Polish Interwar Periodicals, Polish language, 1918-1939
| Los Angeles Museum of the Holocaust

RG-18.01, POLISH INTERWAR PERIODICALS, 1918 – 1939, Finding Aids
This record group comprises collections of Polish periodical publications of various political courses. Polish periodicals of National Democrats reflect the nationalist and chauvinistic outlook; while the editions published by left-wing parties propagated a moderate course in domestic politics and with regard to the national and ethnic minorities. Valuable socio-economic and political sources constitute series of Polish Statistics, namely Yearly statistical publications and Polish Censuses of 1921 and 1931.
RG-18.01.01, Sprawy Narodowsciowe (The National Minorities Affairs), printed quarterly. Finding Aids
A collection of Polish academic journal, established in 1926 by the Institute on National Minorities. It represented the new, Pilsudskiite course of the Polish governments in relation to the multiple national minorities of Poland in interwar period. The Journal reflected on socio-political life of all the national minorities in Poland with the special emphasis on the most numerous and politically active ethnic and national minorities, namely the Ukrainians and Jewish. The social and political developments of a fewer in number and less politically active national minorities, namely Belarusians, Lithuanians, Czechs and Russians are also reflected in this series.
These materials are of special interest to students of nationalism, as well as of ethnic and national relations in interwar Eastern Europe. The Journal published analytical articles and statistical materials of high professional level. This material, if projected on the modern scholarship, is not outdated.
Repository has excerpts from the publications from 1931 to 1938.
All of the following periodicals are consolidated in the PDF files comprising the record group entitled: Sprawy Narodowosciowe, 1931-1939.
RG-, Sprawy Narodowosciowe (The National Minority Affairs), 1931-1932
This item contains publications of Sprawy Narodowosciowe from
<p style="margin-left:.75in;"> - October- December, 1931, 5th year of publication, No. 6
<p style="margin-left:.75in;"> - January-February- March, 1932, 6th year of publication, No. 1
RG-, Sprawy Narodowosciowe (The National Minority Affairs), 1933-1934
This item contains publications of Sprawy Narodowosciowe from
- January - March, 1933, 7th year of publication, No. 1
- July - August, 1933, 7th year of publication, No. 4
- January - March, 1934, 8th year of publication, No. 1
- April – May - June, 1934, 8th year of publication, No. 2-3
RG-, Sprawy Narodowosciowe (The National Minority Affairs), 1936-1937
This item contains publications of Sprawy Narodowosciowe from
- 1936, 10th year of publication, No. 1-2
- 1936, 10th year of publication, No. 3 [only title page]
- 1936, 10th year of publication, No. 4-5
- 1936, 10th year of publication, No. 6
- 1937, 11th year of publication, No. 1-2
RG-, Sprawy Narodowosciowe (The National Minority Affairs), 1937
This item contains publications of Sprawy Narodowosciowe from
- 1937, 11th year of publication, No. 3 [title page nearly illegible]
- 1937, 11th year of publication, No. 4-5
- 1937, 11th year of publication, No. 6
RG-, Sprawy Narodowosciowe (The National Minority Affairs), 1938-1939
This item contains publications of Sprawy Narodowosciowe from
- 1938, 12th year of publication, No. 6
- 1939, 13th year of publication, No. 1-2
RG-, Sprawy Narodowosciowe (The National Minority Affairs), 1931-1939, Consolidated
This is a consolidated item, comprising all of the above issues of Sprawy Narodowosciowe (The National Minority Affairs), published in 1931 – 1939
RG-18.01.02, Gazeta Polska (the Polish Gazette)
One issue of Gazeta Polska (the Polish Gazette) from August 28, 1939. No. 239, 11th year of publication
RG-18.01.03, Warszawski Dziennik Narodowy (Warsaw National Daily)
Can’t access file.
RG-18.01.04, Maly Rocznik Statystyczny (Yearly Statistics), Poland, 1930s. Concise editions
This item contains publications of Yearly Statistics from
<p style="margin-left:.75in;"> - 1931, 2nd year of publication
<p style="margin-left:.75in;"> - 1935, 6th year of publication
<p style="margin-left:.75in;"> - 1936, 7th year of publication
<p style="margin-left:.75in;"> - 1937, 8th year of publication
<p style="margin-left:.75in;"> - 1939, 10th year of publication
<p style="margin-left:.75in;"> -
RG-18.01.05, Polish interwar general Censuses, 1921 and 1931
RG-18.01.06, Droga (The Way)
A liberal monthly publication in interwar Poland. It was regarded as pro-Sanacija (Moral Cleansing) regime publication. Its authors largely supported political course of Pilsudkiites in domestic and foreign affairs. The contributors of the Droga (The Way) conveyed the message of Moral Nation. It was close to Pilsudski’s own conception of making Poles a Moral Nation.
RG-, Droga (The Way), No.1, 1929
RG-, Droga (The Way), No.1, 1931, 10th year of publication
RG-, Droga (The Way), No.1, 1932, 11th year of publication
RG-, Droga (The Way), No.2, 1931, 10th year of publication
RG-, Droga (The Way), No.2, 1932, 11th year of publication
RG-, Droga (The Way), No.2, 1933, 12th year of publication
RG-, Droga (The Way), No.3, 1931, 10th year of publication
RG-, Droga (The Way), No.3, 1932, 11th year of publication
RG-, Droga (The Way), No.4, 1929
RG-, Droga (The Way), No.4, 1931, 10th year of publication
RG-, Droga (The Way), No.4, 1932, 11th year of publication
RG-, Droga (The Way), No.4, 1933, 12th year of publication
RG-, Droga (The Way), No.5, 1929
RG-, Droga (The Way), No.5, 1932, 11th year of publication
RG-, Droga (The Way), No.5, 1933, 12th year of publication
RG-, Droga (The Way), No.6, 1932, 11th year of publication
RG-, Droga (The Way), No.7-8, 1931, 10th year of publication
RG-, Droga (The Way), No.7-8, 1932, 11th year of publication
RG-, Droga (The Way), No.9, 1931, 10th year of publication
RG-, Droga (The Way), No.9, 1932, 11th year of publication
RG-, Droga (The Way), No.10, 1932, 11th year of publication
RG-, Droga (The Way), No.12, 1928
RG-, Droga (The Way), No.12, 1932, 11th year of publication
RG-, Droga (The Way), No.10, 1931, 10th year of publication
RG-, Droga (The Way), No.11, 1931, 10th year of publication
RG-, Droga (The Way), No.12, 1931, 10th year of publication
RG-18.01.07, Mysl Narodowa (National Thought)
Right-wing weekly publication of Polish National Democrats. This publication propagated the dominance of only Poles over the others ethnic and national groups in interwar Poland. Political course of this publication characterizes by hostile anti-Jewish, anti-Ukrainian and overall, anti-liberal stand.
RG-, Mysl Narodowa (National Thought), 22 December 1923, No.51
RG-, Mysl Narodowa (National Thought), 1 September 1923, No.35
RG-, Mysl Narodowa (National Thought), 3 November 1923, No.44
RG-, Mysl Narodowa (National Thought), 4 August (?) 1923, No.31
RG-, Mysl Narodowa (National Thought), 7 July 1923, No.27
RG-, Mysl Narodowa (National Thought), 8 December 1923, No.49
RG-, Mysl Narodowa (National Thought), 10 February 1923, No.6
RG-, Mysl Narodowa (National Thought), 10 November 1923, No.45
RG-, Mysl Narodowa (National Thought), 15 September 1923, No.37
RG-, Mysl Narodowa (National Thought), 16 September 1923, No.37
RG-, Mysl Narodowa (National Thought), 18 November 1922, No.46
RG-, Mysl Narodowa (National Thought), 23 February 1922, No.8
RG-, Mysl Narodowa (National Thought), 24 February 1923, No.8
RG-, Mysl Narodowa (National Thought), 25 August 1923, No.34
RG-, Mysl Narodowa (National Thought), 27 October 1923, No. 43
RG-, Mysl Narodowa (National Thought), 28 October 1922, No. 43
RG-, Mysl Narodowa (National Thought), 29 April 1922, No.17
RG-, Mysl Narodowa (National Thought), 29 September 1923, No.39
RG-18.01.08, Kurjer Lwowski (Lviv Herald)
Kurjer Lwowski (Lviv Herald) was politically a left-wing publication, often expressing the common with the Polish Socialist views on domestic and foreign issues.
