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Beginning with "S"
Browse by Creator | Los Angeles Museum of the Holocaust
Creators Beginning with "S"
S. Berman (December 1941)
S. Fogelson, Polish-Jewish scholar, contributing authro to Sprawy Narodowosciowe (interwar Poland)
S. Hauptmann, prosthetic dentistry, Lodz ghetto (February 1945)
S. Hochberg (September 1941)
S. Meyer
S. Scepovic, correspondence from concentration camp
S. van Hailsma, worker at Junkers aircraft industry in Aschersleben, Germany (1942)
S.M.P. Krakow postcard manufacturer (circa 1914--1981)
Sabbath School Work, co-publisher
Sabina Sulgram (December 1941)
Sadurski, Stanislaw
Safran, A. (1970)
SAGE article
Salek, prisoner in Dresden, 1939 (1939)
Salomon Czortkower, Polish anthropologist of Jewish origin.
Saly Mayer, resident of St. Gallen, Switzerland, 1949 (1940)
Samuel Chmielewski, Polish-Jewish historian, contributing author to Sprawy Narodowosciowe (interwar Poland)
Samuel M. Gup, Rabbi (1939 -- 1941)
San Francisco Chronicle, American publication
San Gabriel Tribune, California
San Jose Mercury, American publication
Sanation (Sanacja), the course of building a moral nation in Poland (1926 -- 1935)
Sanation (Sanacja), the course of building a moral nation in Poland (1926--1935)
Sandorne Cseko
Sanivecha, Tania (1941--1944)
Sargent H. Katz
Sarra Israilevna Reznik from Dnepropetrovsk (USSR) (1945)
Saul Biesielski (9 August 1944)
Sawicki, Czeslaw
Schellong, Josef
Schlesische Lichtdruck u. graph. Kunstanstalt, Breslau II (Tivoli), German printing company
Schleyer, Werner (1930 --1978)
Schmerman, Esther (June 1958)
Schniewind, Ewald (1 January 1941)
Schoenberg family
Schoenberg, Arnold (24 October 1945)
Schoenberg, Arthur
Schoenberg, Else (1941)
Schoenberg, Eveline (Eva) (1949)
School authorities, Coburg (1934)
Schools at the Displaced Persons camps (1946 -- 1956)
Schragai, Alice
Schuele, Frieda
Schule, Arno
Schulhoff, Grete
Schulze, Hermann
Schutz, Tomasek
Schutzstaffel aka SS (Nazi-German paramilitary organization) (circa 1929--1945)
Schwartz Family (1930--)
Schwartz, Nathaniel H., M.D. (1952)
Schwarz, Gustav
Schwarzbaum, Alfred
Schwatz, Dana
Schweizer Illustrierte Zeitung, newspaper, Swiss
Sebyla, Alina
Secher, Max (1950)
Seconary publications, 1918 -- 1939 (1918 -- 1939)
Second Lieutenant Bernhard von der Marwitz
Second World War, 1939 -- 1945 (1939 -- 1945)
Secondary publications (1940 -- 1945)
Secondary publications (1939 -- present)
Secondary Repositories
Secretariat of the First Term Sejm (parliament) of the Second Polish Republic, 1922 – 1927 (1922 -- 1927)
Security police in Libau (Latvia) (1939-1945)
Sedlak, Marie
Seelig, Heinz
Sejm of the Second Polish Republic (1919 -- 1939)
Serbian, Croatian and Hungarian political organizations (1930s -- 1945)
Sergeant Galden M. Gallup
Service Company 141st Infantry
Servizi Demografici, Citta' di Torino (1939)
Sexton of the Congregation Temple Beth El, New York, New York (1858)
Sgt. Boch, unknown residence
Shanghai French Concession Police
Shanghai Jewish Youth Association
Shanghai Jewish Youth Association School
Shanghai Municipal Council
Shoe factory Lviv (Lemberg)
Shulz, Bruno (1892-1942)
Siegfired Meyer, Legal Counselor (1939)
Siegfried Arely (28 May 1944)
Siegfried Kocherthaler (May 1939)
Siegfried Meyer (1939)
Siegfried Meyer, Counselor (1939)
Siegfried Meyer, Law Firm in Nidau bei Biel, Germany (1939)
Siegni Fryde (December 1941)
Sienicki, W.
