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Of Type "Topical Term" Beginning with "Z"
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"Topical Term" Subjects Beginning with "Z"
Za Svobodu (For Freedom), periodical of the Russian National Unity organization, interwar Poland
Za Svobodu (For Freedom), periodical Russian, interwar Poland, Sprawy Narodowosciowe
Zablocie (southwest Poland)
Zadner, Anna
Zahrava (Crimson Sky), a nationalistic Ukrainian journal published in Lviv, 1923 – 1924
Zakarpattia Oblast (Ukraine)
Zamarstynowska Prison in Lviv (Lwow), unearthing of crimes of the NKVD, June, July 1941
Zamarstynowska Prison in Lviv (Lwow), wartime
Zapovjedničtvo Sabirnih Logora Lobor-Grad (Yugoslavia)
Zbaraz (Poland)
Zbigniew Keller
Zdenek Ornest
Zdiscaw Holzhocker, Prisoner of Auschwitz-Birkenau concentration camp, Poland
Zdislaw Holzhacker, Prisoner of Auschwitz-Birkenau concentration camp, Poland
Zdunska Wola (Poland: Lodz province), national self-identification, Second Census, 1931
Zdunska Wola (Poland: Lodz province), population, Second Census, 1931
Zgierz (Poland: Lodz province), national self-identification, Second Census, 1931
Zgierz (Poland: Lodz province), population, Second Census, 1931
Zhukov, USSR, Tedder, Allies, Keitel, signing the Act of Capitulation of Germany, Berlin, May 8 1945
Zidovske Zpravy, musical review, Czechoslovakia, interwar period
Zionism, Jewish national movement
Zionism, political and national theory
Zionist activities
Zionist activities in Europe and America, prewar, wartime, postwar
Zionist agenda at the Paris Peace Conference, 1919
Zionist appeals in Hungary, 1920s
Zionist cause and affairs, reflected by Chwila
Zionist Circle in the Second Sejm sends a message to the electorate, 1928
Zionist Circle in the Second Sejm, 1928 -- 1930
Zionist conception of Jewish loyalty to the Polish State, 1918 --1939
Zionist conception of national self-determination in Eastern Galicia, 1918 -- 1923
Zionist Congresses, reflected in Chwila, 1919 -- 1939
Zionist cultural organizations in Vienna, interwar period
Zionist cultural organizations in Vienna, WIZO, interwar period
Zionist kibbutzim in Poland, interwar period
Zionist Labor Party (Hitachduth)
Zionist movement in Hungary, 1920s
Zionist Organization of Poland, 1918 -- 1939
Zionist organization of Western Galicia, Poland
Zionist Organizations in East and Central Europe, 1918 --1923
Zionist perception of Jewish education, Eastern Galicia, 1918 -- 1939
Zionist periodicals in Polish language, Eastern Galicia
Zionist politicians, interwar period, reflected in Chwila
Zionist politics, development of Jewish settlements in Palestine, reflected in Chwila, 1919 - 1939
Zionist principles of Jewish national revival, 1918 --1923
Zionist principles of Jewish parliamentary representation from Eastern Galicia, 1918 -- 1923
Zionist representation at the Paris Peace Conference, 1919
Zionist Revisionist Movement, DP Camps, 1946
Zionist, Folkist and Orthodox posits with regard to Jewish education, interwar Poland
Zionistic politics
Zionistic-based publication, American
Zlotow (Poland; German labor camp; Zlotiv)
Zoltan Foldes
Zonderwater P.O.W. camp (South Africa)
Zoria Halytska, a proto-Ukrainian, a church slavonic periodical, Revolution of 1848, Galicia
Zoria, a first proto-Ukrainian language periodicals begins appears in Galicia, 1840s
Zubrzycski, Ukrainian historian, public figure, unacceptance of Ukrainian language, 19c, Novyi Chas
Zunftgruppe der Tabakwarenhaendler (German Guild of tobacconists), circa 1933
Zutphen (Netherlands)
Zwiazek Proletariatu Miast and Wsi, Urban and Rural Union of Proletariat, First Term Sejm 1922-1927
Zwickau prison
Zygielbojm, Szmul
Zyklon B
Zyrardow (Poland: Warsaw: Blonie), Second Census, 1931
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