RG-, Kurjer Lwowski (the Lviv Herald), 26 November 1922, No. 268
RG-, Kurjer Lwowski (the Lviv Herald), 1 January 1922, No.1
RG-, Kurjer Lwowski (the Lviv Herald), 1 November 1922, No.246
RG-, Kurjer Lwowski (the Lviv Herald), 2 November 1922, No.247
RG-, Kurjer Lwowski (the Lviv Herald), 3 November 1922, No.248
RG-, Kurjer Lwowski (the Lviv Herald), 4 November 1922, No.249
RG-, Kurjer Lwowski (the Lviv Herald), 5 November 1922, No.250
RG-, Kurjer Lwowski (the Lviv Herald), 6 November 1922, No.251
RG-, Kurjer Lwowski (the Lviv Herald), 8 November 1922, No. 252
RG-, Kurjer Lwowski (the Lviv Herald), 9 November 1922, No.253
RG-, Kurjer Lwowski (the Lviv Herald), 9 November 1922, No.254
RG-, Kurjer Lwowski (the Lviv Herald), 10 November 1922, No.255
RG-, Kurjer Lwowski (the Lviv Herald), 12 November 1922, No. 256
RG-, Kurjer Lwowski (the Lviv Herald), 15 November 1922, No.258
RG-, Kurjer Lwowski (the Lviv Herald), 17 November 1922, No.260
RG-, Kurjer Lwowski (the Lviv Herald), 18 September 1921, No.220
RG-, Kurjer Lwowski (the Lviv Herald), 19 November 1922, No.262
RG-, Kurjer Lwowski (the Lviv Herald), 23 September 1921, No.224
RG-, Kurjer Lwowski (the Lviv Herald), 25 September 1921, No.226
RG-18.01.09, Slowo Polskie (The Polish Word)
Slowo Polskie (The Polish Word) was a right-wing publication of Polish National Democrats. After Pilsudski and his followers gained power in Poland (May 1926), the Government purchased the control amount of the shares, thus making it a liberal and pro-governmental publication.
RG-, Slowo Polskie (The Polish Word), 2 November 1922, No. 248
RG-, Slowo Polskie (The Polish Word), 9 September 1922, No.204
RG-, Slowo Polskie (The Polish Word), 11 September 1922, No.206
RG-, Slowo Polskie (The Polish Word), 14 September 1922, No.208
RG-, Slowo Polskie (The Polish Word), 16 September 1922, No.210
RG-, Slowo Polskie (The Polish Word), 18 September 1922, No.212
RG-, Slowo Polskie (The Polish Word), 20 October 1922, No.240
RG-, Slowo Polskie (The Polish Word), 21 September 1922, No.214
RG-, Slowo Polskie (The Polish Word), 24 October 1922, No.244
RG-, Slowo Polskie (The Polish Word), 26 October 1922, No.246
RG-18.01.10, Wiadomosci Literackie (Literary News)
Wiadomosci Literackie (Literary News) explored a wide range of cultural, social, and political issues both on a domestic and international scale. The literary journal was one of the most prestigious educational institutions of interwar Poland. To some it was considered a Jewish periodical.
RG-, Wiadomosci Literackie, 1924, Fabruary 3, No. 5
RG-, Wiadomosci Literackie, 1924, January 6, No. 1
RG-, Wiadomosci Literackie, 1924, January 13, No. 2
RG-, Wiadomosci Literackie, 1924, January 20, No. 3
RG-, Wiadomosci Literackie, No. 6, 10 February 1924
RG-, Wiadomosci Literackie, No. 7, 17 February, 1924
RG-, Wiadomosci Literackie, No. 10, March 9, 1924
RG-, Wiadomosci Literackie, No. 11, March 16, 1924
RG-, Wiadomosci Literackie, No. 12, March 23, 1924
RG-, Wiadomosci Literackie, 2 March, No. 9, 1924
RG-, Wiadomosci Literackie, 24 February, No. 8, 1924
RG-, Wiadomosci Literackie, No. 13, 30 March 1924
RG-, Wiadomosci Literackie, No. 14, 6 April, 1924
RG-, Wiadomosci Literackie, No. 15, 13 April 1924
RG-, Wiadomosci Literackie, No. 16, 20 April, 1924
RG-, Wiadomosci Literackie, No. 18, 4 May 1924
RG-, Wiadomosci Literackie, No. 19, 11 May 1924
RG-18.01.11, Miscellaneous publications, 1918 – 1939, Poland
Idea Polski (Polish Idea) was written by Wladyslaw Grabski, national-democrat, about his conception on the political structure of Poland.
Gazeta Lwowska (Lviv Gazette) was a local daily for the Lwow region.
Glos Narodu (Nation's Voice) was a daily newspaper published in Cracow (Poland) since 1893. The newspaper held clerical and anti-Semitic views.
The Mysl Niepodlegla (Independent Thought) was a monthly periodical established to defame religion and its ministers in Warsaw. Eventually the periodical became anti-Semitic.
RG-, Idea Polski, published in Warsaw, 1935
RG-, Gazeta Lwowska, 1932, No. 122, 1 January 1932
RG-, Glos Narodu, 7 February 1919.No. 28
RG-, Glos Narodu, 11 February 1919.No. 30
RG-, Glos Narodu, 25 January 1919.No.16
RG-, Mysl Niepodlegla, 4 January 1919, No. 437
RG-, Mysl Niepodlegla, 5 April 1919, No. 441
RG-18.01.12, Polish Statistics (Censuses and Gazetteers)
RG-, Second General Polish Census, taken on December 9, 1931, (Drugi Powszechny Spis, 1931), all Poland, all provinces
RG-, Second General Polish Census, taken on December 9, 1931, province Lwow (Lviv) with towns, (Drugi Powszechny Spis, 193)1, province Lwow (Lviv) with towns
RG-, Second General Polish Census, taken on December 9, 1931, province Stanislawow (Stanislaviv, Stanislav, Ivano-Frankivsk) with towns, (Drugi Powszechny Spis, 1931), province Stanislawow with towns
RG-, Second General Polish Census, taken on December 9, 1931, province of Tarnopol (Ternopil), (Drugi Powszechny Spis, 1931), province Tarnopol with the town of Tarnopol
RG-, Second Polish Census, Demographic, Denominational, Ethnic and Economic statistics, short version, 1938. This statistical data is based on the processed materials of the Second Polish Census of December 1931.
RG-, Skorowidz (Gazetteer) of the Wolyn (Volhynia) province, 1938. This statistical data is based on the processed materials of the Second Polish Census of December 1931.
RG-18.01.13, A Fly (Mucha), a satirical magazine, Polish
RG-, A Fly (Mucha), January 6, 1922, No. 1
RG-, A Fly (Mucha), January 13, 1922, No. 2
RG-18.01.14, A Fly (Mucha), January 20, 1922, No. 3
RG-18.01.14, Ilustrowany Kuryer Codzienny (Illustrative Daily Herald)
RG-18.01.15, List of Periodicals published in Poland, 1922
Author: Staff
Periodicals, Polish
periodicals, Ukrainian
Poland (1918--1939)
Polish literary periodicals, 1918 -- 1939
Polish political and literary publications, 1926 -- 1935
Ukrainian cultural and religious periodicals, 1918 --1941
Ukrainian literary periodicals, 1918 --1941
Ukrainian military and nationalistic periodicals, 1918 --1941

Documents and Files:
RG-, Sprawy Narodowosciowe, 1931, No. 6
RG-, Sprawy Narodowosciowe, 1932, No. 1
RG-, Sprawy Narodowosciowe, 1933 No. 1
RG-, Sprawy Narodowosciowe, 1933, No. 4
RG-, Sprawy Narodowosciowe, 1934, No. 1
RG-, Sprawy Narodowosciowe, 1934, No. 2 - 3
RG-, Sprawy Narodowosciowe, 1936, No. 1 - 2
RG-, Sprawy Narodowosciowe, 1936, No. 4 - 5
RG-, Sprawy Narodowosciowe, 1936, No. 6
RG-, Sprawy Narodowosciowe, 1937, No. 1 - 2
RG-, Sprawy Narodowosciowe, 1937, No. 3
RG-, Sprawy Narodowosciowe, 1937, No. 4 - 5
RG-, Sprawy Narodowosciowe, 1937, No. 6
RG-, Sprawy Narodowosciowe, 1938, No. 6, Part 1
RG-, Sprawy Narodowosciowe, 1938, No. 6, Part 2
RG-, Sprawy Narodowosciowe, 1939, No. 1 - 2, Part 1
RG-, Sprawy Narodowosciowe, 1939, No. 1 - 2, Part 2
