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RG-72.02.20, Memo addressed to Ch. Rumkowski of the Litzmannstadt ghetto, dated 3 May 1940.pdf (PDF Document, 3.02 MB)
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RG-72.02.20, A request for mainting a telephone line by the Jewish Council of Lodz and trasferring it to a ghetto pharmacy, 3 May 1940
3 May 1940
Los Angeles Museum of the Holocaust
Found in:
Ed Victor Papers, 1933-1972
Sub-Collection 2: RG-72.02, Correspondence from and to ghettos, 1939 -- 1945
Document/Artifact of Item-Level 20: RG-72.02.20, A request for mainting a tellephone line by the Jewish Council of Lodz and trasferring it to a ghetto pharmacy, 3 May 1940

Chaim Rumkowski, Chairman of the Jewish council in Lodz (1940--1944)
Jewish Council (Judenrat) of the Lodz ghetto (1940 -- 1944)
Management of the Lodz telephone lines (1939 --1945)
Pharmacies in the Lodz Ghetto, 1940 - 1944 (1940 -- 1940)
Jewish Council (Judenrat) of the Lodz ghetto (1940 -- 1944)
Management of the Lodz telephone lines (1939 --1945)
Pharmacies in the Lodz Ghetto, 1940 - 1944 (1940 -- 1940)
Chaim Rumkowski, chairman of the Judenrat in the Lodz ghetto
correspondence to and from ghettos
day-to-day life in the Lodz Ghetto
Departments of Jewish Councils (Judenraete) in German-occupied and controlled territories
Departments of the Jewish Council of the Lodz Ghetto, 1940 --1944
Inter-ghetto correspondence, Lodz Ghetto
Interdepartmental documentation of the Jewish Council of Lodz
Judenraete (Jewish councils)
Judenrat (Jewish council), Lodz ghetto
Lodz (Poland)
Lodz (Poland: Ghetto)
Official correspondence from the Jewish Council of Lodz, 1940 --1944
Pharmacies in Lodz Ghetto, 1940 -- 1944
Pharmacies in the ghettos, 1940 -- 1945
Poland (1939 --1945)
Polish Telephone Company in Lodz, 1939 -- 1945
Telephones in the ghettos, 1940 -- 1944
The Holocaust in Poland
correspondence to and from ghettos
day-to-day life in the Lodz Ghetto
Departments of Jewish Councils (Judenraete) in German-occupied and controlled territories
Departments of the Jewish Council of the Lodz Ghetto, 1940 --1944
Inter-ghetto correspondence, Lodz Ghetto
Interdepartmental documentation of the Jewish Council of Lodz
Judenraete (Jewish councils)
Judenrat (Jewish council), Lodz ghetto
Lodz (Poland)
Lodz (Poland: Ghetto)
Official correspondence from the Jewish Council of Lodz, 1940 --1944
Pharmacies in Lodz Ghetto, 1940 -- 1944
Pharmacies in the ghettos, 1940 -- 1945
Poland (1939 --1945)
Polish Telephone Company in Lodz, 1939 -- 1945
Telephones in the ghettos, 1940 -- 1944
The Holocaust in Poland