Sienicki, Witold
Simon Dubnov
Simon Schvarcz
Simon Wiesenthal Center (Los Angeles, California, United States)
Simon Wiesenthal Center for Holocaust Studies
Sinai family (1930 -- 1982)
Sinai-Reiss-Simpson-Millet Family
Sir Walter Scott, author
Skovgaard Museum, Denmark
Sloma Jechok, Prisoner of Buchenwald concentration camp, Germany, 1940 (1940)
Slovakian Red Cross
Slowo Polskie (The Polish Word) (1922)
Slowo Polskie (The Polish Word), editorial board and contributors (1918 -- 1939))
Slowo Polskie, editorial board and contributors, 1918 -- 1926
Slowo Polskie, periodical in Lwow, stenographic report about the Sobinski assassins trail, 1928
Sobibor Museum (1946-2012)
Social Democratic Party of Germany (Sozialdemokratische Partei Deutschlands)
Social Security Institution in Lviv (Lwow), wartime
Society for Jewish Culture-Fairfax Temple
Society for the Promotion of Handicrafts and Agriculture for Jews in the Far East
Society for the Suppression of Tuberculosis in Amsterdam (ca 1940s)
Sofia Dutka (Dutkowna), prisoner of the female concentration camp Ravensbrueck (1941 -- 1943)
Sofia Guttentag-Davidson (1893-)
Sokotowski, Josef
Sol Eytinge, illustrator
Soldiers, Czechoslovak (1939 -- 1945)
Soldiers, Germany (1939 -- 1945)
Soldiers, Hungarian, Second World War (1940-1945)
Solomon Rabinovich (1965)
Solomon, M. (1965)
Son of W. Prager (Steff) (March 1942)
Sons of Liberty, publishing
Sophie Koslowski, Prisoner of Auschwitz-Birkenau concentration camp, Poland, 1943 (1943)
Sophie Sara Goldberger, resident of Vienna (Austria)
Sophie von Harzdorf (1944)
Sophien-Gymnasium (1903)
South Jersey Congregation of Israel, publisher
Soviet anti-Zionist organizations, 1970s (1970s)
Soviet authorities (1939 -- 1945)
Soviet Extraordinary State Commission (1942-1945)
Soviet Judicial Authorities (circa 1946)
Soviet military officials (July 1944)
Soviet partisan command (1942 -- 1944)
Soviet Union (1933-1945
Soviet Union periodical
Sovietisch Heimland, Yiddish language, Soviet published magazine (1970s)
Sprawy Narodowosciowe (National Minoorities Affairs), publication, Poland (1928 --1939)
Sprawy Narodowosciowe (National Minorities Affairs) (1931 -- 1939)
Sprawy Narodowosciowe, editorial board and contributors (1927 -- 1939)
Sprawy Narodowsciowe
SS and police of Lemberg/ Lviv (1938 -- 1945)
SS Race and Settlement Main Office - SS Rasse un Siedlungshauptamt (1931-1945)
SS-Haupsturmfuhrer (1939-1945)
SS-Obersturmbannfuhrer (1939-1945)
St. Josef-Bucherbruderschaft (St. Joseph Brotherhood) in Klagenfurt
Staff of Kiev Military District
Standard Publications
Stanidtaw Lilejkis, Prisoner of Buchenwald concentration camp, Germany (1944)
Stanislaus Komorowski (March 1941)
Stanislaviv Word (The Stanislaviv Word), Stanislaviv, publisher and editorial board, 1942 (1942)
Stanislaw Dutka (1942)
Stanislaw Panek, Prisoner of Auschwitz-Birkenau concentration camp, Poland, 1941 (1941)
Stanislaw Paprocki, editor-in-chief of Sprawy Narodowosciowe, 1927 -- 1939
Stanislaw Rymer from Zelazna (Poland) (1944)