RG-, Sprawy Narodowosciowe, 1939, No. 1 - 2, Part 3
RG-, Maly Rocznik Statystyczny, 1931. Part 1
RG-, Maly Rocznik Statystyczny, 1931. Part 2
RG-, Maly Rocznik Statystyczny, 1935. Part 1
RG-, Maly Rocznik Statystyczny, 1935. Part 2
RG-, Maly Rocznik Statystyczny, 1936. Part 1
RG-, Maly Rocznik Statystyczny, 1936. Part 2
RG-, Maly Rocznik Statystyczny, 1936. Part 3
RG-, Maly Rocznik Statystyczny, 1937. Part 1
RG-, Maly Rocznik Statystyczny, 1937. Part 2
RG-, Maly Rocznik Statystyczny, 1937. Part 3
RG-, Maly Rocznik Statystyczny, 1939. Part 1
RG-, Maly Rocznik Statystyczny, 1939. Part 2
RG-, Maly Rocznik Statystyczny, 1939. Part 3
RG-, Maly Rocznik Statystyczny, 1939. Part 4
RG-, Rocznik Statystyki miast Polski (Urban Statistics), R. 2, 1930. Part 1
RG-, rocznik Statystyki miast Polski (Urban Statistics), R. 2, 1930. Part 2
RG-, Rocznik Statystyki miast Polski (Urban Statistics), R. 2, 1930. Part 3
RG-, Rocznik Statystyki miast Polski (Urban Statistics), R. 2, 1930. Part 4
RG-, Rocznik Statystyki miast Polski (Urban Statistics), R. 2, 1930. Part 5
RG-, Rocznik statystyki miast Polski (Urban Statistics), R. 2, 1930. Part 6
RG-, Rocznik Statystyki miast Polski (Urban Statistics), R. 2, 1930. Part 7
RG-, Rocznik Statystyki miast Polski (Urban Statistics), R. 2, 1930. Part 8
RG-, Rocznik Statystyki miast Polski (Urban Statistics), R. 2, 1930. Part 9
RG-, Maly Rocznik Statystyczny, 1938. Part 1
RG-, Maly Rocznik Statystyczny, 1938. Part 2
RG-, Maly Rocznik Statystyczny, 1938. Part 3
RG-, Maly Rocznik Statystyczny, 1938. Part 4
RG-, Drugi powszechny spis ludnosci, 1931, Miasto Wilno Second general census
RG-, Pierwszy powszechny spis ludnosci, 1921, Wojewodztwo Lwowskie
RG-, Pierwszy powszechny spis ludnosci, 1921, Wojewodztwo Poznanskie
RG-, Pierwszy powszechny spis ludnosci, 1921, Wojewodztwo Tarnopolskie
RG-, Droga (The Way) , No. 1, 1929
RG-, Droga (The Way), No. 1, 1931, a pro-Pilsudskiite camp publication, propagated Sanation or Moral Building of Polish nation. A monthly publishing articles and essay of politicaly and literary criticism
RG-, Droga (The Way), No. 1, 1932
RG-, Droga (The Way), No. 2, 1931
RG-, Droga (The Way), No. 2, 1932
RG-, Droga (The Way), No. 2
RG-, Droga (The Way), No. 3, 1931
RG-, Droga (The Way), No. 3, 1932
RG-, Droga (The Way), No. 4, 1929
RG-, Droga (The Way), No. 4, 1931
RG-, Droga (The Way), No. 4, 1932
RG-, Droga (The Way), No. 4, 1933
RG-, Droga (The Way), No. 5, 1929
RG-, Droga (The Way), No. 5, 1932
RG-, Droga (The Way), No. 5, 1933
RG-, Droga (The Way), No. 6, 1932
RG-, Droga (The Way), No. 7-8, 1931
RG-, Droga (The Way), No. 7-8, 1932
RG-, Droga (The Way), No. 9, 1931
RG-, Droga (The Way), No. 9, 1932
RG-, Droga (The Way), No. 10, 1932
RG-, Droga (The Way), No. 12, 1928
RG-, Droga (The Way), No. 12, 1932
RG-, Droga (The Way), No.10, 1931
RG-, Droga (The Way), No.11, 1931
RG-, Droga (The Way), No.12, 1931
RG-, Droga, No. 10, 1928
RG-, Droga, No. 9, 1928
RG-, Mysl Narodowa (National Thought) , 22 Decembe 1923, No. 51
RG-, Mysl Narodowa (National Thought), 1 September 1923, No. 35
RG-, Mysl Narodowa (National Thought), 3 November 1923, No. 44
RG-, Mysl Narodowa (National Thought), 4 August 1923, No. 31
RG-, Mysl Narodowa (National Thought), 7 July 1923, No. 27
RG-, Mysl Narodowa (National Thought), 8 December 1923, No. 49
RG-, Mysl Narodowa (National Thought), 10 February 1923, No. 6
RG-, Mysl Narodowa (National Thought), 10 November 1923, No. 45
RG-, Mysl Narodowa (National Thought), 15 September 1923, No. 37
RG-, Mysl Narodowa (National Thought), 16 September 1922, No. 37
RG-, Mysl Narodowa (National Thought), 18 November 1922, No. 46
RG-, Mysl Narodowa (National Thought), 23 February 1922, No. 8
RG-, Mysl Narodowa (National Thought), 24 February 1923, No. 8
RG-, Mysl Narodowa (National Thought), 25 August 1923, No. 34
RG-, Mysl Narodowa (National Thought), 27 October 1923, No. 43
RG-, Mysl Narodowa (National Thought), 28 October 1922, No. 43
RG-, Mysl Narodowa (National Thought), 29 April 1922, No. 17
RG-, Mysl Narodowa (National Thought), 29 September 1923, No. 39
RG-, Kurjer Lwowski (the Lviv Herald), 26 November 1922, No. 268
RG-, Kurjer Lwowski (the Lviv Herald), 1 January 1922, No. 1
RG-, Kurjer Lwowski (the Lviv Herald), 1 November 1922, No. 246
RG-, Kurjer Lwowski (the Lviv Herald), 2 November 1922, No. 247
RG-, Kurjer Lwowski (the Lviv Herald), 3 November 1922, No. 248
RG-, Kurjer Lwowski (the Lviv Herald), 4 November 1922, No. 249
RG-, Kurjer Lwowski (the Lviv Herald), 5 November 1922, No. 250
RG-, Kurjer Lwowski (the Lviv Herald), 6 November 1922, No. 251
RG-, Kurjer Lwowski (the Lviv Herald), 8 November 1922, No. 252
RG-, Kurjer Lwowski (the Lviv Herald), 9 November 1922, No. 253
RG-, Kurjer Lwowski (the Lviv Herald), 9 November 1922, No. 255
RG-, Kurjer Lwowski (the Lviv Herald), 10 November 1922, No. 254
RG-, Kurjer Lwowski (the Lviv Herald), 12 November 1922, No. 256
RG-, Kurjer Lwowski (the Lviv Herald), 15 November 1922, No. 258
RG-, Kurjer Lwowski (the Lviv Herald), 17 November 1922, No. 260
RG-, Kurjer Lwowski (the Lviv Herald), 18 September 1921, No. 220
RG-, Kurjer Lwowski (the Lviv Herald), 19 November 1922, No. 262
RG-, Kurjer Lwowski (the Lviv Herald), 23 September 1921, No. 224
RG-, Kurjer Lwowski (the Lviv Herald), 25 September 1921, No. 226
RG-, Kurjer Lwowski (the Lviv Herald), 17 June 1925, No.138
RG-, Kurjer Lwowski (the Lviv Herald), 18 June 1925, No.139
RG-, Kurjer Lwowski (the Lviv Herald), 19 June 1925, No.140
RG-, Kurjer Lwowski (the Lviv Herald), 20 June 1925, No.14, Ukrainians
RG-, Kurjer Lwowski (the Lviv Herald), 21 June 1925, No.142, Ukrainian
RG-, Kurjer Lwowski (the Lviv Herald), 22 June 1925, No.143
RG-, Kurjer Lwowski(the Lviv Herald), 23 June 1925, No.144
RG-, Kurjer Lwowski (the Lviv Herlad), 24 June 1925, No.145
RG-, Kurjer Lwowski, (the Lviv Herald), 26 June 1925, No.147
RG-, Kurjer Lwowski (the Lviv Herald), 27 June 1925, No.148
RG-, Kurjer Lwowski, (the Lviv Herald), 28 June 1925, No.149
RG-, Kurjer Lwowski (the Lviv Herlad),October 16, 1925, No.251, Steiger trial
RG-, Kurjer Lwowski (the Lviv Herlad),October 15, 1925, No.250, Steiger, photographs of the defense
RG-, Kurjer Lwowski (the Lviv Herlad),October 14, 1925, No.249
RG-, Slowo Polskie (The Polish Word), 2 November 1922, No. 248
RG-, Slowo Polskie (The Polish World), 9 September 1922, No. 204
RG-, Slowo Polskie (The Polish World), 11 September 1922, No. 206
RG-, Slowo Polskie (The Polish World), 14 September 1922, No. 208
RG-, Slowo Polskie (The Polish World), 16 September 1922, No. 210
RG-, Slowo Polskie (The Polish World), 18 September 1922, No. 212
RG-, Slowo Polskie (The Polish World), 20 October 1922, No. 240
RG-, Slowo Polskie (The Polish World), 21 September 1922, No. 214
RG-, Slowo Polskie (The Polish World), 24 October 1922, No. 244
