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RG-46.06.14, Jewish boy hiding in fear of deportation.pdf (PDF Document, 6.47 MB)
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RG-46.06.14, Jewish boy hiding in fear of deportation
Los Angeles Museum of the Holocaust
Found in:
Integrated photo-documents and narratives, 1933-1945
Sub-Collection 6: RG-46.06, The Holocaust as reflected by contemporaneous photographers, 1939 -- 1945
Document/Artifact of Item-Level 14: RG-46.06.14, Jewish boy hiding in fear of deportation, 1939--1945

Aktions in ghettos, Second World War
Children in the ghettos
Children in the ghettos, photo-documents
Children in the Holocaust, photo-documents
Children victims
Daily life in ghettos
day-to-day life in ghettos
Deportation scenes
Deportations from ghettos
Deportations to concentration camps
Deportation to concentration camps
Evidences of Nazi-German crimes against humanity, peace and warcrimes
German Occupied and Controlled Territories
Holocaust in Europe, photo-documents
Life in the ghettos, photo-documents
Life in the ghettos reflected in the photo-documents
Nazi-German atrocities
Nazi-German discovery of Jews in hiding
Nazi atrocities
Nazi crimes against humanity, peace, and war crimes
Photo-documents, wartime, 1939 -- 1945
Photo-documents and evidences of Nazi crimes against humanity and war crimes, 1939 -- 1945
Photographs, children
Photographs, ghettos
Photographs, Jewish children in ghettos
Photographs, roundups
Photographs, transports and deportations
Photographs, wartime, 1939 -- 1945
Photographs of children
preservation and circularity of the evidence of Nazi crimes against humanity
Roundups and Actions in the ghettos
Roundups and aktions
Roundups and Deportations of Jews
The Holocaust in Europe, 1939 -- 1945
wartime photographs
Children in the ghettos
Children in the ghettos, photo-documents
Children in the Holocaust, photo-documents
Children victims
Daily life in ghettos
day-to-day life in ghettos
Deportation scenes
Deportations from ghettos
Deportations to concentration camps
Deportation to concentration camps
Evidences of Nazi-German crimes against humanity, peace and warcrimes
German Occupied and Controlled Territories
Holocaust in Europe, photo-documents
Life in the ghettos, photo-documents
Life in the ghettos reflected in the photo-documents
Nazi-German atrocities
Nazi-German discovery of Jews in hiding
Nazi atrocities
Nazi crimes against humanity, peace, and war crimes
Photo-documents, wartime, 1939 -- 1945
Photo-documents and evidences of Nazi crimes against humanity and war crimes, 1939 -- 1945
Photographs, children
Photographs, ghettos
Photographs, Jewish children in ghettos
Photographs, roundups
Photographs, transports and deportations
Photographs, wartime, 1939 -- 1945
Photographs of children
preservation and circularity of the evidence of Nazi crimes against humanity
Roundups and Actions in the ghettos
Roundups and aktions
Roundups and Deportations of Jews
The Holocaust in Europe, 1939 -- 1945
wartime photographs