RG-01.04.10, Esther Przeworski Pratt “My Last Encounter with the Murderer of Jews, Degenhardt” | Los Angeles Museum of the Holocaust

RG-01.04.10, Esther Przeworski Pratt “My Last Encounter with the Murderer of Jews, Degenhardt”.pdf (PDF Document, 3.44 MB)
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RG-01.04.10, Esther Przeworski Pratt “My Last Encounter with the Murderer of Jews, Degenhardt”
Los Angeles Museum of the Holocaust
Found in:
Personal Memoirs, Testimonies and Diaries, 1918 -- 1996
Sub-Collection 4: RG-01.04, Anna Przeworska-Pratt papers, 1939 -1973
Document/Artifact of Item-Level 10: RG-01.04.10, Esther Przeworski Pratt “My Last Encounter with the Murderer of Jews, Degenhardt”, 1971

Czestochowa (Poland: ghetto)
Częstochowa (Poland)
Degenhardt (SS Official)
Degenhardt, Head of the German police and security forces
Epstein, Estera
Judischer Ordnungdienst (or Jüdische Ghetto-Polizei, Jewish Ghetto Police)
Mass killings--Czestochowa (Poland)
Parasol, Judischer Ordnungdienst (or Jüdische Ghetto-Polizei, Jewish Ghetto Police)
Przeworski-Pratt, Anna
Roundups and Actions in the ghettos
Roundups and Deportations of Jews
Częstochowa (Poland)
Degenhardt (SS Official)
Degenhardt, Head of the German police and security forces
Epstein, Estera
Judischer Ordnungdienst (or Jüdische Ghetto-Polizei, Jewish Ghetto Police)
Mass killings--Czestochowa (Poland)
Parasol, Judischer Ordnungdienst (or Jüdische Ghetto-Polizei, Jewish Ghetto Police)
Przeworski-Pratt, Anna
Roundups and Actions in the ghettos
Roundups and Deportations of Jews