RG-, Slowo Polskie (The Polish World), 26 October 1922, No. 246
RG-, Slowo Polskie (The Polish World), August 22, 1925, No. 228
RG-, Slowo Polskie (The Polish World), September 29, 1925, No. 266
RG-, Slowo Polskie (The Polish World), October 21, 1925, No. 288, interview with Sobinski, 6, Steiger 9
RG-, Slowo Polskie (The Polish World), October 22, 1925, No. 289, Steiger p. 8
RG-, Slowo Polskie (The Polish World), October 23, 1925, No. 290
RG-, Slowo Polskie (The Polish World), October 24, 1925, No. 291
RG-, Slowo Polskie (The Polish World), October 25, 1925, No. 292, Steiger 8
RG-, Slowo Polskie (The Polish World), October 26, 1925, No. 293, Steiger 9
RG-, Slowo Polskie (The Polish World), October 27, 1925, No. 294
RG-, Slowo Polskie (The Polish World), October 28, 1925, No. 295, Steiger, pp. 8, 9
RG-, Slowo Polskie (The Polish World), October 29, 1925, No. 296, Steiger, pp. 8, 9
RG-, Slowo Polskie (The Polish World), October 30, 1925, No. 297, Steiger, 7
RG-, Slowo Polskie (The Polish World), October 31, 1925, No. 298, Steiger 9
RG-, Slowo Polskie (The Polish World), November 1, 1925, No. 299, Steiger 9
RG-, Slowo Polskie (The Polish World), November 2, 1925, No. 300
RG-, Wiadomosci Literackie, 1924, Fabruary 3, No. 5
RG-,Wiadomosci Literackie, 1924, January 6, No. 1
RG-, Wiadomosci Literackie, 1924, January 13, No. 2
RG-, Wiadomosci Literackie, 1924, January 20, No. 3
RG-, Wiadomosci Literackie, No. 6, 10 February 1924
RG-, Wiadomosci Literackie, No. 7, 17 February, 1924
RG-, Wiadomosci Literackie, No. 10, March 9, 1924
RG-, Wiadomosci Literackie, No. 11, March 16, 1924
RG-, Wiadomosci Literackie, No. 12, March 23, 1924
RG-, Wiadomosci Literackie, 2 March, No. 9, 1924
RG-, Wiadomosci Literackie, 24 February, No. 8, 1924
RG-, Wiadomosci Literackie, No. 13
RG-, Wiadomosci Literackie, No. 14, 6 April, 1924
RG-, Wiadomosci Literackie, No. 15, 13 April 1924
RG-, Wiadomosci Literackie, No. 16, 20 April, 1924
RG-, Wiadomosci Literackie, No. 18, 4 May 1924
RG-, Wiadomosci Literackie, May 18, 1924, No. 20
RG-, Wiadomosci Literackie, No. 19, 11 May 1924
RG-, Wiadomosci Literackie, May 18, 1924, No. 20
RG-, Wiadomosci Literackie, May 25, 1924, No. 21
RG-, Wiadomosci Literackie, May 2, 1926, No. 18
RG-, Wiadomosci Literackie, May 9, 1926, No. 19
RG-, Wiadomosci Literackie, May 16, 1926, No. 20
RG-, Wiadomosci Literackie, May 23, 1926, No. 21
RG-, Wiadomosci Literackie, May 30, 1926, No. 22
RG-, Wiadomosci Literackie, June 6, 1926, No. 23
RG-, Wiadomosci Literackie, June 13, 1926, No. 24
RG-, Wiadomosci Literackie, June 20, 1926, No. 25
RG-, Wiadomosci Literackie, June 27, 1926, No. 26
RG-, Wiadomosci Literackie, July 4, 1926, No. 27
RG-, Second General Census of Polish population, December 1931, all Poland, short version
RG-, Second General Census of Polish population, December 1931, all Poland, short version
RG-, Second General Census of Polish population, December 1931, all Poland, short version
RG-, Second General Census of Polish population, December 1931, all Poland, short version
RG-, Second General Census of Polish population, December 1931, all Poland, short version
RG-, Second General Census of Polish population, December 1931, all Poland, short version
RG-, Second General Census of Polish population, December 1931, all Poland, short version
RG-, Second General Census of Polish population, December 1931, all Poland, short version
RG-, Second General Census of Polish population, province Lwow (Lviv) with towns, December 1931
RG-, Second General Census of Polish population, city of Lwow (Lviv), December 1931, published 1937
RG-, Second General Census of Poland, 1931, Stanislawow (Ivano-Frankivsk) province with towns
RG-, Second General Census of Poland, 1931, province of Tarnopol (Ternopil), preliminary results
RG-, Second General Census of Poland, 1931, Demographic, Denominational and Ethnic statistics
RG-, Second General Census of Poland, Wolyn (Volhynia) province, published in 1938
RG-, Second General Census of Poland, Wolyn (Volhynia) province, published in 1938
RG-, Second General Census of Poland, Wolyn (Volhynia) province, published in 1938
RG-, Second General Census of Poland, Wolyn (Volhynia) province, published in 1938
RG-, Second General Census of Poland, Stanislawow (Ivano-Frankivsk) province, final results, published 1938
RG-, Second General Census of Poland, Stanislawow (Ivano-Frankivsk) province, final results, published 1938
RG-, Second General Census of Poland, Stanislawow (Ivano-Frankivsk) province, final results, published 1938
RG-, Second General Census of Poland, Stanislawow (Ivano-Frankivsk) province, final results, published 1938
RG-, Second General Census of Poland, 1931, Lwow (Lviv) province, final results, published 1938
RG-, Second General Census of Poland, 1931, Lwow (Lviv) province, final results, published 1938
RG-, Second General Census of Poland, 1931, Lwow (Lviv) province, final results, published 1938
RG-, Second General Census of Poland, 1931, Lwow (Lviv) province, final results, published 1938
RG-, Second General Census of Poland, 1931, Lwow (Lviv) province, final results, published 1938
RG-, Second General Census of Poland, 1931, Tarnopol (Ternopil) province, final results
RG-, Second General Census of Poland, 1931, Tarnopol (Ternopil) province, final results
RG-, Second General Census of Poland, 1931, Tarnopol (Ternopil) province, final results
RG-, Second General Census of Poland, 1931, Tarnopol (Ternopil) province, final results
RG-, Second General Census of Poland, 1931, Krakow (Cracow), miasto (town)
RG-, Second General Census of Polish population, 1931, Lublin province
RG-, Second General Census of Polish population, 1931, Lublin province
RG-, Second General Census of Polish population, 1931, Lublin province
RG-, Second General Census of Polish population, 1931, Lublin province
RG-, Second General Census of Polish population, 1931, Lublin province
RG-, Second General Census of Polish population, 1931, Kielce province
RG-, Second General Census of Polish population, 1931, Kielce province
RG-, Second General Census of Polish population, 1931, Kielce province
RG-, Second General Census of Polish population, 1931, Kielce province
RG-, Second General Census of Polish population, 1931, Kielce province
RG-, Second General Census of Polish population, 1931, Kielce province
RG-, Second General Census of Polish population, 1931, Kielce province
RG-, Second General Census of Polish population, 1931, Nowogrodek province
RG-, Second General Census of Polish population, 1931, Nowogrodek province
RG-, Second General Census of Polish population, 1931, Nowogrodek province
RG-, Second General Census of Polish population, 1931, Nowogrodek province
RG-, Second General Census of Polish population, 1931, Nowogrodek province
