Allied Armed Forces, 1939 -- 1945 (1939 -- 1945) | Los Angeles Museum of the Holocaust
Name: Allied Armed Forces, 1939 -- 1945 (1939 -- 1945)
Historical Note: The armed forces of the united and allied nations fought against the Nazi Germany and its allies or the countries of anti-Hitler coalition.
Digital Content Created by Allied Armed Forces, 1939 -- 1945
Other Files: RG-28.03.01, Picture report of five concentration camps, Bildbericht aus funf Konzentrationslagern
RG-45.02.12, pile of shoes, Auschwitz
RG-45.02.14, Auschwitz, 'Canada' prisoners' toothbrushes, cloth brushes, and other personal items
RG-45.02.15, Auschwitz, children survivors of the camp and medical experiments
RG-45.02.19, Auschwitz, survivor of Auschwitz medical experiments
RG-45.02.30, Drancy transit camp, wall with inscriptions
RG-45.02.31, Drancy transit camp
RG-72.17.05, Allied expeditionary force. D.P. Index Card