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RG-68.27, Geography lesson in the Lodz ghetto in 1941, The boy points out Haifa on map of Palestine.pdf (PDF Document, 31.39 MB)
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RG-68.27, Geography lesson in the Lodz ghetto in 1941, The boy points out Haifa on map of Palestine
Los Angeles Museum of the Holocaust
Found in:
Wiener Library photo documents, 1938-1940
Document/Artifact of Item-Level 27: RG-68.27, Geography lesson in the Lodz ghetto, The boy points out Haifa on map of Palestine, 1941

Children in the Lodz ghetto
Children in the Lodz ghetto, photographs
Education in the Lodz ghetto
Education in the Lodz ghetto, photographs
German-occupied Poland, 1939-1945
German occupation of Poland
Haifa (Israel)
Haifa (Palestine)
Jewish life
Jews in German-occupied Poland
Life in the ghettos reflected in the photo-documents
Life under German occupation--Poland (1939-1945)
Lodz (Poland)
Lodz (Poland: Ghetto)
Lodz ghetto
Lodz Ghetto (Litzmannstadt Ghetto)
Lodz ghetto, 1940 -- 1944
Photo-documents, wartime, 1939 -- 1945
Photographs, children
Photographs, German-occupied Poland
Photographs, ghettos
Photographs, Jewish children in ghettos
Photographs, Lodz ghetto, 1940 -- 1944
Photographs, wartime, 1939 -- 1945
Photographs and artifacts, Lodz ghetto (1940 -- 1944)
Photographs of children
Poland (1939--1945)
The Holocaust in Poland, photo-documents
wartime photographs
Wiener Library, United Kingdom
Wiener Library, United Kingdom, Holocaust-related collections of photo-documents
Children in the Lodz ghetto, photographs
Education in the Lodz ghetto
Education in the Lodz ghetto, photographs
German-occupied Poland, 1939-1945
German occupation of Poland
Haifa (Israel)
Haifa (Palestine)
Jewish life
Jews in German-occupied Poland
Life in the ghettos reflected in the photo-documents
Life under German occupation--Poland (1939-1945)
Lodz (Poland)
Lodz (Poland: Ghetto)
Lodz ghetto
Lodz Ghetto (Litzmannstadt Ghetto)
Lodz ghetto, 1940 -- 1944
Photo-documents, wartime, 1939 -- 1945
Photographs, children
Photographs, German-occupied Poland
Photographs, ghettos
Photographs, Jewish children in ghettos
Photographs, Lodz ghetto, 1940 -- 1944
Photographs, wartime, 1939 -- 1945
Photographs and artifacts, Lodz ghetto (1940 -- 1944)
Photographs of children
Poland (1939--1945)
The Holocaust in Poland, photo-documents
wartime photographs
Wiener Library, United Kingdom
Wiener Library, United Kingdom, Holocaust-related collections of photo-documents