RG-74.10, Telegram sent to Vaad Hahahzalah, from the Chief Rabbis Council, 9 November 1945 | Los Angeles Museum of the Holocaust

RG-74.10, Telegram sent to Vaad Hahahzalah, from the Chief Rabbis Council, 9 November 1945.pdf (PDF Document, 1.46 MB)
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RG-74.10, Telegram sent to Vaad Hahahzalah, from the Chief Rabbis Council, 9 November 1945
9 November 1945
Los Angeles Museum of the Holocaust
Found in:
American response to the Holocaust, Rabbi Josef Yarmish Papers, 1939-1945
Document/Artifact of Item-Level 10: RG-74.10, Telegram sent to Vaad Hahahzalah, from the Chief Rabbis Council in Europe, 9 November 1945

Vaad Hatzalah (the Rescue Committee) to rescue Jews in Europe during the Holocaust (1939 -- 1945)
Chief Rabbi Council (1939 --1949)
Chief Rabbi Council (1939 --1949)
Central Jewish Committee of the Jews in Poland, 1945 -- 1949
Correspondence between the Vaad Hatzalah and other agencies, 1939 -- 1945
Correspondence by Postal Telegraph, 1939 -- 1945
Czechoslovakia (1945--1991)
Documents in English language
Dr. Sommerstein, Central Jewish Committee of the Jews in Poland
Humanitarian and economic aid to the Jews of Eastern Europe in postwar time, 1945 -- 1949
Hungary (1945-1989)
Jews in Eastern Europe, postwar time
Jews in post-liberated Poland, social and economic conditions
Poland (1945 -- 1956)
RCA Communications, radiograms
The role of the Vaad Hatzalah in the rescue of Jews during the Holocaust, 1939 -- 1945
Vaad Hatzalah, the postwar help to the former prisoners of Nazi concentration camps and ghettos
Vaad Hatzalah, the Rescue Committee for the rescue of Jews during the Holocaust
Correspondence between the Vaad Hatzalah and other agencies, 1939 -- 1945
Correspondence by Postal Telegraph, 1939 -- 1945
Czechoslovakia (1945--1991)
Documents in English language
Dr. Sommerstein, Central Jewish Committee of the Jews in Poland
Humanitarian and economic aid to the Jews of Eastern Europe in postwar time, 1945 -- 1949
Hungary (1945-1989)
Jews in Eastern Europe, postwar time
Jews in post-liberated Poland, social and economic conditions
Poland (1945 -- 1956)
RCA Communications, radiograms
The role of the Vaad Hatzalah in the rescue of Jews during the Holocaust, 1939 -- 1945
Vaad Hatzalah, the postwar help to the former prisoners of Nazi concentration camps and ghettos
Vaad Hatzalah, the Rescue Committee for the rescue of Jews during the Holocaust