RG-, Second General Census of Polish population, 1931, Nowogrodek province
RG-, Second General Census of Polish population, 1931, Nowogrodek province
RG-, Second General Census of Polish population, 1931, Nowogrodek province
RG-, Second General Census of Polish population, 1931, Nowogrodek province
RG-, Second General Census of Polish population, 1931, Nowogrodek province
RG-, Second General Census of Polish population, 1931, Nowogrodek province
RG-, Second General Census of Polish population, 1931, Nowogrodek province
RG-, Second General Census of Polish population, 1931, Polesie province
RG-, Second General Census of Polish population, 1931, Polesie province
RG-, Parliamentary Statistics, Election to the Sejm and Senate, 1922
RG-, Parliamentary Statistics, Election to the Sejm and Senate, 1922
RG-, Parliamentary Statistics, Election to the Sejm and Senate, 1922
RG-, First General Census of Polish population, 1921, Cracow province
RG-, First General Census of Polish population, 1921, Cracow province
RG-, First General Census of Polish population, 1921, Cracow province
RG-, First General Census of Polish population, 1921, Cracow province
RG-, First General Census of Polish population, 1921, Cracow province
RG-, First General Census of Polish population, 1921, Cracow province
RG-, First General Census of Polish population, 1921, Cracow province
RG-, First General Census of Polish population, 1921, Cracow province
RG-, First General Census of Polish population, 1921, Cracow province
RG-, Skoroidz (Gazetteer) of Lwow (Lviv) province, from Census of 1921
RG-, Skorowidz (Gazetteer) of Lwow (Lviv) province, from Census of 1921
RG-, Second General Census of Polish population, 1931, Warsaw
RG-, Second General Census of Polish population, 1931, Warsaw
RG-, Second General Census of Polish population, 1931, Warsaw
RG-, Second General Census of Polish population, 1931, Warsaw
RG-, Second Seneral Census of Polish population, 1931, Wilno (Vilnius)
RG-, Second General Census of Polish population, 1931, Cracow (Krakow) province
RG-, Second General Census of Polish population, 1931, Cracow (Krakow) province
RG-, Second General Census of Polish population, 1931, Cracow (Krakow) province
RG-, Second General Census of Polish population, 1931, Cracow (Krakow) province
RG-, Second General Census of Polish population, 1931, Cracow (Krakow) province
RG-, Second General Census of Polish population, 1931, Lodz
RG-, Mucha (A Fly), January 6, 1922, No. 1, illustrative and satirical magazine, Poland
RG-, Mucha (A Fly), January 13, 1922, No. 2, illustrative and satirical magazine, Poland
RG-, Mucha (A Fly), January 20, 1922, No. 3, illustrative and satirical magazien
RG-, Mucha, April 30, 1926, No. 18
RG-, Mucha, January 3, 1919, No. 1
RG-, Mucha, June 4, 1926, No. 23
RG-, Mucha, June 11, 1926, No. 24
RG-, Mucha, June 18, 1926, No. 25
RG-, Mucha, May 7, 1926, No. 19
RG-, Mucha, May 14, 1926, No. 20
RG-,Mucha, May 21, 1926, No. 21
RG-, Mucha, May 28, 1926, No. 22
RG-, Mucha, January 27 , 1922, No. 4
RG-, Mucha, February 3 , 1922, No. 5
RG-, Mucha, February 10, 1922, No. 6
RG-, Mucha, February 17, 1922, No. 7
RG-, Mucha, February 24, 1922, No. 8
RG-, Mucha, April 7, 1922, No. 14
RG-, Mucha, April 21, 1922, No. 16
RG-, Mucha, May 5, 1922, No. 18
RG-, Mucha, May 19, 1922, No. 20
RG-, Mucha, June 2, 1922, No. 22
RG-, Mucha, June 16, 1922, No. 24
RG-, Mucha, July 14, 1922, No. 28
RG-, Mucha, August 11, 1922, No. 32
RG-, Mucha, September 8, 1922, No. 36
RG-, Mucha, October 6, 1922, No. 40
RG-, Mucha, November 3, 1922, No. 44
RG-, Mucha, November 17, 1922, No. 46
RG-, Mucha, November 10, 1922, No. 45
RG-, Mucha, November 24, 1922, No. 47
RG-, Mucha, December 1, 1922, No. 48
RG-, Mucha, December 8, 1922, No. 49
RG-, Mucha, December 15, 1922, No. 50
RG-, Mucha, December 22, 1922, No. 51
RG-, Mucha, December 29, 1922, No. 52
RG-, Mucha, January 5, 1923, No. 1
RG-, Mucha, January 26, 1923, No. 4
RG-, Mucha, February 9, 1923, No. 6
RG-, Mucha, March 9, 1923, No. 10
RG-, Mucha, April 6, 1923, No. 14
RG-, Mucha, May 4, 1923, No. 18
RG-, Mucha, June 4, 1923, No. 22
RG-, Mucha, July 13, 1923, No. 28
RG-, Illustrowany Kuryer Codzienny (the Illustrative Daily Herald), all-Polish political, social and cultural edition, November 9, 1918, No. 216
RG-, Illustrowany Kuryer Codzienny (the Illustrative Daily Herald), all-Polish political, social and cultural daily, November 10, 1918, No. 217
RG-, Illustrowany Kuryer Codzienny, November 11 (the Illustrative Daily Herald), all-Polish political, social and cultural daily, 1918, No. 218
RG-, Illustrowany Kuryer Codzienny (the Illustrative Daily Herald), all-Polish political, social and cultural daily, November 12, 1918, No. 219
RG-, Illustrowany Kuryer Codzienny, November 13, 1918, No. 220
RG-, Illustrowany Kuryer Codzienny, November 14, 1918, No. 221
RG-, Illustrowany Kuryer Codzienny, November 15, 1918, No. 222
RG-, Illustrowany Kuryer Condzienny, July 8, 1925, No. 185, Ugoda, analysis
RG-, Wiadomosci Krakowskie, October 26, 1922, No. 9, Fedak p. 7
RG-, Wiadomosci Krakowskie, October 25, 1922, No. 8, The Trial of Fedak began on 23 October 1922
RG-, Illustrowany Kuryer Codzienny, November 18, 1918, No. 225
RG-, Illustrowany Kuryer Codzienny, November 19, 1918, No. 226
RG-, Illustrowany Kuryer Codzienny, November 20, 1918, No. 227
RG-, Illustrowany Kuryer Codzienny, November 21, 1918, No. 228
RG-, Illustrowany Kuryer Codzienny, November 22, 1918, No. 229
RG-, Illustrowany Kuryer Codzienny, November 23, 1918, No. 230
RG-, Illustrowany Kuryer Codzienny, November 24, 1918, No. 231, Bund refuses Pilsudski's proposal
RG-, Illustrowany Kuryer Codzienny, November 25, 1918, No. 232
RG-, Illustrowany Kuryer Codzienny, November 26, 1918, No. 233
RG-, Illustrowany Kuryer Codzienny, November 27, 1918, No. 234, ZUNR
RG-, Wiadomosci Krakowskie, November 2, 1922, No. 15, The Trial of Fedak
RG-, Illustrowany Kuryer Codzienny, November 28, 1918, No. 235, anti-Jewish aquisations
RG-, Illustrowany Kuryer Codzienny, November 29, 1918, No. 236
RG-, Illustrowany Kuryer Codzienny, October 1, 1921, No. 266, Fedak, portrait
RG-, Illustrowany Kuryer Codzienny, October 2, 1921, No. 267
RG-, Illustrowany Kuryer Codzienny, September 25, 1921, No. 260, International agenda of Eastern Galicia
RG-, Illustrowany Kuryer Codzienny, September 26, 1921, No. 261
RG-, Illustrowany Kuryer Codzienny, September 27, 1921, No. 262, Fedak attempt on Pilsudski
RG-, Illustrowany Kuryer Codzienny, September 28, 1921, No. 263, Fedak, analysis
RG-, Illustrowany Kuryer Codzienny, September 29, 1921, No. 264, Fedak, analysis
RG-, Illustrowany Kuryer Codzienny, September 30, 1921, No. 265, Fedak, investigation, analysis
RG-, Wiadomosci Krakowskie, November 1, 1922, No. 14
