Browse by Subject | Los Angeles Museum of the Holocaust
"Topical Term" Subjects Beginning with "B"
Belaruskaje Slovo (Belorussian Word), periodical Belorussian, interwar Poland, Sprawy Narodowosciowe
Bonn Constitution, Bundestag (National Parliament of the Federal Republic of Germany), lower chamber
Bonn Constitution, Finance (financial monopolies & taxes administered by federal finance authorities
Bonn Constitution, The Federal President (consisting of the German Federal Chancellor), head of gove
Boris Savinkov (Sawinkow) is not extradicted to Soviet authorities by Polish Sejm, 1921 Chwila, 1921
Braunschweig (Germany: Concentration camp), female prisoners, agricultural works pictorial depiction
Bruno Heilig, personal narrative written in Mooragh (Ramsey, Isle of Man, UK: internment camp), 1940