Browse by Subject | Los Angeles Museum of the Holocaust
Subjects Beginning with "D"
Dachkomitee, coordinating committee, regarding the welfare of Jews, Germany, Greenstein Report, 1949
Defendants (conspirators) discussed the attempt in Cafe Republique on September 23, 1921 Fedak Trial
Destratification of peasantry and among local landowners, West Ukrainian land under Poland, 14, 15 c
Discourse about DP assembly centers, Report on Displaced Persons in US area of control, Germany 1947
Discourse about DP camp advisory committees, Report on Displaced Persons in US area of control, 1947
Discourse about housing in DP camps, Report on Displaced Persons in US area of control, Germany 1947
Discourse about Soviet authoritarian and Polish parliamentary systems, Prosecutor Guertler (Gurterl)
Discourse about Soviet authoritarian judicial system and Polish judicial system, Prosecutor Guertler
Discourse and reflection on Sel Rob, Ukrainian socialist party by M. Felinski, Sprawy Narodowosciowe
Discourse of chauvinism in Wiek Nowy, assassination of Sydir Tverdokhlib (Twerdochlib), October 1922
Discourse of European international representation at European forums for national minorities, 1920s
Discourse of Polish language in courts in borderlands German territories, Sprawy Narodowosciowe 1929
Discourse on the existential issues, Shashkevych, Holovatskyi, Vagylevych, by M. Vozniak, Novyi Chas
Discretionary removal and exclusion of former national socialists from public spheres, Germany, 1945
Discussion of American aid for the recovery of Europe, postwar, reported by The Palestine Post, 1945
Discussion over the Law of the State Court (Trybunal Stanu), the First Term Sejm, 15th session, 1923
Disparities in the results of counts for the Ukrainian population in interwar Poland, sources, 1920s
Disproportional representation in the count of national minorities, minorities count vs. state count
District Galicia is included into the administrative division of the General Government, August 1941
Dmytro Gregolynskyj, executive editor, Ukrainske Slovo (The Ukrainian Word, Stanislaviv), 1941, 1942
Dni Petlury (Petlura Days), the arrests and murders of Jews conducted by Ukrainian Police, Lviv,1941
Dr. Czeslawa Grosser (Grosserowa), medical doctor, defendant, St. George communist trial, Lviv, 1922
Dr. Natan Loewenstain, Steiger Trial, Declaration of the Defense team, October 20, 1925, Chwila 1925
Dr. Ozjasz Thon, Cracow, Zionist politician, sociologist, Rabbi, Member of Polish Sejm, 1870 -- 1936