RG-, Stepan Fedak, Illustrowany Kuryer Codzienny, October 1, 1921, No. 266
RG-, Stepan Fedak, Illustrowany Kuryer Codzienny, October 1, 1921, No. 266
RG-, Wiadomosci Krakowskie, November 1, 1922, No. 14
RG-, Wiadomosci Krakowskie, November 2, 1922, No. 15, The Trial of Fedak
RG-, Wiadomosci Krakowskie, October 25, 1922, No. 8, The Trial of Fedak began on 23 October 1922
RG-, Wiadomosci Krakowskie, October 26, 1922, No. 9, Fedak p. 7
RG-, Illustrowany Kuryer Codzienny, April 29, 1939, No. 117
RG-, Illustrowany Kuryer Codzienny, May 1, 1926, No. 119
RG-, Illustrowany Kuryer Codzienny, May 2, 1926, No. 120
RG-, Illustrowany Kuryer Codzienny, May 3, 1926, No. 121
RG-, Illustrowany Kuryer Codzienny, October 2, 1921, No. 267
RG-, Illustrowany Kuryer Codzienny, May 6, 1926, No. 123
RG-, Illustrowany Kuryer Codzienny, May 11, 1926, No. 128
RG-, Illustrowany Kuryer Codzienny, May 12, 1926, No. 129
RG-, Illustrowany Kuryer Codzienny, May 13, 1926, No. 130
RG-, Illustrowany Kuryer Codzienny, May 14, 1926, No. 131
RG-, Illustrowany Kuryer Codzienny, May 15, 1926, No. 132
RG-, Illustrowany Kuryer Codzienny, May 16, 1926, No. 133
RG-, Illustrowany Kuryer Codzienny, May 17, 1926, No. 134
RG-, Illustrowany Kuryer Codzienny, May 18, 1926, No. 135
RG-, Illustrowany Kuryer Codzienny, May 19, 1926, No. 136
RG-, Stepan Fedak, Illustrowany Kuryer Codzienny, October 1, 1921, No. 266
RG-, Illustrowany Kuryer Codzienny, May 20, 1926, No. 137
RG-, Illustrowany Kuryer Codzienny, May 21, 1926, No. 138
RG-, Illustrowany Kuryer Codzienny, May 22, 1926, No. 139
RG-, Illustrowany Kuryer Codzienny, May 23, 1926, No. 140
RG-, Illustrowany Kuryer Codzienny, May 24, 1926, No. 141
RG-, Illustrowany Kuryer Codzienny, May 28, 1926, No. 144
RG-, Illustrowany Kuryer Codzienny, May 30, 1926, No. 146
RG-, Illustrowany Kuryer Codzienny, June 2, 1926, No. 149
RG-, Illustrowany Kuryer Codzienny, June 4, 1926, No. 151
RG-, Illustrowany Kuryer Codzienny, June 8, 1926, No. 155
RG-, Stepan Fedak, Illustrowany Kuryer Codzienny, October 1, 1921, No. 266
RG-, Illustrowany Kuryer Codzienny, June 14, 1926, No. 161
RG-, Illustrowany Kuryer Codzienny, June 22, 1926, No. 169
RG-, Illustrowany Kuryer Codzienny, June 28, 1926, No. 175
RG-, Illustrowany Kuryer Codzienny, August 2, 1926, No. 210
RG-, Illustrowany Kuryer Codzienny, August 9, 1926, No. 217
RG-, Illustrowany Kuryer Codzienny, August 24, 1926, No. 232
RG-, Illustrowany Kuryer Codzienny, August 28, 1926, No. 236
RG-, Illustrowany Kuryer Codzienny, August 14, 1926, No. 222
RG-, Illustrowany Kuryer Codzienny, December 2, 1926, No. 331
RG-, Illustrowany Kuryer Codzienny, December 6, 1926, No. 335
RG-, Illustrowany Kuryer Codzienny, October 1, 1921, No. 266, Fedak, portrait
RG-, Illustrowany Kuryer Codzienny, December 12, 1926, No. 341
RG-, Illustrowany Kuryer Codzienny, December 16, 1926, No. 345
RG-, Illustrowany Kuryer Codzienny, December 22, 1926, No. 351
RG-, Illustrowany Kuryer Codzienny, December 28, 1926, No. 355
RG-, Illustrowany Kuryer Codzienny, July 1, 1926, No. 178
RG-, Illustrowany Kuryer Codzienny, July 8, 1926, No. 185
RG-, Illustrowany Kuryer Codzienny, July 14, 1926, No. 191
RG-, Illustrowany Kuryer Codzienny, July 18, 1926, No. 195
RG-, Illustrowany Kuryer Codzienny, May 28, 1926, No. 144
RG-, Illustrowany Kuryer Codzienny, November 6, 1926, No. 305
RG-, Illustrowany Kuryer Codzienny, September 30, 1921, No. 265, Fedak, investigation, analysis
RG-, Illustrowany Kuryer Codzienny, November 12, 1926, No. 311
RG-, Illustrowany Kuryer Codzienny, November 16, 1926, No. 315
RG-, Illustrowany Kuryer Codzienny, November 24, 1926, No. 323
RG-, Illustrowany Kuryer Codzienny, November 28, 1926, No. 327
RG-, Illustrowany Kuryer Codzienny, October 2, 1926, No. 271
RG-, Illustrowany Kuryer Codzienny, September 2, 1926, No. 241
RG-, Illustrowany Kuryer Codzienny, September 4, 1926, No. 243
RG-, Illustrowany Kuryer Codzienny, September 8, 1926, No. 247
RG-, Illustrowany Kuryer Codzienny, September 16, 1926, No. 256
RG-, Illustrowany Kuryer Codzienny, September 22, 1926, No. 261
RG-, Illustrowany Kuryer Codzienny, September 29, 1921, No. 264, Fedak, analysis
RG-, Illustrowany Kuryer Codzienny, September 28, 1926, No. 267
RG-, Illustrowany Kuryer Codzienny, September 28, 1921, No. 263, Fedak, analysis
RG-, Illustrowany Kuryer Codzienny, September 27, 1921, No. 262, Fedak attempt on Pilsudski
RG-, Illustrowany Kuryer Codzienny, September 26, 1921, No. 261
RG-, Illustrowany Kuryer Condzienny, October 23, 1925, No. 291, Steiger
RG-, Illustrowany Kuryer Condzienny, December 18, 1925, No. 347, Loewenstein, Defense
RG-, Illustrowany Kuryer Codzienny, September 25, 1921, No. 260, International agenda of Eastern Galicia
RG-, Illustrowany Kuryer Codzienny, November 29, 1918, No. 236
RG-, Illustrowany Kuryer Codzienny, November 28, 1918, No. 235, anti-Jewish aquisations
RG-, Illustrowany Kuryer Codzienny, November 27, 1918, No. 234, ZUNR
RG-, Illustrowany Kuryer Codzienny, November 26, 1918, No. 233
RG-, Illustrowany Kuryer Codzienny, November 25, 1918, No. 232
RG-, Illustrowany Kuryer Codzienny, November 23, 1918, No. 230
RG-, Illustrowany Kuryer Codzienny, November 22, 1918, No. 229
RG-, Illustrowany Kuryer Codzienny, November 21, 1918, No. 228
RG-, Illustrowany Kuryer Codzienny, November 20, 1918, No. 227
RG-, Illustrowany Kuryer Codzienny, November 19, 1918, No. 226
RG-, Illustrowany Kuryer Codzienny, November 18, 1918, No. 225
RG-, Illustrowany Kuryer Codzienny, November 17, 1918, No. 224
RG-, Illustrowany Kuryer Codzienny, November 16, 1918, No. 223, ZUNR, p. 6
RG-, Illustrowany Kuryer Condzienny, July 7, 1925, No. 184
RG-, Illustrowany Kuryer Condzienny, July 2, 1925, No. 179
RG-, Illustrowany Kuryer Condzienny, December 20, 1925, No. 349
RG-, Illustrowany Kuryer Condzienny, December 15, 1925, No. 344
RG-, Illustrowany Kuryer Condzienny, December 14, 1925, No. 343, Olszanski
RG-, Illustrowany Kuryer Condzienny, December 13, 1925, No. 342
RG-, Illustrowany Kuryer Condzienny, December 11, 1925, No. 341
RG- Illustrowany Kuryer Condzienny, December 11, 1925, No. 340, Waldman, testimony
RG-, Illustrowany Kuryer Condzienny, December 10, 1925, No. 339
RG-, Illustrowany Kuryer Condzienny, December 9, 1925, No. 338
RG-, Illustrowany Kuryer Condzienny, December 8, 1925, No. 337
RG-, Illustrowany Kuryer Condzienny, December 7, 1925, No. 336, Olszanski, UWO
RG-, Illustrowany Kuryer Condzienny, December 6, 1925, No. 335
RG-, Illustrowany Kuryer Condzienny, December 5, 1925, No. 334, Steiger
RG-, Illustrowany Kuryer Condzienny, December 4, 1925, No. 333, Olszanski's testimony
RG-, Illustrowany Kuryer Condzienny, December 3, 1925, No. 332, Steiger
RG-, Illustrowany Kuryer Condzienny, December 2, 1925, No. 331, Steiger
RG-, Illustrowany Kuryer Condzienny, December 1, 1925, No. 330
