense forces in British-mandate Palestine
Jews self-defense service in British-mandate Palestine
British mandate authority of Palestine, 1920 -- 1948
Palestine, British Mandate Territory (1918--1948)
Documents in English language
Jewish legions and Jewish military formation in the British Army
- Creators:
Jewish defense forces under the British supervision in Palestine (1939 -- 1945)
Jewish-Palestinian self-defense organizations (1930s -- 1940s)
- Document/Artifact of Item-Level 130: RG-75.03.130, Military recommendation issued to Private Helena Haber. July 15, 1946, July 15, 1946

This document is a military recommendation issued to Private Helena Haber, noting that Haber "proved to be an efficient and conscientious worker".
July 15 ,1946
- Subject/Index Terms:
British-Palestinian identification documents, 1920s -- 1948, Helena Haber
British armed forces in Palestine, the Second World War, Helena Haber
Armed Forces, British
British military identification documents, issued to Palestinian Jews
Building a Jewish national home in Palestine, 1918 --1939
Jewish self-defense forces in British-mandate Palestine
Jews self-defense service in British-mandate Palestine
British mandate authority of Palestine, 1920 -- 1948
Palestine, British Mandate Territory (1918--1948)
Documents in English language
Jewish legions and Jewish military formation in the British Army
- Creators:
Jewish defense forces under the British supervision in Palestine (1939 -- 1945)
British military authorities (1945)
- Document/Artifact of Item-Level 131: RG-75.03.131, Discharge document issued to Private Helena Haber, British armed forces. September 20, 1946, September 20, 1946

This document is a military discharge document issued by the British military authorities, to Private Helena Haber.
September 20, 1946
- Subject/Index Terms:
British-Palestinian identification documents, 1920s -- 1948, Helena Haber
British armed forces in Palestine, the Second World War, Helena Haber
certificate of honorable discharge
Armed Forces, British
British military identification documents, issued to Palestinian Jews
Building a Jewish national home in Palestine, 1918 --1939
Jewish self-defense forces in British-mandate Palestine
Jews self-defense service in British-mandate Palestine
British mandate authority of Palestine, 1920 -- 1948
Palestine, British Mandate Territory (1918--1948)
Documents in English language
Jewish legions and Jewish military formation in the British Army
- Creators:
British military authorities (1945)
Jewish defense forces under the British supervision in Palestine (1939 -- 1945)
- Document/Artifact of Item-Level 132: RG-75.03.132, Memorandum issued to Helena Haber by the British armed forces. December 11, 1947, December 11, 1947

This document is a written message from British superior officer in Jerusalem to Private Helena Haber in Tel-Aviv, regarding allowance to wear plain clothes, presumably in public.
December 11. 1947
- Subject/Index Terms:
Jerusalem (Palestine)
Tel Aviv (Palestine)
British mandate authority of Palestine, 1920 -- 1948
Palestine, British Mandate Territory (1918--1948)
British-Palestinian identification documents, 1920s -- 1948, Helena Haber
British armed forces in Palestine, the Second World War, Helena Haber
Building a Jewish national home in Palestine, 1918 --1939
Jewish self-defense forces in British-mandate Palestine
Jews self-defense service in British-mandate Palestine
Documents in English language
Jewish legions and Jewish military formation in the British Army
Armed Forces, British
- Creators:
British military authorities (1945)
Jewish defense forces under the British supervision in Palestine (1939 -- 1945)
- Document/Artifact of Item-Level 133: RG-75.03.133, A movement pass issued to Noemi Kron by the Allied Military Government. June 13, 1947, June 13, 1947

This document is a movement pass issued by the Allied Military Government to Noemi Kron.
June 13, 1947
- Subject/Index Terms:
German wartime administration; Allied administration in Germany; U.S. Military Government in Germany
- Creators:
Allied authorities, 1939-1945 (1939-1945)
- Document/Artifact of Item-Level 134: RG-75.03.134, A movement pass issued to Noemi Kron from Tel-Aviv by the Allied Military Government. August 12, 1947, August 12, 1947

This document is a movement pass issued to Noemi Kron, from Trieste to Venice. Kron's original address is in Tel-Aviv, Palestine.
August 12, 1947
- Subject/Index Terms:
Allied Military and Civil administration in Germany
Identification documents issued by the Allied military and civil administration in Europe, 1945
German wartime administration; Allied administration in Germany; U.S. Military Government in Germany
Venice (Italy)
Italy (1945--Present)
Tel Aviv (Palestine)
British mandate authority of Palestine, 1920 -- 1948
- Creators:
Allied Military and Civil Authoritiy in Germany and Austria (1945 -- 1948)
- Document/Artifact of Item-Level 135: RG-75.03.135, Appeal of the Central Committee of the Zionist Revisionist in Italy. Our Response to British Oppression, ca. 1946, c. 1946

