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"Topical Term" Subjects Beginning with "I"
I.B.S.N. (Instytut Badan Spraw Narodowosciowych), Research Institute for National Minorities, Poland
In anticipation of Josef Pilsudski, Chief of State, visit to Lwow (Lviv), preparatory measures, 1921
Indictment in the St. George communist congress of October 30, 1921 in Lviv Wiek Nowy, November 1922
installation of in-house furniture, at Deutsche Ausrüstungswerke. GMBH, Werk Dachau, photo-documents
Instincts and realities of Jewish Ukrainian coexistence and interaction in a given village Luchynets
Integration into American way of life Polish-Jewish immigrants Estera Epstein (Anna Przeworsk-Pratt)
Inter Party committee for amnesty of political prisoners, Ukrainian Social Democratic Party (Vpered)
Internal political, social, economic, cultural, national, religious affairs, Poland, interwar period
Interpellation in Prussian Parliament (Germany) in regard to the Steiger Affair, Chwila October 1925
Interpellation of Ukrainian senators in the Senate of the First Term Sejm, 1922 -- 1927, Poland 1924
Introductions of new bills, statutes and acts, the First Term Sejm (parliament), Poland, 1922 - 1927
Investigation of attempt of Pilsudki and Grabowski lives, Lviv, September 1921, Fedak and associates
Involvement of The Jewish Brigade in the occupation of Germany, reported by The Palestine Post, 1945
Ivan Babii, Director of Ukrainian Gymnasium in Lviv, victim of the OUN assassin Novyi Chas July 1934