RG-, Illustrowany Kuryer Condzienny, November 14, 1925, No. 313, Steiger
RG-, Illustrowany Kuryer Condzienny, November 13, 1925, No. 312, Steiger
RG-, Illustrowany Kuryer Condzienny, November 12, 1925, No. 311, Olshanskii
RG-, Illustrowany Kuryer Condzienny, December 9, 1931, No. 340
RG-, Illustrowany Kuryer Condzienny, June 5, 1939, No. 153
RG-, Illustrowany Kuryer Condzienny, May 119, 1926, No. 119
RG-, Illustrowany Kuryer Condzienny, November 1, 1925, No. 300
RG-, Illustrowany Kuryer Condzienny, November 2, 1925, No. 301
RG-, Illustrowany Kuryer Condzienny, November 3, 1925, No. 302
RG-, Illustrowany Kuryer Condzienny, November 4, 1925, No. 303, Steiger
RG-, Illustrowany Kuryer Condzienny, November 5, 1925, No. 304, Steiger
RG-, Illustrowany Kuryer Condzienny, November 6, 1925, No. 305, Steiger, Ukrainians
RG-, Illustrowany Kuryer Condzienny, November 7, 1925, No. 306, Steiger
RG-, Illustrowany Kuryer Condzienny, November 8, 1925, No. 307, Steiger
RG-, Illustrowany Kuryer Condzienny, November 10, 1925, No. 309
RG-, Illustrowany Kuryer Condzienny, November 11, 1925, No. 310
RG-, Illustrowany Kuryer Condzienny, October 12, 1925, No. 280
RG-, Illustrowany Kuryer Condzienny, October 13, 1925, No. 281, Steiger
RG-, Illustrowany Kuryer Condzienny, October 14, 1925, No. 282, Steiger
RG-, Illustrowany Kuryer Condzienny, October 15, 1925, No. 283,
RG-, Illustrowany Kuryer Condzienny, October 16, 1925, No. 284, Steiger
RG-, Illustrowany Kuryer Condzienny, October 17, 1925, No. 285, Steiger, photograph
RG-, Illustrowany Kuryer Condzienny, October 18, 1925, No. 286, Steiger
RG-, Illustrowany Kuryer Condzienny, October 19, 1925, No. 287, Steiger
RG-, Illustrowany Kuryer Condzienny, October 21, 1925, No. 289, Steiger
RG-, Illustrowany Kuryer Condzienny, October 22, 1925, No. 290, Steiger
RG-, Illustrowany Kuryer Condzienny, October 22, 1925, No. 290
RG-, Illustrowany Kuryer Condzienny, October 25, 1925, No. 293, Steiger, Dilo
RG-, Illustrowany Kuryer Condzienny, October 27, 1925, No. 295
RG-, Illustrowany Kuryer Condzienny, October 28, 1925, No. 296
RG-, Illustrowany Kuryer Condzienny, October 29, 1925, No. 297, Steiger and Ukrainians
RG-, Illustrowany Kuryer Condzienny, October 30, 1925, No. 298, Steiger and Ukrainians
RG-, Illustrowany Kuryer Condzienny, October 31, 1925, No. 299, Steiger
RG-, Illustrowany Kuryer Condzienny, September 1, 1925, No. 239
RG-, Illustrowany Kuryer Condzienny, September 2, 1925, No. 240
RG-, Illustrowany Kuryer Condzienny, September 3, 1925, No. 241
RG-, Illustrowany Kuryer Condzienny, September 14, 1925, No. 252
RG-, Illustrowany Kuryer Condzienny, September 27, 1925, No. 265
RG-, the Court Hall, Steiger, from Ilustrowany Kuryer Codzienny
RG-, Illustrowany Kuryer Codzienny, November 13, 1918, No. 220
RG-, Illustrowany Kuryer Codzienny, November 14, 1918, No. 221
RG-, Illustrowany Kuryer Codzienny, November 15, 1918, No. 222
RG-, Illustrowany Kuryer Codzienny, November 16, 1918, No. 223, ZUNR, p. 6
RG-, Illustrowany Kuryer Codzienny, November 17, 1918, No. 224
RG-, Gazeta Lwowska, official publication of Lwow (Lviv) city authorities (the Lviv Gazette), January 1, 1922, No. 1
RG-,, Gazeta Lwowska (the Lviv Gazette), official publication of Lwow (Lviv) city authorities, February 19, 1922, No. 41
RG-, Gazeta Lwowska, offical publication of Lwow (Lviv) city authorities, (the Lviv Gazette), February 21, 1922, No. 42
RG-, Gazeta Lwowska (the Lviv Gazette), official publication of the Lwow (Lviv) city authorities, February 25, 1922, No. 46
RG-, Gazeta Lwowska (the Lviv Gazette), March 2, 1922, No. 50
RG-, Gazeta Lwowska (the Lviv Gazette), March 7, 1922, No. 54
RG-, Gazeta Lwowska (the Lviv Gazette), March 11, 1922, No. 58
RG-, Gazeta Lwowska (the Lviv Gazette), March 16, 1922, No. 62
RG-, Gazeta Lwowska (the Lviv Gazette), April 5, 1922, No. 70
RG-, Gazeta Lwowska (the Lviv Gazette), March 31, 1922, No. 66
RG-, Gazeta Lwowska (the Lviv Gazette), April 9, 1922, No. 74
RG-, Gazeta Lwowska (the Lviv Gazette), April 14, 1922, No. 78
RG-, Gazeta Lwowska (the Lviv Gazette), April 20, 1922, No. 82
RG-, Gazeta Lwowska (the Lviv Gazette), April 20, 1922, No. 86
RG-, Gazeta Lwowska (the Lviv Gazette), April 27, 1922, No. 88
RG-, Gazeta Lwowska (the Lviv Gazette), May 2, 1922, No. 92
RG-, Gazeta Lwowska (the Lviv Gazette), May 7, 1922, No. 96
RG-, Gazeta Lwowska (the Lviv Gazette), May 12, 1922, No. 100
RG-, Gazeta Lwowska (the Lviv Gazette), May 19, 1922, No. 106
RG-, Gazeta Lwowska (the Lviv Gazette), June 1, 1922, No. 116
RG-, Gazeta Lwowska (the Lviv Gazette), June 9, 1922, No. 122
RG-, Gazeta Lwowska (the Lviv Gazette), June 17, 1922, No. 128
RG-, Gazeta Lwowska (the Lviv Gazette), June 27, 1922, No. 136
RG-, Gazeta Lwowska (the Lviv Gazette), July 7, 1922, No. 144
RG-, Gazeta Lwowska (the Lviv Gazette), July 15, 1922, No. 150
RG-, Gazeta Lwowska (the Lviv Gazette), July 26, 1922, No. 160
RG-, Gazeta Lwowska (the Lviv Gazette), August 4, 1922, No. 168
RG-, Gazeta Lwowska (the Lviv Gazette), August 11, 1922, No. 174
RG-, Gazeta Lwowska (the Lviv Gazette), August 20, 1922, No. 181
RG-, Gazeta Lwowska (the Lviv Gazette), August 26, 1922, No. 186
RG-, Gazeta Lwowska (the Lviv Gazette), September 2, 1922, No. 192
RG-, Gazeta Lwowska (the Lviv Gazette), September 10, 1922, No. 198
RG-, Gazeta Lwowska (the Lviv Gazette), September 22, 1922, No. 208
RG-, Gazeta Lwowska (the Lviv Gazette), October 3, 1922, No. 216
RG-,ABC (Daily News informational newspaper of nationalist ideology), Poland, August 26, 1930, No. 237
RG-,, ABC, a daily news newspaper of nationalistic ideiology, Poland, September 24, 1926, No. 1
RG-, ABC, daily news newspaper of nationalistic ideology, Poland, September 25, 1926, No. 2
RG-,, ABC, September 26, 1926, No. 3
RG-,, ABC, September 27, 1926, No. 4
RG-, ABC, August 29, 1930, No. 240
RG-, ABC, August 31, 1930, No. 243
RG-,ABC, December 1, 1926, No. 68
RG-, ABC, December 5, 1926, No. 72
RG-, ABC, December 9, 1926, No. 76
RG-, ABC, December 15, 1926, No. 82
RG-, ABC, December 19, 1926, No. 86
RG-, ABC, December 27, 1926, No. 92
RG-, ABC, December 31, 1926, No. 96
RG-, ABC, July 2, 1933, No. 187
RG-, ABC, July 5, 1933, No. 190
RG-, ABC, July 10, 1930, No. 189
RG-, ABC, July 13, 1930, No. 192
RG-, ABC, July 15, 1933, No. 200
RG-, ABC, July 17, 1930, No. 196
RG-, ABC, July 19, 1930, No. 198
RG-, ABC, July 20, 1933, No. 206
RG-, ABC, July 30, 1933, No. 218
RG-, ABC, November 3, 1926, No. 40
RG-, ABC, November 9, 1926, No. 44
RG-, ABC, November 11, 1926, No. 48
RG-, ABC, November 15, 1926, No. 52
RG-, ABC, November 19, 1926, No. 56
RG-, ABC, November 23, 1926, No. 60
RG-, ABC, November 27, 1926, No. 64
RG-, ABC, October 1, 1926, No. 8
RG-, ABC, October 3, 1926, No. 10
RG-, ABC, October 7, 1926, No. 14
RG-, ABC, October 11, 1926, No. 18
RG-, ABC, October 15, 1926, No. 22
