RG-80.18.13, Fax from Calvi | Los Angeles Museum of the Holocaust
RG-80.18.13, Fax from Calvi
January 7, 2005
Los Angeles Museum of the Holocaust
Found in:
Jeffrey Mausner Papers of postwar collaboration trials, 1960-1980
Collection of Folder-Level 18: RG-80.18, Otto Albrecht Von Bolschwing, 1981--2005
Document/Artifact of Item-Level 13: RG-80.18.13, Fax from Calvi, January 7, 2005

United States of America Department of Justice (postwar)
Jeffrey Mausner (1960's--1980's)
US Department of Justice
Jeffrey Mausner (1960's--1980's)
US Department of Justice
Audrini (Latvia)
Bucharest (Romania)
Central Intelligence Agency (CIA)
Collaboration with Nazi Germany in the Second World War
Confiscation of Jewish property--Germany
Confiscation of Jewish property without German authorization
Confiscation of personal belongings and property
Counterintelligence Corps (CIC)
Department Office of Special Investigations (OSI)
Deportation from the United States
Displaced Persons Act
Displaced Persons Act of 1948 (United States)
Documents in English language
Eichmann, Adolf
English, language
Execution of Jews
Extermination of Jews
Final Solution
Final Solution to the Jewish Question in Europe, 1942 -- 1945
Gehlen Organization
German military and civil administration
German Police and Security forces, 1939 --1945
Gestapo (Nazi German Secret political police)
Greek Civil War
Hauptsturmführer (German Army Captain)
Illegal Immigration
Immigration and Nationality Act of 1952 (United States of America)
Immigration and Naturalization Service, United States of America
Immigration to the United States, postwar
Immigration to United States
International Refugee Organization (IRO)
Jeffrey N. Mausner
Jewish personal belongings
legal correspondence
Legal document
Legal practices
Naturalization documents
Naturalization in the United States
Nazi crimes against humanity, peace, and war crimes
Nazi Germany, Central Government
Nazi Government Officials
Nazi party
Nazi Party, membership
Nazi persecution of Jews
Nazi Police Officials
Nazi War Criminals
NSDAP and Nazi Germany, party and government officials
Otto Albrecht von Bolschwing
Otto Alfred von Bolschwing
Reichskommissariat Niederlande
Romania (Europe)
Schutzstaffel (SS)
SD, Sicherheitsdienst
SS and administrative personnel, German
Szczurkowo (Poland)
The Holocaust in Romania, 1941 -- 1945
The Iron Guard
U.S. Naturalization
Undercover Agent
Undercover Spy
United States court proceedings
US Department of Justice
US naturalization documents, 1900 -- 1960
war crimes trials
War crimes trials--Post-WWII
Bucharest (Romania)
Central Intelligence Agency (CIA)
Collaboration with Nazi Germany in the Second World War
Confiscation of Jewish property--Germany
Confiscation of Jewish property without German authorization
Confiscation of personal belongings and property
Counterintelligence Corps (CIC)
Department Office of Special Investigations (OSI)
Deportation from the United States
Displaced Persons Act
Displaced Persons Act of 1948 (United States)
Documents in English language
Eichmann, Adolf
English, language
Execution of Jews
Extermination of Jews
Final Solution
Final Solution to the Jewish Question in Europe, 1942 -- 1945
Gehlen Organization
German military and civil administration
German Police and Security forces, 1939 --1945
Gestapo (Nazi German Secret political police)
Greek Civil War
Hauptsturmführer (German Army Captain)
Illegal Immigration
Immigration and Nationality Act of 1952 (United States of America)
Immigration and Naturalization Service, United States of America
Immigration to the United States, postwar
Immigration to United States
International Refugee Organization (IRO)
Jeffrey N. Mausner
Jewish personal belongings
legal correspondence
Legal document
Legal practices
Naturalization documents
Naturalization in the United States
Nazi crimes against humanity, peace, and war crimes
Nazi Germany, Central Government
Nazi Government Officials
Nazi party
Nazi Party, membership
Nazi persecution of Jews
Nazi Police Officials
Nazi War Criminals
NSDAP and Nazi Germany, party and government officials
Otto Albrecht von Bolschwing
Otto Alfred von Bolschwing
Reichskommissariat Niederlande
Romania (Europe)
Schutzstaffel (SS)
SD, Sicherheitsdienst
SS and administrative personnel, German
Szczurkowo (Poland)
The Holocaust in Romania, 1941 -- 1945
The Iron Guard
U.S. Naturalization
Undercover Agent
Undercover Spy
United States court proceedings
US Department of Justice
US naturalization documents, 1900 -- 1960
war crimes trials
War crimes trials--Post-WWII