Goverment of Nazi Germany (1933 -- 1945) | Los Angeles Museum of the Holocaust
Name: Goverment of Nazi Germany (1933 -- 1945)
Historical Note: Nazi dominated goverment of Germany. Dictatorship of NSDAP and Nazi institutions. Dictatorial authority of Adolf Hitler and Police and Security aparatus
Digital Content Created by Goverment of Nazi Germany
Other Files: RG-42.01.11, Bernd Steinitz Deutsches Reich Reisepass
RG-42.01.12, Bernd Steinitz Deutsches Reich Kennkarte
RG-42.02.33, Bernd Steinitz, two daggers
RG-42.02.34, Bernd Steinitz, single dagger
RG-66.82, Regulations of free passage for gentile and Jewish Population Lviv, 1941
RG-66.98, German expansion to the East, a propaganda placard, ca 1930s