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RG-72.25.02, Document stating time of stay at camp in Wels, Austria for Laszlo Kiss, 11 July 1945.pdf (PDF Document, 787.7 KB)
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RG-72.25.02, Document stating time of stay at camp in Wels, Austria for Laszlo Kiss, 11 July 1945
July 11, 1945
Los Angeles Museum of the Holocaust
Found in:
Ed Victor Papers, 1933-1972
Sub-Collection 25: RG-72.25, Displaced persons documents, 1945 -- 1950
Document/Artifact of Item-Level 2: RG-72.25.02, Document stating time of stay at camp in Wels, Austria for Laszlo Kiss, 11 July 1945, July 11, 1945

Authorities of the HQs of the Camp for DP, Wels, Austria (postwar)
Displaced persons camps, authorities (1945 --1954)
Displaced persons camps, authorities (1945 --1954)
Alpenjaegerkaserne, Wels (Austria)
Austria (1945 -- 1956)
Displaced person camps, documents
Displaced persons in Austria, postwar
Documents in English language
Documents in Hungarian language
Documents in Romanian Language
Documents in Serbo-Croatian language
DP camp Alpenjaegerkaserne, Wels (Austria)
English, language
Hungarian, language
Laszlo Kiss, camp for DPs, Wels (Austria)
Narratives in English language
Narratives in Hungarian language
Narratives in Romanian language
Narratives in Serbo-Croatian language
Proofs of stay at the displaced person camps
Romanian, language
Serbo-Croatian, language
Wels (Austria)
Austria (1945 -- 1956)
Displaced person camps, documents
Displaced persons in Austria, postwar
Documents in English language
Documents in Hungarian language
Documents in Romanian Language
Documents in Serbo-Croatian language
DP camp Alpenjaegerkaserne, Wels (Austria)
English, language
Hungarian, language
Laszlo Kiss, camp for DPs, Wels (Austria)
Narratives in English language
Narratives in Hungarian language
Narratives in Romanian language
Narratives in Serbo-Croatian language
Proofs of stay at the displaced person camps
Romanian, language
Serbo-Croatian, language
Wels (Austria)