Browse by Subject | Los Angeles Museum of the Holocaust
"Topical Term" Subjects Beginning with "M"
Marshal Zhukov, USSR, Marshal Arthur Tedder, Allied Air Force, Field Marshal Wilhelm Keitel, Germany
Maurycy Allerhand, rejection of German offer to take post of Chairman of Judenrat in Lviv, July 1941
Memoir prose of Polish Ukrainian war of 1918 -- 1919, published in continuity in Slowo Polskie, 1921
Memorandum of East Galician Zionist in favor of the Central powers, 1915, Slowo Polskie October 1921
Middle Lithuania (Wilno province), incorporation in Second Polish Republic, 1921, 1922, Chwila, 1921
Ministerialdirigent, High ranking Civil Servant,published in Who is Who in Germany and Austria, 1945
Monetary surrogates in term of scripts, receipts, ghetto paper money issued in Theresiensdatd ghetto