International Jewish Organizations and Committees (1939 -- 1945) | Los Angeles Museum of the Holocaust
Name: International Jewish Organizations and Committees (1939 -- 1945)
Historical Note: Jewish organizations and committees, political and humanitarian, in the Allied and United countries, 1939 -- 1945
Digital Content Created by International Jewish Organizations and Committees
Other Files: RG-74.03, Proposals for course of action to alleviate the tragic condition of Jews in occupied countries, ca 1942
RG-74.04, From the New York Post, 4,000,000 Jews are still alive in Europe, 26 February 1943
RG-74.06, Telegram to Rabbi Nathan Taragin, from Griffel Kastner kKlarman about the ships for refugees from Romania
RG-75.03.12, Gerhard Wallbach, Jewish Agency for Palestine, European Offices. February 24, 1939
RG-75.03.24, Hitachduth, Identification issued to Gerhard Wallbach in relation to German-Jewish immigration to Palestine, 1940