Stanislaw Sadurski, Prisoner of Oranienburg-Sachsenhausen concentration camp, Germany
Stanislaw Stasiak, prisoner in Bromberger (Stuhm, Germany) (1943)
Stanislaw Strzetelski, editor-in-chief of the ABC - Nowiny Codzienne (the Daily News) (1895 -- 1969)
Stanislaw Toegel (1905-1953)
Stanislaw Turski (Krakow, Poland) (1943)
Stanislaw Wojciechowski, Prisoner of Auschwitz-Birkenau concentration camp, Poland, 1944 (1944)
Stanislaw Zakrewski, Professor (19)
Stanislaw Zurnia
Stanley Tilles
Stara Gradiska concentration camp, Croatia (Yugoslavia)
Staszycastr Okupny, Maria
State and Municipal authorities, Italian (1927 -- 1945)
State Museum of Auschwitz-Birkenau
State Museum of Majdanek, Lublin, Poland
State of California
State of New York
State of Victoria (Australia)
State Saving Bank of Munich (1945 --)
Stefan Belka, prisoner at Feldafing labor camp (1944)
Stefan Kleinert, Prisoner of Oranienburg-Sachsenhausen concentration camp, Germany, 1944 (1944)
Stefan Koziecszny, Prisoner of Gusen concentration camp, Austria, 1944 (1944)
Steig, Max (1963)
Steiniger-Verlage, Berlin, publishers
Steinitz Family (1860 -- 1960)
Stengal &Co., postcard manufaturer
Stengel & Co., Dresden (1898 -- 1944)
Stenographic reports from the Steiger Trial, 1924, 1925 (September 1924, October - December 1925)
Stephen Paskey
Sternbach, Piroska (1963)
Sternbuch, Jewish negotiator (1944)
Steven Spielberg Film and Video Archive at USHMM (1945)
Steven Spielberg Film and Video Archive at USHMM (1932)
Steven Spielberg Film Video Archive at the USHMM (1933 -- 1945)
Steven Spielberg Film Video Archive at the USHMM (1929)
Steven Zipperstein
Stevens, Bernd (1920 -- present)
Stobierski, Mieczyslaw (1914-1998)
Stoner Anti-Jewish Party
Strasburger-Ojzer, Eva
Strasburger-Ojzer, Lola
Studio & Gallery, American art studio and gallery, New York City, New York
Stuermer Publishing House
Stutthof Concentration Camp Memorial Museum, Poland
Sudetendeutsche Heimatfront (1935)
Sunday Empire News
Sunday Punch, American military publication
Susanna Schleyer (1939)
Svenska Dagbladet (Swedish wartime newspaper)
Svenska Dagbladet (Swiss German-language wartime newspaper)
Swedish government (1930--1945)
Swedish Red Cross
Swedish wartime newspapers
Swiss Bank Corporation
Swiss Consulate in Frankfurt, Germany
Swiss Political Organization (1939 -- 1945)
Swiss Red Cross
Sygnaly (The Signals), editorial board and contributors (1933 --1939)
Sygnaly, editorial board and contributors (1933 -- 1939)
Sygnaly, Newspaper, Polish (1933 -- 1939)
Sylvia Loewy (January 1943)
Sylvia Lowe (1928 -- ?)
Sylvia Lowe, daughter of the survivor, Jakob Grynszpan
Sz Cepelinski (November 1941)
Sz Lipszyc (September 1940)
Sz Tarnowska (July 1941)
Szacki, Jakob
Szaja Pacanowsky (August 1949)
Szarzynska, Eugenia
Szejrra Liberman (September 1941)
Szoel Mehel, inhabitant of the Lublin Ghetto, 1942 (March 1942)
Szule, Chaim
Szulim Redlich (January 1941)
Szyja Prywes (October 1943)
Szymczak, Stanislaw
Szymon (Simon) Datner, survivor of Bialystok ghetto, Holocaust researcher
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