This document is an appeal constructed by the Central Committee of the Zionist Revisionists in Italy. The appeal discusses their response to British oppression and use of force barring Jews from Palestine.
c. 1946
- Subject/Index Terms:
British-Palestinian Government, 1920s -- 1948
British actions and measures against Jewish emigration to Palestine, 1945 -- 1948
Palestine, British Mandate Territory (1918--1948)
British mandate authority of Palestine, 1920 -- 1948
Zionistic politics
Documents in Italian language
Revisionist Zionism, Jewish ideological movement of Right Wing, precursor of the Likud party
- Creators:
Zionist organizations in Europe (1920s -- 1940s)
- Document/Artifact of Item-Level 136: RG-75.03.136, British military order, to award Private E. Messinger with Battlement Star. May 24, 1945, May 24, 1945

- This document is a British military order awarding the Battlement star to Private E. Messinger. May 24, 1945
- Subject/Index Terms:
British military medals and decorations awarded to Polish armed forces, the Second World War
North African Campaign, 10 June 1940 -- 13 May 1943
Armed Forces, British
British military medals, the Second World War
British military medals, the Second World War, The Star for the War
- Creators:
British military authorities (1944 -- 1945)
- Document/Artifact of Item-Level 137: RG-75.03.137, From H. Livartovsky in British military General Hospital, a picture, ca. 1945

This document is a picture drawn by H. Livartovsky in British military General Hospital.
There is some words written in Hebrew.
ca. 1945
- Subject/Index Terms:
British Military
- Creators:
British Red Cross (1940-1944)
- Document/Artifact of Item-Level 138: RG-75.03.138, Royal Air Force, Airman's Pay Book issued to Shochen Elishena, 1944, 1944

This document is an airman's pay book issued to Shochen Elishena, by the Royal Air Force.
- Subject/Index Terms:
Royal Air Force
Armed Forces, British
British-Palestinian military documents, soldiers' book, Second World War
- Creators:
British military authorities (1944 -- 1945)
- Document/Artifact of Item-Level 139: RG-75.03.139, Medical Certificate issued to Amalie Schmidt by the Jewish Agency for Palestine in Germany. December 1949, December 1949

This document is a medical certificate issued to Amalie Schmidt by the Jewish Agency for Palestine in Germany.
December 1949
- Subject/Index Terms:
Germany (1945--1949)
Medical clearance certificate
Jews in medical professions
The Jewish Agency for Palestine
- Creators:
Jewish Agency for Palestine (1929 -- present)
- Document/Artifact of Item-Level 140: RG-75.03.140, Health Card issued to Fefer Etel at Bergen-Belsen camp by the Jewish Agency for Palestine, Germany., c. 1949

This document is a health card issued to Fefer Etel, by the Jewish Agency for Palestine in Germany (British zone). The document is a health clearance for Fefer Etel following imprisonment in Bergen-Belsen camp.
c. 1949
- Subject/Index Terms:
The Jewish Agency for Palestine
British Zone of Occupation in postwar Germany
Central Committee of Liberated Jews in British zone of occupation in Germany (1945--1952)
Health cards
Medical clearance certificate, DP camps
Germany (1945--1949)
Bergen-Belsen (Germany: Concentration Camp)
Bergen (Germany)
- Creators:
Jewish Agency for Palestine (1929 -- present)
- Document/Artifact of Item-Level 141: RG-75.03.141, Jewish Agency for Palestine, Berlin office, a memorandum. July 29, 1948, July 29, 1948

This document is a memorandum originating from the Jewish Agency for Palestine in Berlin. (US zone).
July 29, 1948
- Subject/Index Terms:
The Jewish Agency for Palestine
Berlin (Germany)
Central Committee of Liberated Jews in Germany, US zone of occupation, discourse and activity
American Military Government, Germany, US zone of occupation
US Occupation Zone in Germany; Germany
Documents in Hebrew language
postwar life in Europe
Functions of US Military Government in postwar Germany
Palestine, British Mandate Territory (1918--1948)
British mandate authority of Palestine, 1920 -- 1948
Building a Jewish national home in Palestine, 1918 --1939
- Creators:
Jewish Agency for Palestine (1929 -- present)
- Document/Artifact of Item-Level 142: RG-75.03.142, Letter to Henrietta Szold in Palestine from Charles V. Castro in Cairo. January 30, 1943, January 30, 1943

This document is a letter originating from Charles V. Castro in Cairo (Egypt), to Henrietta Szold in Jerusalem (Palestine).
The letter exchanges warm regards after Szold hosted Castro and his family. Castro enclosed a check endorsed to Szold as a "gift that you may use for the children".
January 30, 1943
- Subject/Index Terms:
Cairo (Egypt)
Egypt (1939 -- 1945)
Jerusalem (Palestine)
Palestine, British Mandate Territory (1918--1948)
British mandate authority of Palestine, 1920 -- 1948
Building a Jewish national home in Palestine, 1918 --1939
Documents in English language
International correspondence, 1939 -- 1950
wartime correspondences
Henrietta Szold, U.S. Jewish-Zionist leader, founder of Hadassah
Zionism, Jewish national movement
- Creators:
Correspondence between Henrietta Szold and Charles V. Castro (1943)