RG-, ABC, October 19, 1926, No. 26
RG-, ABC, October 25, 1926, No. 32
RG-, ABC, October 29, 1926, No. 36
RG-, ABC, September 1, 1930, No. 244
RG-, ABC, September 3, 1930, No. 246
RG-, ABC, September 28, 1926, No. 5
RG-, ABC, September 29, 1926, No. 6
RG-, ABC, July 5, 1933, No. 190
RG-, ABC, July 15, 1933, No. 200
RG-, ABC, July 20, 1933, No. 206
RG-, ABC, July 30, 1933, No. 218
RG-, ABC, September 1, 1930, No. 244
RG-, ABC, September 3, 1930, No. 246
RG-, ABC, August 13, 1933, No. 233
RG-, ABC, August 26, 1933, No. 246
RG-, ABC, July 2, 1933, No. 187
RG-, ABC, August 28, 1933, No. 248
RG-, ABC, September 1, 1933, No. 252
RG-, ABC, September 2, 1933, No. 254
RG-, ABC, September 18, 1933, No. 270
RG-, ABC, September 22, 1933, No. 274
RG-, ABC, January 2, 1934, No. 2
RG-, ABC, January 6, 1934, No. 6
RG-, ABC, January 11, 1934, No. 10
RG- , ABC, January 17, 1934, No. 16
RG- , ABC, January 17, 1934, No. 22
RG- , ABC, January 29, 1934, No. 28
RG- , ABC, February 6, 1934, No. 36
RG- , ABC, February 16, 1934, No. 46
RG- , ABC, February 26, 1934, No. 56
RG- , ABC, March 8, 1934, No. 66
RG- , ABC, March 18, 1934, No. 76
RG- , ABC, March 28, 1934, No. 86
RG- , ABC, April 12, 1934, No. 98
RG- , ABC, April 20, 1934, No. 106
RG- , ABC, April 30, 1934, No. 116
RG- , ABC, May 12, 1934, No. 128
RG- , ABC, May 20, 1934, No. 136
RG-, Nowosci Ilustrowane (Ilustrative News), January 5, 1924, No. 1
RG-, Nowosci Ilustrowane (Ilustrative News), January 26, 1924, No. 4
RG-, Nowosci Ilustrowane (Ilustrative News), March 8, 1924, No. 10
RG-, Nowosci Ilustrowane (Ilustrative News), April 19, 1924, No. 16
RG-, Nowosci Ilustrowane (Ilustrative News), May 17, 1924, No. 20
RG-, Nowosci Ilustrowane (Ilustrative News), June 14, 1924, No. 24
RG-, Nowosci Ilustrowane (Ilustrative News), July 12, 1924, No. 28
RG-, Nowosci Ilustrowane (Ilustrative News), August 9, 1924, No. 32
RG-, Nowosci Ilustrowane (Ilustrative News), September 6, 1924, No. 36
RG-, Nowosci Ilustrowane (Ilustrative News), April 19, 1924, No. 16
RG-, Nowosci Ilustrowane (Ilustrative News), November 15, 1924, No. 46
RG-, Nowosci Ilustrowane (Ilustrative News), December 25, 1924, No. 52
RG-, Nowosci Ilustrowane (Ilustrative News), January 10, 1925 No. 2
RG-, Nowosci Ilustrowane (Ilustrative News), January 24, 1925 No. 4
RG-, Nowosci Ilustrowane (Ilustrative News), February 7, 1925 No. 6
RG-, Nowosci Ilustrowane (Ilustrative News), March 7, 1925 No. 10
RG-, Nowosci Ilustrowane (Ilustrative News), April 4, 1925 No. 14
RG-, Nowosci Ilustrowane (Ilustrative News), May 2, 1925 No. 18
RG-, Nowosci Ilustrowane (Ilustrative News), May 16, 1925 No. 20
RG-, Nowosci Ilustrowane (Ilustrative News), May 30, 1925 No. 22
RG-, Nowosci Ilustrowane (Ilustrative News), June 13, 1925 No. 24
RG-, Nowosci Ilustrowane (Ilustrative News), July 7, 1925 No. 28
RG-, Nowosci Ilustrowane (Ilustrative News), July 25, 1925 No. 30
RG-, Nowosci Ilustrowane (Ilustrative News), August 15, 1925 No. 32
RG-, Nowosci Ilustrowane (Ilustrative News), August 22, 1925 No. 34
RG-, Nowosci Ilustrowane (Ilustrative News), September 5, 1925 No. 36
RG-, Nowosci Ilustrowane (Ilustrative News), September 12, 1925 No. 37
RG-, Nowosci Ilustrowane (Ilustrative News), September 19, 1925 No. 38
RG-, Nowa Reforma, January 1, 1920 No. 1
RG-, Nowa Reforma, January 9, 1920 No. 8
RG-, Nowa Reforma, January 18, 1920 No. 16
RG-, Nowa Reforma, January 24, 1920 No. 22
RG-, Nowa Reforma, February 9, 1920 No. 36
RG-, Nowa Reforma, February 21, 1920 No. 46
RG-, Nowa Reforma, March 3, 1920 No. 56
RG-, Nowa Reforma, March 14, 1920 No. 66
RG-, Nowa Reforma, March 26, 1920 No. 76
RG-, Nowa Reforma, April 8, 1920 No. 86
RG-, Nowa Reforma, April 22, 1920 No. 98
RG-, Nowa Reforma, May 9, 1920 No. 112
RG-, Nowa Reforma, May 22, 1920 No. 122
RG-, Nowa Reforma, June 9, 1920 No. 136
RG-, Nowa Reforma, June 23, 1920 No. 148
RG-, Nowa Reforma, July 5, 1920 No. 158
RG-, Nowa Reforma, July 17, 1920 No. 168
RG-, Nowa Reforma, August 2, 1920 No. 182
RG-, Nowa Reforma, August 14, 1920 No. 192
RG-, Nowa Reforma, September 6, 1920 No. 212
RG-, Nowa Reforma, September 19, 1920 No. 222
RG-, Nowa Reforma, October 4, 1920 No. 236
RG-, Nowa Reforma, October 18, 1920 No. 248
RG-, Nowa Reforma, October 30, 1920 No. 258
RG-, Nowa Reforma, November 11, 1920 No. 268
RG-, Nowa Reforma, December 4, 1920 No. 288
RG-, Nowa Reforma, December 17, 1920 No. 298
RG-, Nowa Reforma, December 31, 1920 No. 308
RG-, Nowa Reforma, January 2, 1921, No. 2
RG-, Nowa Reforma, January 16, 1921, No. 12
RG-, Nowa Reforma, January 28, 1921, No. 22
RG-, Nowa Reforma, February 14, 1921, No. 36
RG-, Nowa Reforma, February 27, 1921, No. 48
RG-, Nowa Reforma, March 11, 1921, No. 58
RG-, Sygnaly, December 1933-April 1934
Sub-Collection 1: RG-18.01.01, Sprawy Narodowosciowe (The National Minorities Affairs), 1931 -- 1939
Sub-Collection 2: RG-18.01.04, Polish Yearly Statistics, Poland, 1930s, 1930 -- 1939
Sub-Collection 3: RG-18.01.05, Polish interwar general Censuses, 1921 and 1931, 1921, 1931
Sub-Collection 4: RG-18.01.06, Droga (The Way). A monthoy publication of post-May 1926 Pilsudskiite camp of Sanation (Sanacja) or Moral Cleansing of the Nation, 1928 --1932
Sub-Collection 5: RG-18.01.07, Mysl Narodowa (National Thought), 1921 -- 1939, weekly, in 1921 -- 1925 a publicaiton of the National Democrats, in 1925 -- 1939, a general periodical under the edition of Z. Wasilewski, 1921 -- 1939
Sub-Collection 6: RG-18.01.08, Kurjer Lwowski (Lviv Herald), a Polish language daily published in Lviv (Lwow). A liberal oriented periodical since its was founded in 1887 untile it has become under the auspices of Polish Nationa Democracy in 1930., 1887 -- 1935
Sub-Collection 9: RG-18.01.09, Slowo Polskie (The Polish Word), 1918 -- 1939
Sub-Collection 8: RG-18.01.10, Wiadomosci Literackie (Literary News), 1924
Sub-Collection 12: RG-18.01.12, Polish Statistics, 1918 -- 1939
Sub-Collection 10: RG-18.01.13, Mucha (A Fly). An illustrative satirical magazine published in Warsaw in 1868 -- 1939 and again in 1946 -- 1952, 1918 -- 1939
Sub-Collection 11: RG-18.01.14, Ilustrowany Kuryer Codzienny (Illustrative Daily Herald), Polish daily newspaper of socio-political character, 1918 -- 1939
Sub-Collection 13: RG-18.01.20, Gazeta Lwowska (The Lwow Gazette), an official publication of Lwow (Lviv) city authorities in 1918 -- 1939, Polish language, 1918 -- 1939
Sub-Collection 14: RG-18.01.21, ABC, daily newspaper for everyone about everything. Newspaper of nationalistic trend in the ideology of National Democracy, 1926 -- 1931
Sub-Collection 15: RG-18.01.22, Nowsci Ilustrowane (Illustrative News), 1904 -- 1925
Sub-Collection 16: RG-18.01.23, Nowa Reforma (the New Reform)
Sub-Collection 17: RG-18.01.24, Sygnaly, a literary journal in Polish, 1918 -- 1939, 1918 --1939